CQL Developer's Guide

Part 1: Building the AST


The following is a summary of the implementation theory of the CQL compiler. This is an adjunct to the User Guide, which describes the language, and to a lesser extent the code that the compiler generates.

The actual code is heavily commented, so it’s better to read the code to see the details of how any particular operation happens rather than try to guess from the language specification or from this overview. However, some things, like general principles, really are nowhere (or everywhere) in the codebase and it’s important to understand how things hang together.

If you choose to go on adventures in the source code, especially if you aren’t already familiar with compilers and how they are typically built, this document is a good place to start.

General Structure

The CQL compiler uses a very standard lex+yacc parser, though to be more precise it’s flex+bison. The grammar is a large subset of the SQLite dialect of SQL augmented with control flow and compiler directives. As a consequence, it’s a useful asset in-and-of-itself. If you’re looking for an economical SQL grammar, you could do a lot worse than start with the one CQL uses. The grammar is of course in the usual .y format that bison consumes but it’s also extracted into more readable versions for use in the railroad diagram and the Guide documentation. Any of those sources would be a good starting place for a modest SQL project in need of a grammar.

Lexical Analysis

Inside of cql.l you’ll find the formal definition of all the tokens. These of course correspond to the various tokens needed to parse the SQL language, plus a few more of the CQL control flow extensions. There’s no need to discuss the approximately 150 such tokens, but the following points are of general interest:

Parsing and the Abstract Syntax Tree

Inside of cql.y you will find the token declarations, precedence rules, and all of the productions in the overall grammar. The grammar processing does as little as possible in that stage to create an abstract syntax tree (AST). The AST itself is a simple binary tree; where nodes might require more than just left and right children to specify the syntax fully, additional nodes are used in the tree shape rather than introduce n-ary nodes. This means the tree is sometimes bigger, but generally not very much bigger. The benefit of this choice is that the AST can always be walked generically as a binary tree, so if you need to find all the table_factor nodes it is easy to do so without having to worry about how every kind of node expands. If new node types come along the generic walkers can go through those new nodes as well. All of the grammar productions simply make one or more AST nodes and link them together so that in the end there is a single root for the entire program in a binary tree.

There are 4 kinds of AST nodes, they all begin with the following five fields. These represent the AST “base type”, if you like.

  const char *_Nonnull type;
  struct sem_node *_Nullable sem;
  struct ast_node *_Nullable parent;
  int32_t lineno;
  const char *_Nonnull filename;

The Generic Binary AST node ast_node

typedef struct ast_node {
  ... the common fields
  struct ast_node *_Nullable left;
  struct ast_node *_Nullable right;
} ast_node;

This node gives the tree its shape and is how all the expression operators and statements get encoded. An example shows this more clearly:

SET X := 1 + 3;

  | {name X}
  | {add}
    | {int 1}
    | {int 3}

In the above, “assign” and “add” are the generic nodes. Note that this node type can be a leaf but usually is not. The other types are always leaves.

Note that in the above output, the node type was directly printed (because it’s a meaningful name). Likewise, the type needs no decoding when viewing the AST in a debugger. Simply printing the node with something like p *ast in lldb will show you all the node fields and the type in human-readable form.

The Grammar Code Node int_ast_node

typedef struct int_ast_node {
  ... the common fields
  int64_t value;
} int_ast_node;

This kind of node holds an integer that quantifies some kind of choice in the grammar. Note that this does NOT hold numeric literals (see below). The file ast.h includes many #define constants for this purpose such as:

define JOIN_INNER 1
define JOIN_CROSS 2
define JOIN_LEFT 5
define JOIN_RIGHT 6

The integer for this fragment will be one of those defined values. It can be a bitmask, or an enumeration. In this statement:

  FROM a

a part of the AST will look like this:

| {join_clause}
| | {table_or_subquery}
| | | {name a}
| | {join_target_list}
|   | {join_target}
|     | {int 3}
|     | {table_join}
|       | {table_or_subquery}
|         | {name b}

The {int 3} above is an int_ast_node and it corresponds to JOIN_LEFT_OUTER.

This node type is always a leaf.

The String Node str_ast_node

typedef struct str_ast_node {
  ... the common fields
  const char *_Nullable value;
  bool_t cstr_literal;
} str_ast_node;

This node type holds: * string literals * blob literals * identifiers

CQL supports C style string literals with C style escapes such as "foo\n". These are normalized into the SQL version of the same literal so that SQLite will see a literal it understands. However, if the origin of the string was the C string form (i.e. like "foo" rather than 'bar') then the cstr_literal boolean flag will be set. When echoing the program back as plain text, the C string will be converted back to the C form for display to a user. But when providing the string to Sqlite, it’s in SQL format.

Identifiers can be distinguished from string literals because the quotation marks (always '') are still in the string.

This node type is always a leaf.

The Number Node num_ast_node

typedef struct num_ast_node {
  ... the common fields
  int32_t num_type;
  const char *_Nullable value;
} num_ast_node;

All numerics are stored as strings so that there is no loss of precision. This is important because it is entirely possible that the CQL compiler is built with a different floating point library, than the target system, or different integer sizes. As a result CQL does not evaluate anything outside of an explicit const(...) expression. This policy avoids integer overflows at compile time or loss of floating point precision. Constants in the text of the output are emitted byte-for-byte as they appeared in the source code.

This node type is always a leaf.


Example 1: A LET statement and expression

LET x := 1 + (3 - 2);

  | {name x}
  | {add}
    | {int 1}
    | {sub}
      | {int 3}
      | {int 2}

Note that there are no parentheses in the AST but it exactly and authoritatively captures the precedence with its shape. This means, among other things, that when CQL echos its input, any redundant parentheses will be gone.

Example 2: An IF/ELSE construct

  LET x := 1.5e7;
  LET y := 'that';
  LET z := "this";

  | {cond_action}
  | | {name x}
  | | {stmt_list}
  |   | {let_stmt}
  |     | {name x}
  |     | {dbl 1.5e7}
  | {if_alt}
    | {elseif}
    | | {cond_action}
    |   | {name y}
    |   | {stmt_list}
    |     | {let_stmt}
    |       | {name y}
    |       | {strlit 'that'}
    | {else}
      | {stmt_list}
        | {let_stmt}
          | {name z}
          | {strlit 'this'}

Note that the string “this” was normalized to ‘this’ (which was trivial in this case) but rest assured that cstr_literal was set. This is shown because the text of the statement came out with double quotes. The text above was not the input to the compiler, the compiler was actually given this text:

if x then let x := 1.5e7; else if y then let y := 'that'; else let z := "this"; end if;

And it was normalized into what you see as part of the output. We’ll talk about this output echoing in coming sections. As you can see, the compiler can be used as a SQL normalizer/beautifier.

