Chapter 17: Vault Sensitive — Encoding for Privacy

Chapter 17: Vault Sensitive — Encoding for Privacy


The general idea of “vaulted” values is that some fields in your database might contain sensitive data and you might not want to make this data visible to all the code in your whole project. The data could be sensitive for a number of reasons, maybe it’s PII, or maybe it’s confidential for some other reason. The idea here is that you can’t very well limit access to this data in a lower layer like CQL can provide because it’s likely that the functions accessing the data at this layer are in the business of processing this data. For instance in Meta’s Messenger application, the body of messages, the “text” if you will, is highly sensitive, it might contain extremely valuable information like phone numbers, medical information, literally anything. And yet the Messenger application is in the business of displaying this data; this is literally what it does. However, sensitive data is supposed to be handled in certain very specific ways in certain very specific places. It shouldn’t be appearing just willy nilly. For instance sensitive data should never appear in debug logs.

In fact, in any given application, there there is typically a lot of code that simply passes the data along and never looks at it. This is in some sense what we want, most places just flow data to where it needs to go and only when it is actually needed, for instance to draw some pixels on the screen, do we crack the data. We can search our codebase carefully for these “cracking” operations and indeed we can limit them with compilation tools to certain places. All of this is in the name of avoiding mistakes.

It’s not perfect, but it adds a level of resistance and discoverability that is useful for highly sensitive data.

Basics of Operation

The normal situation is that the presentation layer of your application uses various stored procedures to create result sets full of the data that it needs to get the job done. It passes these around to its various layers. It may extract some fields and pass those around, maybe row by row. The idea is that some of the values in the result set, the sensitive ones, are not the real values, they are proxies. The reason the attribute that drives all this is called “vault_sensitive” is because it imagines the (optional) existence of a “vault” that stores the real value of sensitive items and instead offers a proxy value that is useless. For instance the vaulted value of a text message might be the next available vaulted message number, “12”. It’s still a string. It flows like a string. All the places that thing text is a string get a string but the actual string is useless.

If you were to accidentally log this string in a debug file you would see a useless number. The vault storage is typically set up so that the key “12” is weakly held and when it vanishes the storage associated with it also vanishes. This is particularly easy to do in some runtimes (like iOS). In other runtimes (Java) it’s actually quite hard. In that case you could opt to instead do some locally reversible encryption of the message text. Like maybe there is a local key that is globally known but is not durable, it’s persisted nowhere. Messages can be decoded locally with ease but any message that actually left the device would be encrypted forever with no hope of recovery.

The CQL position on this is that the encoding is entirely up to the `cqlrt`` runtime which is replaceable. So it’s entirely up to the customer to decide whether encoding is even useful and if so what encoding is suitable in their context. The primitives simply make this possible.

To light up encoding you apply one of three attribute forms to any given procedure to “vault” its sensitive columns.

Let’s consider these examples:

create table test
  a integer,
  b text,
  x integer @sensitive,
  y text @sensitive

proc foo1()
  select * from test;

proc foo2()
  select * from test;

proc foo3()
  select * from test;

proc foo4()
  select * from test;

Looking at each of these in turn.

  • foo1: did not opt-in to vaulting, the storage is normal
  • foo2: opted all sensitive columns in to vaulting, x and y will be encoded
  • foo3: specified the sensitive columsn to vault, so just x
  • foo4: specified that x is to be encoded but the value of column a is “context” for the encoding
    • in this case effectively every row is encoded differently depending on the value of a so to decode you’ll need to use the decoder function and provide a
    • this provides even more “mistake resistence”

Importantly, the CQL runtime calls the encoding functions (below) automatically but it never decodes anything. How and when to decode is a function of what the encoding was and so it’s usually necessary to provide your upper layers with a convenient way to reverse whatever encoding you selected.

Vaulting Mechanics

The difference in code generation is very trivial. To the extent that there is any heavy lifting, the runtime is doing it.