Example 3: A SELECT statement

  FROM foo
  WHERE foo.x = 1

  | {select_core_list}
  | | {select_core}
  |   | {select_expr_list_con}
  |     | {select_expr_list}
  |     | | {star}
  |     | {select_from_etc}
  |       | {join_clause}
  |       | | {table_or_subquery}
  |       | | | {name foo}
  |       | | {join_target_list}
  |       |   | {join_target}
  |       |     | {int 1}
  |       |     | {table_join}
  |       |       | {table_or_subquery}
  |       |         | {name bar}
  |       | {select_where}
  |         | {opt_where}
  |         | | {eq}
  |         |   | {dot}
  |         |   | | {name foo}
  |         |   | | {name x}
  |         |   | {int 1}
  |         | {select_groupby}
  |           | {select_having}
  | {select_orderby}
    | {select_limit}
      | {opt_limit}
      | | {int 3}
      | {select_offset}

As you can see the trees rapidly get more complex. The SELECT statement has many optional pieces and so the AST actually has places in its skeleton where these could go but are absent (e.g. GROUP BY, HAVING, ORDER BY, and OFFSET are all missing).

The shape of the AST is largely self-evident from the above, but you can easily cross check it against what’s in cql.y for details and then look at gen_sql.c for decoding tips (discussed below).

The compiler can produce these diagrams in ‘dot’ format which makes pretty pictures, but the reality is that for non-trivial examples those pictures are so large as to be unreadable whereas the simple text format remains readable even up to several hundred lines of output. The text is also readily searchable, and diffable. The test suites for semantic analysis do pattern matching on the text of the AST to verify correctness.

We’ll discuss semantic analysis in Part 2

AST definitions

ast.h defines all the tree types mentioned above. There are helper methods to create AST nodes with type safety. It includes helper functions for the various leaf types mentioned above but also for the various “normal” types. These are specified using the AST macros AST, AST1, and AST0.



This says that:

At present there are about 300 unique AST node types.

Echoing the AST

The first set of features that were built (after parsing) provided the ability to echo back the parse tree as SQL again. This all happens in gen_sql.c. Since this code has to be able to echo back any tree, it often has the best and simplest examples of how to crack the AST for any particular type of node you might be interested in.

There are several reasons why we might want to echo the SQL, but the inescapable one is this: any hunk of SQL that appears as part of a CQL program (i.e. DDL/DML rather than control flow like IF/WHILE) has to go to SQLite and SQLite expects that code to be plain text. So the AST must be reformatted as plain text that is exactly equivalent to the original input. The process of parsing removes extra white space and parentheses, so to get something that looks reasonable, some standard formatting (including indenting) is applied to the output text. This has the effect of normalizing the input and potentially beautifying it as well (especially if it was poorly formatted initially).

To see these features, run cql with the --echo flag. For example:

out/cql --echo < your_file.sql


out/cql --echo --in your_file.sql

By default, it reads stdin, makes the AST, and then emits the normalized, formatted text. If there are no syntax errors, the input and the output should be equivalent.

Standard formatting is essential, but CQL also has a number of extra demands.

CQL includes a lot of versioning directives like @create(...) @delete(...) and so forth. SQLite should never see these things when the DDL for SQLite is emitted. But when echoing the input they should be included. Additionally, any local or global variables in a SQL statement should be replaced with ? in the text that goes to SQLite and then followed up with binding instructions. We’ll cover the binding more in the section code generation, but importantly this also has to significantly alter the output. As a result the standard formatter includes extensive configurability to get these various results.

Configuring the Output with Callbacks and Flags

Some of these features, like variable binding, require a callback to the formatter’s client. The client gets a notification, along with a few control variables, and it can then decide exactly what goes in the output. The control structure is struct gen_sql_callbacks, and it is described below. This structure includes the various callbacks (all of which are optional) and each callback gets a ‘context’ pointer of its choice. The context pointer is some arbitrary void * value that you provide, which will be given to your function along with the AST pointer relevant to the call. The callback also gets the current output buffer so it can choose to emit something (like ‘?’) into the stream.

// signature for a callback, you get your context plus the ast
// if you return true then the normal output is suppressed
// in any case the output you provide is emitted
typedef bool_t (*_Nullable gen_sql_callback)(
  struct ast_node *_Nonnull ast,
  void *_Nullable context,
  charbuf *_Nonnull output

The meaning of the bool_t return value varies depend on which callback it is.

The coarsest control is provided by the generation mode. It is one of these values:

// These modes control the overall style of the output
enum gen_sql_mode {
  gen_mode_echo,          // Prints everything in the original, with standard whitespace and parentheses
  gen_mode_sql,           // Prints the AST formatted for SQLite consumption, omits anything CQL specific
  gen_mode_no_annotations // Equivalent to gen_mode_echo without versioning attributes or generic attributes
                          // * @create, @delete, @recreate, and @attribute are removed
                          // * statements like @echo are not affected, nor is the type specifier @sensitive

The actual callbacks structure is optional, if it is NULL then a full echo of the AST with no changes will be produced. Otherwise the callbacks and flags alter the behavior of the echoer somewhat.

// Callbacks allow you to significantly alter the generated sql, see the particular flags below.
typedef struct gen_sql_callbacks {
  // Each time a local/global variable is encountered in the AST, this callback is invoked
  // this is to allow the variable reference to be noted and replaced with ? in the generated SQL
  gen_sql_callback _Nullable variables_callback;
  void *_Nullable variables_context;

  // Each time a column definition is emitted this callback is invoked, it may choose to
  // suppress that column.  This is used to remove columns that were added in later schema
  // versions from the baseline schema.
  gen_sql_callback _Nullable col_def_callback;
  void *_Nullable col_def_context;

  // This callback is used to explain the * in select * or select T.*
  gen_sql_callback _Nullable star_callback;
  void *_Nullable star_context;

  // This callback is used to force the "IF NOT EXISTS" form of DDL statements when generating
  // schema upgrade steps.  e.g. a "CREATE TABLE Foo declarations get "IF NOT EXISTS" added
  // to them in upgrade steps.
  gen_sql_callback _Nullable if_not_exists_callback;
  void *_Nullable if_not_exists_context;

  // If true, hex literals are converted to decimal.  This is for JSON which does not support hex literals.
  bool_t convert_hex;

  // If true casts like "CAST(NULL as TEXT)" are reduced to just NULL.  The type information is not needed
  // by SQLite so it just wasts space.
  bool_t minify_casts;

  // If true then unused aliases in select statements are elided to save space.  This is safe because
  // CQL always binds the top level select statement by ordinal anyway.
  bool_t minify_aliases;

  // mode to print cql statement: gen_mode_echo, gen_mode_sql, gen_mode_no_annotations.
  // gen_mode_sql mode causes the AS part of virtual table to be suppressed
  enum gen_sql_mode mode;

  // If CQL finds a column such as 'x' below'
  // create table foo(
  //   x long_int primary key autoincrement
  // );
  // that column must be converted to this form:
  // create table foo(
  //   x integer primary key autoincrement
  // );
  // This is because SQLite mandates that autoincrement must be exactly
  // in the second example above however, it is also the case that in SQLite
  // an integer can store a 64 bit value.  So sending "integer" to SQLite while
  // keeping the sense that the column is to be treated as 64 bits in CQL works
  // just fine.
  // However, when we are emitting CQL (rather than SQL) we want to keep
  // the original long_int type so as not to lose fidelity when processing
  // schema for other semantic checks (such as matching FK data types).
  // This flag is for that purpose: It tells us that the target isn't SQLite
  // and we don't need to do the mapping (yet). Indeed, we shouldn't, or the
  // types will be messed up.
  // In short, if CQL is going to process the output again, use this flag
  // to control the autoincrement transform.  It might be possible to fold
  // this flag with the mode flag but it's sufficiently weird that this
  // extra documentation and special handling is probably worth the extra
  // boolean storage.
  bool_t long_to_int_conv;
} gen_sql_callbacks;

Each callback can be best understood by reading the source, so we’ll avoid trying to precisely define it here. But it is helpful to give the gist of these options.

Invoking the Generator

There are several generation functions but they all follow a similar pattern, the differences are essentially what fragment of the AST they expect to begin on. We’ll just cover one here.

cql_noexport void gen_statement_with_callbacks(ast_node *_Nonnull ast, gen_sql_callbacks *_Nullable _callbacks);

This has the typical signature for all these generators:

To use these you’ll need to these functions as well:

cql_noexport void gen_init(void);
cql_noexport void gen_cleanup(void);

You’ll want to call gen_init() one time before doing any generation. That sets up the necessary tables. When you’re done use gen_cleanup() to release any memory that was allocated in setup. You don’t have to do the cleanup step if the process is going to exit anyway, however, because of the amalgam options, cql_main() assumes it might be called again and so it tidies things up rather than risk leaking.

With the one time initialization in place there are these preliminaries:

cql_noexport void init_gen_sql_callbacks(gen_sql_callbacks *_Nullable callbacks);

Use init_gen_sql_callbacks to fill in your callback structure with the normal defaults. This give you normal echo for SQL by default. To get a full echo, a NULL callback may be used. And of course other options are possible.


cql_noexport void gen_set_output_buffer(struct charbuf *_Nonnull buffer);

Use this before the call to gen_<something>_with_callbacks to redirect the output into a growable character buffer of your choice.

The buffers can then be written where they are needed. Maybe further processed into a C string literal for compiler output, or into a C style comment, or just right back to stdout.

There are a few simplified versions of this sequence like this one:

cql_noexport void gen_stmt_list_to_stdout(ast_node *_Nullable ast);

This uses NULL for the callbacks and emits directly to stdout with no extra steps. The extra wiring is done for you.

Generator Internals

The generator has to be able to walk the entire tree and emit plain text, and in many areas the tree is very flexible so we want a simple dynamic dispatch mechanism that can call the right formatting function from anywhere in the tree.

It turns out two different signatures are needed to do this properly, one for formatting statements and the other for expressions – the difference being that expressions have to concern themselves with the precedence of the various operators so that parentheses can be correctly (re)inserted into the output.

To do this there are two symbol tables that map from an AST node type string to a formatting function. They are initialized with a series of statements similar to these:

Generating Expressions

cql_noexport void gen_init() {
  gen_stmts = symtab_new();
  gen_exprs = symtab_new();


  EXPR_INIT(mul, gen_binary, "*", EXPR_PRI_MUL);
  EXPR_INIT(div, gen_binary, "/", EXPR_PRI_MUL);
  EXPR_INIT(mod, gen_binary, "%", EXPR_PRI_MUL);
  EXPR_INIT(add, gen_binary, "+", EXPR_PRI_ADD);
  EXPR_INIT(sub, gen_binary, "-", EXPR_PRI_ADD);
  EXPR_INIT(not, gen_unary, "NOT ", EXPR_PRI_NOT);
  EXPR_INIT(tilde, gen_unary, "~", EXPR_PRI_TILDE);

These statements populate the symbol tables. * For statements, the entry maps if_stmt to the function gen_if_stmt * For expressions, the entry maps mul to gen_binary including the metadata "*" and EXPR_PRI_MUL

As you can see, nearly all binary operators are handled identically as are all unary operators. Let’s look at those two in detail.

static void gen_binary(ast_node *ast, CSTR op, int32_t pri, int32_t pri_new) {

  // We add parens if our priority is less than the parent priority
  // meaning something like this:
  // * we're a + node, our parent is a * node
  // * we need parens because the tree specifies that the + happens before the *
  // Also, grouping of equal operators is left to right
  // so for so if our right child is the same precedence as us
  // that means there were parens there in the original expression
  // e.g.  3+(4-7);
  // effectively it's like we're one binding strength higher for our right child
  // so we call it with pri_new + 1.  If it's equal to us it must emit parens

  if (pri_new < pri) gen_printf("(");
  gen_expr(ast->left, pri_new);
  gen_printf(" %s ", op);
  gen_expr(ast->right, pri_new + 1);
  if (pri_new < pri) gen_printf(")");

The convention gives us: * ast : pointer to the current AST node * op : the text of the operator (CSTR is simply const char *) * pri : the binding strength of the node above us * pri_new : the binding strength of this node (the new node)

So generically, if the binding strength of the current operator pri_new is weaker than the context it is contained in pri, then parentheses are required to preserve order of operations. See the comment for more details.

With parens taken care of, we emit the left expression, the operator, and the right expression.

And as you can see below, unary operators are much the same.

static void gen_unary(ast_node *ast, CSTR op, int32_t pri, int32_t pri_new) {
  if (pri_new < pri) gen_printf("(");
  gen_printf("%s", op);
  gen_expr(ast->left, pri_new);
  if (pri_new < pri) gen_printf(")");

There are special case formatters for some of the postfix operators and other cases that are special like CASE... WHEN... THEN... ELSE... END but they operate on the same principles down to the leaf nodes.

Generating Statements

With no binding strength to worry about, statement processing is quite a bit simpler.

Here’s the code for the IF statement mentioned above.

static void gen_if_stmt(ast_node *ast) {
  EXTRACT_NOTNULL(cond_action, ast->left);
  EXTRACT_NOTNULL(if_alt, ast->right);
  EXTRACT(elseif, if_alt->left);
  EXTRACT_NAMED(elsenode, else, if_alt->right);

  gen_printf("IF ");

  if (elseif) {

  if (elsenode) {
    EXTRACT(stmt_list, elsenode->left);

  gen_printf("END IF");

There is a general boilerplate sort of recursive form to all of these; they follow the same basic shape. These patterns are designed to make it impossible to walk the tree incorrectly. If the tree shape changes because of a grammar change, you get immediate concrete failures where the tree walk has to change. Since there are test cases to cover every tree shape you can always be sure you have it exactly right if the macros do not force assertion failures.