The metadata block generated for foo1 looks like this:

uint8_t foo1_data_types[foo1_data_types_count] = {

And foo2 looks like this:

uint8_t foo2_data_types[foo2_data_types_count] = {

The only difference between these procedures is the presence of CQL_DATA_TYPE_ENCODED (twice) in the metadata for the result set.

Note: Lua codegen doesn’t support vaulting at this time but if it did, it would do it an analogous way. Lua uses a metadata string like “isis” (int string int string) to describe the columns, it could use a different characters like “j” and “t” to get “isjt” for encoded types. The C runtime stores the types in a byte.

Unsurprisingly the next variant has metadata that looks like this:

uint8_t foo3_data_types[foo3_data_types_count] = {

The final case, with context, is a little different. It has the same metadata as case 3 but the rowset fetching function gets a little extra information:

  cql_fetch_info info = {
    .rc = rc,
    .db = _db_,
    .stmt = stmt,
    .data_types = foo4_data_types,
    .col_offsets = foo4_col_offsets,
    .refs_count = 2,
    .refs_offset = foo4_refs_offset,
    .encode_context_index = 0,
    .rowsize = sizeof(foo4_row),
    .crc = CRC_foo4,
    .perf_index = &foo4_perf_index,

The index of the context field was initialized to 0 which is the index of a. In the other cases the cql_fetch_info was -1 indicating no context.

The result of these bits being set is that the encoders will be called on those columns after the data has been fetched from the database but before the result set is visible to consumers.

For instance, to encode a string this sequence happens:

// prototype
cql_object_ref cql_copy_encoder(sqlite3* db);

encoder = cql_copy_encoder(db);

First the runtime copy an encoder reference. It’s called copy because the normal situation is that there is only one shared encoder per database connection and all the runtime has to is add a reference and return the same encoder again. By default there is no encoder object so the default cqlrt just returns NULL. However, if there was a “vault” then you wouldn’t want to have to find it again on every encoded column of every row so this gives you a place to load it up.

Then, for each encoded string a call like this is made:

cql_string_ref new_str_ref = cql_encode_string_ref_new(encoder, *str_ref, encode_context_type, encode_context_field);
  • encoder is the previously fetched encoder object, it could be anything
  • str_ref will be a string reference
  • encode_context_type will be either -1 or else one of data type constants seen above such as CQL_DATA_TYPE_STRING | CQL_DATA_TYPE_NOTNULL
  • encode_context_field will be a byte pointer to the context value (it has been fetched for sure)
    • if the context is itself encoded then the sequence becomes not-deterministic so this is strongly discouraged
    • if your runtime only supports certain kinds of context (e.g. long integer) the type of the context column may be constrained with @enforce_strict encode context type long; and similar variants for other types.

There are similar functions in the runtime like cql_encode_double with a similar signature.

The default encodings are very lame and only useful for testing. Like many things in cqlrt.c you should replace them with something appropriate for your environment. See the section on encoding sensitive columns .

Even very simple encoders can help avoid mistakes because they force the use of the decoder and that usage gives you a “code smell” to look for. Some sections of code, maybe even most sections, have no business decoding anything. And even the super-lame “just add ‘#’” strategy in the defeault implementation gives you something you can look for in tests. If you ever saw ‘#’ anywhere in debug output that likely is a data leak and should fail the test. And it’s pretty clear we can do better than “just add ‘#’”.

Adopting Vault Sensitive

Importantly, vaulting never happens by default. The presence of the vault sensitive attribute will let you adopt sensitive vaulting gradually. If you have a codebase that already works with normal data types you can “break” it gradually adding the needed decoders a little at a time. There are even helpers that will let you dynamically turn off encoding. For instance in the foo2 example above, this function was generated:

void foo2_set_encoding(cql_int32 col, cql_bool encode) {
  return cql_set_encoding(foo2_data_types, foo2_data_types_count, col, encode);

This lets you disable or enable encoding of a column dyamically, so you can roll out encoding to say 1% of your users in a trial.

And finally, the abbreviated syntax for cql: attributes works here as always so [[vault_sensitive]] or [[vault_sensitive=(x,y)]] are less verbose options to @attribute(cql:vault_sensitive=(x,y)) and they are totally equivalent.