The steps were:

It might be instructive to include gen_cond_action; it is entirely unremarkable:

static void gen_cond_action(ast_node *ast) {
  EXTRACT(stmt_list, ast->right);

  gen_printf(" THEN\n");

A cond_action node has an expression on the left and a statement list on the right; it can appear in the base IF x THEN y part of the IF or as ELSE IF x THEN y. Either case is formatted the same.

Extraction Macros

These macros are used by all the parts of CQL that walk the AST. They are designed to make it impossible for you to get the tree shape wrong without immediately failing. We do not ever want to walk off the tree in some exotic way and then continue to several levels of recursion before things go wrong. CQL locks this down by checking the node type at every step – any problems are found immediately, exactly at the extraction site, and can be quickly corrected. Again 100% coverage of all the tree shapes makes this rock solid, so CQL never compromises on 100% code coverage. The most common macros all appear in this example:

Other options:

The ANY variants are usually re-dispatched with something like gen_expr that uses the name table again (and that will check the type) or else the extracted value is checked with ad hoc logic immediately after extraction if it’s perhaps one of two or three variations. In all cases the idea is to force a failure very quickly. gen_root_expr() for instance in the if_cond example will fail immediately if the node it gets is not an expression type.

Because of the clear use of EXTRACT, the gen_ family of functions are often the best/fastest way to understand the shape of the AST. You can dump a few samples and look at the gen_ function and quickly see exactly what the options are authoritatively. As a result it’s very normal to paste the extraction code from a gen_ function into a new/needed semantic analysis or code-generation function.

Part 2: Semantic Analysis


Part 2 continues with a discussion of the essentials of the semantic analysis pass of the CQL compiler. As in the previous sections, the goal here is not to go over every single rule but rather to give a sense of how semantic analysis happens in general – the core strategies and implementation choices – so that when reading the code you will have an idea of how smaller pieces fit into the whole. To accomplish this, various key data structures will be explained in detail and selected examples of their use are included.

Semantic Analysis

The overall goal of the semantic analysis pass is to verify that a correct program has been submitted to the compiler. The compiler does this by “decorating” the AST with semantic information. This information is mainly concerned with the “types” of the various things in the program. A key function of the semantic analyzer, the primary “weapon” in computing these types, if you will, is name resolution. The semantic analyzer decides what any given name means in any context and then uses that meaning, which is itself based on the AST constructs that came before, to compute types and then check those types for errors.

Broadly speaking, the errors that can be discovered are of these forms:

There are several hundred possible errors, and no attempt will be made to cover them all here but we will talk about how errors are created, recorded, and reported.

Decorated AST examples

Recalling the AST output from Part 1, this is what that same tree looks like with semantic information attached:

LET X := 1 + 3;

  {let_stmt}: X: integer notnull variable
  | {name X}: X: integer notnull variable
  | {add}: integer notnull
    | {int 1}: integer notnull
    | {int 3}: integer notnull

And here’s an example with some structure types:

SELECT 1 AS x, 3.2 AS y;

  {select_stmt}: select: { x: integer notnull, y: real notnull }
  | {select_core_list}: select: { x: integer notnull, y: real notnull }
  | | {select_core}: select: { x: integer notnull, y: real notnull }
  |   | {select_expr_list_con}: select: { x: integer notnull, y: real notnull }
  |     | {select_expr_list}: select: { x: integer notnull, y: real notnull }
  |     | | {select_expr}: x: integer notnull
  |     | | | {int 1}: integer notnull
  |     | | | {opt_as_alias}
  |     | |   | {name x}
  |     | | {select_expr_list}
  |     |   | {select_expr}: y: real notnull
  |     |     | {dbl 3.2}: real notnull
  |     |     | {opt_as_alias}
  |     |       | {name y}
  |     | {select_from_etc}: ok
  |       | {select_where}
  |         | {select_groupby}
  |           | {select_having}
  | {select_orderby}
    | {select_limit}
      | {select_offset}

These can be generated by adding --sem --ast to the CQL command line along with --in your_file.sql.

Keep these shapes in mind as we discuss the various sources of type information.

The Base Data Structures

First recall that every AST node has this field in it:

struct sem_node *_Nullable sem;

This is the pointer to the semantic information for that node. Semantic analysis happens immediately after parsing and before any of the code-generators run. Importantly, code generators never run if semantic analysis reported any errors. Before we get into the shape of the semantic node, we should start with the fundamental unit of type info sem_t which is usually stored in a variable called sem_type.

typedef uint64_t sem_t;

The low order bits of a sem_t encode the core type and indeed there is a helper function to extract the core type from a sem_t.

// Strips out all the flag bits and gives you the base/core type.
cql_noexport sem_t core_type_of(sem_t sem_type) {
  return sem_type & SEM_TYPE_CORE;

The core bits are as follows:

#define SEM_TYPE_NULL 0         // the subtree is a null literal (not just nullable)
#define SEM_TYPE_BOOL 1         // the subtree is a bool
#define SEM_TYPE_INTEGER 2      // the subtree is an integer
#define SEM_TYPE_LONG_INTEGER 3 // the subtree is a long integer
#define SEM_TYPE_REAL 4         // the subtree is a real
#define SEM_TYPE_TEXT 5         // the subtree is a text type
#define SEM_TYPE_BLOB 6         // the subtree is a blob type
#define SEM_TYPE_OBJECT 7       // the subtree is any object type
#define SEM_TYPE_STRUCT 8       // the subtree is a table/view
#define SEM_TYPE_JOIN 9         // the subtree is a join
#define SEM_TYPE_ERROR 10       // marks the subtree as having a problem
#define SEM_TYPE_OK 11          // sentinel for ok but no type info
#define SEM_TYPE_PENDING 12     // sentinel for type calculation in flight
#define SEM_TYPE_REGION 13      // the ast is a schema region
#define SEM_TYPE_CURSOR_FORMAL 14      // this is used for the cursor parameter type uniquely
#define SEM_TYPE_CORE 0xff      // bit mask for the core types

#define SEM_TYPE_MAX_UNITARY (SEM_TYPE_OBJECT+1) // the last unitary type

These break into a few categories:

The core type can be modified by various flags. The flags, in principle, can be combined in any way but in practice many combinations make no sense. For instance, HAS_DEFAULT is for table columns and CREATE_FUNC is for function declarations. There is no one object that could require both of these.

The full list as of this writing is as follows:

#define SEM_TYPE_NOTNULL               _64(0x0100) // set if and only if null is not possible
#define SEM_TYPE_HAS_DEFAULT           _64(0x0200) // set for table columns with a default
#define SEM_TYPE_AUTOINCREMENT         _64(0x0400) // set for table columns with autoinc
#define SEM_TYPE_VARIABLE              _64(0x0800) // set for variables and parameters
#define SEM_TYPE_IN_PARAMETER          _64(0x1000) // set for in parameters (can mix with below)
#define SEM_TYPE_OUT_PARAMETER         _64(0x2000) // set for out parameters (can mix with above)
#define SEM_TYPE_DML_PROC              _64(0x4000) // set for stored procs that have DML/DDL
#define SEM_TYPE_HAS_SHAPE_STORAGE     _64(0x8000) // set for a cursor with simplified fetch syntax
#define SEM_TYPE_CREATE_FUNC          _64(0x10000) // set for a function that returns a created object +1 ref
#define SEM_TYPE_SELECT_FUNC          _64(0x20000) // set for a sqlite UDF function declaration
#define SEM_TYPE_DELETED              _64(0x40000) // set for columns that are not visible in the current schema version
#define SEM_TYPE_VALIDATED            _64(0x80000) // set if item has already been validated against previous schema
#define SEM_TYPE_USES_OUT            _64(0x100000) // set if proc has a one rowresult using the OUT statement
#define SEM_TYPE_USES_OUT_UNION      _64(0x200000) // set if proc uses the OUT UNION form for multi row result
#define SEM_TYPE_PK                  _64(0x400000) // set if column is a primary key
#define SEM_TYPE_FK                  _64(0x800000) // set if column is a foreign key
#define SEM_TYPE_UK                 _64(0x1000000) // set if column is a unique key
#define SEM_TYPE_VALUE_CURSOR       _64(0x2000000) // set only if SEM_TYPE_HAS_SHAPE_STORAGE is set and the cursor has no statement
#define SEM_TYPE_SENSITIVE          _64(0x4000000) // set if the object is privacy sensitive
#define SEM_TYPE_DEPLOYABLE         _64(0x8000000) // set if the object is a deployable region
#define SEM_TYPE_BOXED             _64(0x10000000) // set if a cursor's lifetime is managed by a box object
#define SEM_TYPE_HAS_CHECK         _64(0x20000000) // set for table column with a "check" clause
#define SEM_TYPE_HAS_COLLATE       _64(0x40000000) // set for table column with a "collate" clause
#define SEM_TYPE_INFERRED_NOTNULL  _64(0x80000000) // set if inferred to not be nonnull (but was originally nullable)
#define SEM_TYPE_VIRTUAL          _64(0x100000000) // set if and only if this is a virtual table
#define SEM_TYPE_HIDDEN_COL       _64(0x200000000) // set if and only if hidden column on a virtual table
#define SEM_TYPE_TVF              _64(0x400000000) // set if and only table node is a table valued function
#define SEM_TYPE_IMPLICIT         _64(0x800000000) // set if and only the variable was declare implicitly (via declare out)
#define SEM_TYPE_CALLS_OUT_UNION _64(0x1000000000) // set if proc calls an out union proc for

NOTE: _64(x) expands to either a trailing L or a trailing LL depending on the bitness of the compiler, whichever yields an int64_t.

Going over the meaning of all of the above is again beyond the scope of this document; some of the flags are very specialized and essentially the validation just requires a bit of storage in the tree to do its job so that storage is provided with a flag. However two flag bits are especially important and are computed almost everywhere sem_t is used. These are SEM_TYPE_NOTNULL and SEM_TYPE_SENSITIVE.

The semantic node sem_node carries all the possible semantic info we might need, and the sem_type holds the flags above and tells us how to interpret the rest of the node. There are many fields – we’ll talk about some of the most important ones here to give you a sense of how things hang together.

Note that CSTR is simply an alias for const char *. CSTR is used extensively in the codebase for brevity.

typedef struct sem_node {
  sem_t sem_type;                   // core type plus flags
  CSTR name;                        // for named expressions in select expression, etc.
  CSTR kind;                        // the Foo in object<Foo>, not a variable or column name
  CSTR error;                       // error text for test output, not used otherwise
  struct sem_struct *sptr;          // encoded struct if any
  struct sem_join *jptr;            // encoded join if any
  int32_t create_version;           // create version if any (really only for tables and columns)
  int32_t delete_version;           // delete version if any (really only for tables and columns)
  bool_t recreate;                  // for tables only, true if marked @recreate
  CSTR recreate_group_name;         // for tables only, the name of the recreate group if they are in one
  CSTR region;                      // the schema region, if applicable; null means unscoped (default)
  symtab *used_symbols;             // for select statements, we need to know which of the ids in the select list was used, if any
  list_item *index_list;            // for tables we need the list of indices that use this table (so we can recreate them together if needed)
  struct eval_node *value;          // for enum values we have to store the evaluated constant value of each member of the enum
} sem_node;

If the object is a structure type then this is simply an array of names, kinds, and semantic types. In fact the semantic types will be all be unitary, possibly modified by NOT_NULL or SENSITIVE but none of the other flags apply. A single sptr directly corresponds to the notion of a “shape” in the analyzer. Shapes come from anything that looks like a table, such as a cursor, or the result of a SELECT statement.

// for tables and views and the result of a select

typedef struct sem_struct {
  CSTR struct_name;               // struct name
  uint32_t count;                 // count of fields
  CSTR *names;                    // field names
  CSTR *kinds;                    // the "kind" text of each column, if any, e.g. integer<foo> foo is the kind
  sem_t *semtypes;                // typecode for each field
} sem_struct;

If the object is a join type (such as the parts of the FROM clause) then the jptr field will be populated. This is nothing more than a named list of struct types.

// for the data type of (parts of) the FROM clause
// sometimes I refer to as a "joinscope"

typedef struct sem_join {
  uint32_t count;                 // count of table/views in the join
  CSTR *names;                    // names of the table/view
  struct sem_struct **tables;     // struct type of each table/view
} sem_join;

With these building blocks we can represent the type of anything in the CQL language.

Initiating Semantic Analysis

The semantic analysis pass runs much the same way as the AST emitter. In sem.c there is the essential function sem_main. It suffices to call sem_main on the root of the AST. That root node is expected to be a stmt_list node.

// This method loads up the global symbol tables in either empty state or
// with the appropriate tokens ready to go.  Using our own symbol tables for
// dispatch saves us a lot of if/else string comparison verbosity.
cql_noexport void sem_main(ast_node *ast) {
  // restore all globals and statics we own

As you can see, sem_main begins by resetting all the global state. You can of course do this yourself after calling sem_main (when you’re done with the results).

sem_main sets a variety of useful and public global variables that describe the results of the analysis. The ones in sem.h are part of the contract and you should feel free to use them in a downstream code-generator. Other items are internal and should be avoided. The internal items are typically defined statically in sem.c. The essential outputs will be described in the last section of this part.

The cleanup has this structure:

// This method frees all the global state of the semantic analyzer
cql_noexport void sem_cleanup() {



  // these are getting zeroed so that leaksanitizer will not count those objects as reachable from a global root.

  all_ad_hoc_list = NULL;
  all_functions_list = NULL;

This basically deallocates everything and resets all the globals to NULL.

sem_main of course has to walk the AST and it does so in much the same way as we saw in gen_sql.c. There is a series of symbol tables whose key is an AST type and whose value is a function plus arguments to dispatch (effectively a lambda.) The semantic analyzer doesn’t have to think about things like “should I emit parentheses?” so the signature of each type of lambda can be quite a bit simpler. We’ll go over each kind with some examples.

First we have the non-SQL statements, these are basic flow control or other things that SQLite will never see directly.

  symtab *syms = non_sql_stmts;


Here STMT_INIT creates a binding between (e.g.) the AST type if_stmt and the function sem_if_stmt. This lets us dispatch any part of the AST to its handler directly.

Next we have the SQL statements. These get analyzed in the same way as the others, and with functions that have the same signature, however, if you use one of these it means that procedure that contained this statement must get a database connection in order to run. Use of the database will require the procedure’s signature to change; this is recorded by the setting the SEM_TYPE_DML_PROC flag bit to be set on the procedure’s AST node.

  syms = sql_stmts;


Again STMT_INIT creates a binding between (e.g.) the AST type delete_stmt and the function sem_delete_stmt so we can dispatch to the handler.

Next we have expression types. These are set up with EXPR_INIT. Many of the operators require exactly the same kinds of verification, so in order to be able to share the code, the expression analysis functions get an extra argument for the operator in question. Typically the string of the operator is only needed to make a good quality error message with validation being otherwise identical. Here are some samples…

  EXPR_INIT(num, sem_expr_num, "NUM");
  EXPR_INIT(str, sem_expr_str, "STR");
  EXPR_INIT(blob, sem_expr_blob, "BLB");
  EXPR_INIT(null, sem_expr_null, "NULL");
  EXPR_INIT(dot, sem_expr_dot, "DOT");
  EXPR_INIT(const, sem_expr_const, "CONST");
  EXPR_INIT(mul, sem_binary_math, "*");
  EXPR_INIT(mod, sem_binary_integer_math, "%");
  EXPR_INIT(not, sem_unary_logical, "NOT");
  EXPR_INIT(is_true, sem_unary_is_true_or_false, "IS TRUE");
  EXPR_INIT(tilde, sem_unary_integer_math, "~");
  EXPR_INIT(uminus, sem_unary_math, "-");

Looking at the very first entry as an example, we see that EXPR_INIT creates a mapping between the AST type num and the analysis function sem_expr_num and that function will get the text "NUM" as an extra argument. As it happens sem_expr_num doesn’t need the extra argument, but sem_binary_math certainly needs the "*" as that function handles a large number of binary operators.

Let’s quickly go over this list as these are the most important analyzers:

The last group of normal associations are for builtin functions, like these:


Each of these is dispatched when a function call is found in the tree. By way of example FUNC_INIT(changes) causes the changes function to map to sem_func_changes for validation.

There are a few other similar macros for more exotic cases but the general pattern should be clear now. With these in place it’s very easy to traverse arbitrary statement lists and arbitrary expressions with sub expressions and have the correct function invoked without having large switch blocks all over.

Semantic Errors

Some of the following examples will show the handling of semantic errors more precisely but the theory is pretty simple. Each of the analyzers that has been registered is responsible for putting an appropriate sem_node into the AST it is invoked on. The caller will look to see if that sem_node is of type SEM_TYPE_ERROR using is_error(ast). If it is, the caller will mark its own AST as errant using record_error(ast) and this continues all the way up the tree. The net of this is that wherever you begin semantic analysis, you can know if there were any problems by checking for an error at the top of the tree you provided.

At the point of the initial error, the analyzer is expected to also call report_error providing a suitable message. This will be logged to stderr. In test mode it is also stored in the AST so that verification steps can confirm that errors were reported at exactly the right place.

If there are no errors, then a suitable sem_node is created for the resulting type or else, at minimum, record_ok(ast) is used to place the shared “OK” type on the node. The “OK” type indicates no type information, but no errors either. “OK” is helpful for statements that don’t involve expressions like DROP TABLE Foo.

The Primitive Types

Perhaps the simplest analysis of all happens at the leaves of the AST. By way of example, here is the code for expression nodes of type num, the numeric literals.

// Expression type for numeric primitives
static void sem_expr_num(ast_node *ast, CSTR cstr) {
  EXTRACT_NUM_TYPE(num_type, ast);
  switch (num_type) {
  case NUM_BOOL:
    ast->sem = new_sem(SEM_TYPE_BOOL | SEM_TYPE_NOTNULL);

  case NUM_INT:
    ast->sem = new_sem(SEM_TYPE_INTEGER | SEM_TYPE_NOTNULL);

  case NUM_LONG:
    ast->sem = new_sem(SEM_TYPE_LONG_INTEGER | SEM_TYPE_NOTNULL);

    // this is all that's left
    Contract(num_type == NUM_REAL);
    ast->sem = new_sem(SEM_TYPE_REAL | SEM_TYPE_NOTNULL);

As you can see the code simply looks at the AST node, confirming first that it is a num node. Then it extracts the num_type. Then ast->sem is set to a semantic node of the matching type adding in SEM_TYPE_NOTNULL because literals are never null.

The new_sem function is used to make an empty sem_node with the sem_type filled in as specified. Nothing can go wrong creating a literal so there are no failure modes.

It doesn’t get much simpler unless maybe…

// Expression type for constant NULL
static void sem_expr_null(ast_node *ast, CSTR cstr) {
  // null literal
  ast->sem = new_sem(SEM_TYPE_NULL);

It’s hard to get simpler than doing semantic analysis of the NULL literal. Its code should be clear with no further explanation needed.

Unary Operators

Let’s dive in to a simple case that does require some analysis – the unary operators. There are comparatively few and there isn’t much code required to handle them all.

Here’s the code for the unary math operators:

// The only unary math operators are '-' and '~'
// Reference types are not allowed
static void sem_unary_math(ast_node *ast, CSTR op) {
  sem_t core_type, combined_flags;
  if (!sem_unary_prep(ast, &core_type, &combined_flags)) {

  if (!sem_validate_numeric(ast, core_type, op)) {

  // The result of unary math promotes to integer.  Basically this converts
  // bool to integer.  Long integer and Real stay as they are.  Text is
  // already ruled out.
  sem_t sem_type_result = sem_combine_types(
      (core_type | combined_flags));

  ast->sem = new_sem(sem_type_result);
  ast->sem->kind = ast->left->sem->kind;

  // note ast->sem->name is NOT propagated because SQLite doesn't let you refer to
  // the column 'x' in 'select -x' -- the column name is actually '-x' which is useless
  // so we have no name once you apply unary math (unless you use 'as')
  // hence ast->sem->name = ast->left->sem->name is WRONG here and it is not missing on accident

Unary Prep

OK already we need to pause because there is a “prep” pattern here common to most of the shared operators that we should discuss. The prep step takes care of most of the normal error handling which is the same for all the unary operators and the same pattern happens in binary operators. Let’s take a look at sem_unary_prep.

// The unary operators all have a similar prep to the binary.  We need
// to visit the left side (it's always the left node even if the operator goes on the right)
// if that's ok then we need the combined_flags and core type.  There is only
// the one.  Returns true if everything is ok.
static bool_t sem_unary_prep(ast_node *ast, sem_t *core_type, sem_t *combined_flags) {
  // op left | left op

  if (is_error(ast->left)) {
    *core_type = SEM_TYPE_ERROR;
    *combined_flags = 0;
    return false;

  sem_node *sem = ast->left->sem;
  sem_t sem_type = sem->sem_type;

  *core_type = core_type_of(sem_type);
  *combined_flags = not_nullable_flag(sem_type) | sensitive_flag(sem_type);

  return true;

Reviewing the steps:

This is useful setup for all the unary operators, and as we’ll see, the binary operators have a similar prep step.

Back to Unary Processing

Looking at the overall steps we see:

These primitives are designed to combine well, for instance, consider sem_unary_integer_math

static void sem_unary_integer_math(ast_node *ast, CSTR op) {
  sem_unary_math(ast, op);
  sem_reject_real(ast, op);

The steps are:

Note that in all cases the op string simply gets pushed down to the place where the errors happen. Let’s take a quick look at one of the sources of errors in the above. Here’s the numeric validator:

static bool_t sem_validate_numeric(ast_node *ast, sem_t core_type, CSTR op) {
  if (is_blob(core_type)) {
    report_error(ast->left, "CQL0045: blob operand not allowed in", op);
    return false;

  if (is_object(core_type)) {
    report_error(ast->left, "CQL0046: object operand not allowed in", op);
    return false;

  if (is_text(core_type)) {
    report_error(ast->left, "CQL0047: string operand not allowed in", op);
    return false;

  return true;

That function is pretty much dumb as rocks. The non-numeric types are blob, object, and text. There is a custom error for each type (it could have been shared but specific error messages seem to help users.) This code doesn’t know its context, but all it needs is op to tell it what the numeric-only operator was and it can produce a nice error message. It leaves an error in the AST using record_error. Its caller can then simply return if anything goes wrong.

It’s not hard to guess how sem_reject_real works:

// Some math operators like << >> & | % only make sense on integers
// This function does the extra checking to ensure they do not get real values
// as arguments.  It's a post-pass after the normal math checks.
static void sem_reject_real(ast_node *ast, CSTR op) {
  if (!is_error(ast)) {
    sem_t core_type = core_type_of(ast->sem->sem_type);
    if (core_type == SEM_TYPE_REAL) {
      report_error(ast, "CQL0001: operands must be an integer type, not real", op);

Binary Operators

Binary Prep

With the knowledge we have so far, this code pretty much speaks for itself, but we’ll walk through it.

// All the binary ops do the same preparation -- they evaluate the left and the
// right expression, then they check those for errors.  Then they need
// the types of those expressions and the combined_flags of the result.  This
// does exactly that for its various callers.  Returns true if all is well.
static bool_t sem_binary_prep(ast_node *ast, sem_t *core_type_left, sem_t *core_type_right, sem_t *combined_flags) {
  EXTRACT_ANY_NOTNULL(left, ast->left);
  EXTRACT_ANY_NOTNULL(right, ast->right);

  // left op right

  if (is_error(left) || is_error(right)) {
    *core_type_left = SEM_TYPE_ERROR;
    *core_type_right = SEM_TYPE_ERROR;
    *combined_flags = 0;
    return false;

  *core_type_left = core_type_of(left->sem->sem_type);
  *core_type_right = core_type_of(right->sem->sem_type);
  *combined_flags = combine_flags(left->sem->sem_type, right->sem->sem_type);


  return true;

And that’s it! These are the standard prep steps for all binary operators. With this done, the caller has the core types of the left and right operands plus combined flags on a silver platter and one check is needed to detect if anything went wrong.

Example: Is or Is Not

This analyzer is the simplest of all the binaries

// IS and IS NOT are special in that they return a not null boolean.
static void sem_binary_is_or_is_not(ast_node *ast, CSTR op) {
  sem_t core_type_left, core_type_right, combined_flags;

  if (!sem_binary_prep(ast, &core_type_left, &core_type_right, &combined_flags)) {

  if (!sem_verify_compat(ast, core_type_left, core_type_right, op)) {

  // the result of is or is not is always a bool and never null
  ast->sem = new_sem(SEM_TYPE_BOOL | SEM_TYPE_NOTNULL | sensitive_flag(combined_flags));

If either step goes wrong the error will naturally propagate.

Example: Binary Math

This is the general worker for binary math operations, the most common operations like ‘+’, ‘-’, ’*’ and so forth.

// For all math operations, we combine the types and yield the type that
// holds both using the helper.  If any text, that's an error.
static void sem_binary_math(ast_node *ast, CSTR op) {
  sem_t core_type_left, core_type_right, combined_flags;
  if (!sem_binary_prep(ast, &core_type_left, &core_type_right, &combined_flags)) {

  if (error_any_object(ast, core_type_left, core_type_right, op)) {

  if (error_any_blob_types(ast, core_type_left, core_type_right, op)) {

  if (error_any_text_types(ast, core_type_left, core_type_right, op)) {

  sem_t core_type = sem_combine_types(core_type_left, core_type_right);

  CSTR kind = sem_combine_kinds(ast->right, ast->left->sem->kind);
  if (is_error(ast->right)) {

  ast->sem = new_sem(core_type | combined_flags);
  ast->sem->kind = kind;

Let’s have a look at those steps:

At this point it might help to look at a few more of the base validators – they are rather unremarkable.

Example Validator: error_any_object

// If either of the types is an object, then produce an error on the ast.
static bool_t error_any_object(ast_node *ast, sem_t core_type_left, sem_t core_type_right, CSTR op) {
  if (is_object(core_type_left)) {
    report_error(ast->left, "CQL0002: left operand cannot be an object in", op);
    return true;

  if (is_object(core_type_right)) {
    report_error(ast->right, "CQL0003: right operand cannot be an object in", op);
    return true;

  return false;

Example Validator: sem_combine_kinds

// Here we check that type<Foo> only combines with type<Foo> or type.
// If there is a current object type, then the next item must match
// If there is no such type, then an object type that arrives becomes the required type
// if they ever don't match, record an error
static CSTR sem_combine_kinds_general(ast_node *ast, CSTR kind_left, CSTR kind_right) {
  if (kind_right) {
    if (kind_left) {
      if (strcmp(kind_left, kind_right)) {
        CSTR errmsg = dup_printf("CQL0070: expressions of different kinds can't be mixed: '%s' vs. '%s'", kind_right, kind_left);
        report_error(ast, errmsg, NULL);
    return kind_right;

  return kind_left;

// helper to crack the ast nodes first and then call the normal comparisons
static CSTR sem_combine_kinds(ast_node *ast, CSTR kind_right) {
  CSTR kind_left = ast->sem->kind;
  return sem_combine_kinds_general(ast, kind_left, kind_right);

Example Validator : is_numeric_compat

This helper is frequently called several times in the course of other semantic checks. This one produces no errors, that’s up to the caller. Often there is a numeric path and a non-numeric path so this helper can’t create the errors as it doesn’t yet know if anything bad has happened. Most of the is_something functions are the same way.

cql_noexport bool_t is_numeric_compat(sem_t sem_type) {
  sem_type = core_type_of(sem_type);
  return sem_type >= SEM_TYPE_NULL && sem_type <= SEM_TYPE_REAL;

is_numeric_compat operates by checking the core type for the numeric range. Note that NULL is compatible with numerics because expressions like NULL + 2 have meaning in SQL. The type of that expression is nullable integer and the result is NULL.

Example Validator : sem_combine_types

// The second workhorse of semantic analysis, given two types that
// are previously known to be compatible, it returns the smallest type
// that holds both.  If either is nullable, the result is nullable.
// Note, in the few cases where that isn't true, the normal algorithm for
// nullability result must be overridden (see coalesce, for instance).
static sem_t sem_combine_types(sem_t sem_type_1, sem_t sem_type_2) {
  ... too much code ... summary below

This beast is rather lengthy but unremarkable. It follows these rules: * text is only compatible with text * object is only compatible with object * blob is only compatible with blob * numerics are only compatible with other numerics and NULL * NULL promotes the other operand, whatever it is (might still be NULL) * bool promotes to integer if needed * integer promotes to long integer if needed * long integer promotes to real if needed * the combined type is the smallest numeric type that holds left and right according to the above rules

Some examples might be helpful:

Note that sem_combine_types assumes the types have already been checked for compatibility and will use Contract to enforce this. You should be using other helpers like is_numeric_compat and friends to ensure the types agree before computing the combined type. A list of values that must be compatible with each other (e.g. in needle IN (haystack)) can be checked using sem_verify_compat repeatedly.

Example Validator : sem_verify_assignment

The sem_verify_assignment function is used any time there is something like a logical assignment going on. There are two important cases:

This is a lot like normal binary operator compatibility with one extra rule: the source expression must not be a bigger type than the target. e.g. you cannot assign a long to an integer, nor pass a long expression to a function that has an integer parameter.

// This verifies that the types are compatible and that it's ok to assign
// the expression to the variable.  In practice that means:
// * the variable type core type and kind must be compatible with the expression core type and kind
// * the variable must be nullable if the expression is nullable
// * the variable must be sensitive if the assignment is sensitive
// * the variable type must be bigger than the expression type
// Here ast is used only to give a place to put any errors.
static bool_t sem_verify_assignment(ast_node *ast, sem_t sem_type_needed, sem_t sem_type_found, CSTR var_name) {
  if (!sem_verify_compat(ast, sem_type_needed, sem_type_found, var_name)) {
    return false;

  if (!sem_verify_safe_assign(ast, sem_type_needed, sem_type_found, var_name)) {
    return false;

  if (is_nullable(sem_type_found) && is_not_nullable(sem_type_needed)) {
    report_error(ast, "CQL0013: cannot assign/copy possibly null expression to not null target", var_name);
    return false;

  if (sensitive_flag(sem_type_found) && !sensitive_flag(sem_type_needed)) {
    report_error(ast, "CQL0014: cannot assign/copy sensitive expression to non-sensitive target", var_name);
    return false;

  return true;

Simple Statement Validation

With the expression building blocks, most of the usual kind of language statements become quite simple to check for correctness. It’s probably easiest to illustrate this with an example. Let’s look at validation for the WHILE statement:

// While semantic analysis is super simple.
//  * the condition must be numeric
//  * the statement list must be error-free
//  * loop_depth is increased allowing the use of interior leave/continue
static void sem_while_stmt(ast_node *ast) {
  EXTRACT_ANY_NOTNULL(expr, ast->left);
  EXTRACT(stmt_list, ast->right);

  // WHILE [expr] BEGIN [stmt_list] END

  sem_numeric_expr(expr, ast, "WHILE", SEM_EXPR_CONTEXT_NONE);

  if (is_error(expr)) {

  if (stmt_list) {



    if (is_error(stmt_list)) {


NOTE: the while expression is one of the loop constructs which means that LEAVE and CONTINUE are legal inside it. The loop_depth global tracks the fact that we are in a loop so that analysis for LEAVE and CONTINUE can report errors if we are not.

It’s not hard to imagine that sem_stmt_list will basically walk the AST, pulling out statements and dispatching them using the STMT_INIT tables previously discussed. You might land right back in sem_while_stmt for a nested WHILE – it’s turtles all the way down.

If SEM_EXPR_CONTEXT_NONE is a mystery, don’t worry, it’s covered in the next section.

Expression Contexts

It turns out that in the SQL language some expression types are only valid in some parts of a SQL statement (e.g. aggregate functions can’t appear in a LIMIT clause) and so there is always a context for any numeric expression. When a new root expression is being evaluated, it sets the expression context per the caller’s specification.

The expression contexts are as follows:

#define SEM_EXPR_CONTEXT_NONE           0x0001
#define SEM_EXPR_CONTEXT_WHERE          0x0004
#define SEM_EXPR_CONTEXT_ON             0x0008
#define SEM_EXPR_CONTEXT_HAVING         0x0010
#define SEM_EXPR_CONTEXT_ORDER_BY       0x0020
#define SEM_EXPR_CONTEXT_GROUP_BY       0x0040
#define SEM_EXPR_CONTEXT_LIMIT          0x0080
#define SEM_EXPR_CONTEXT_OFFSET         0x0100
#define SEM_EXPR_CONTEXT_TABLE_FUNC     0x0200
#define SEM_EXPR_CONTEXT_WINDOW         0x0400

The idea here is simple: when calling a root expression, the analyzer provides the context value that has the bit that corresponds to the current context. For instance, the expression being validated in is the WHERE clause – the code will provide SEM_EXPR_CONTEXT_WHERE. The inner validators check this context, in particular anything that is only available in some contexts has a bit-mask of that is the union of the context bits where it can be used. The validator can check those possibilities against the current context with one bitwise “and” operation. A zero result indicates that the operation is not valid in the current context.

This bitwise “and” is performed by one of these two helper macros which makes the usage a little clearer:

#define CURRENT_EXPR_CONTEXT_IS(x)  (!!(current_expr_context & (x)))
#define CURRENT_EXPR_CONTEXT_IS_NOT(x)  (!(current_expr_context & (x)))

Expression Context Example : Concat

The concatenation operator || is challenging to successfully emulate because it does many different kinds of numeric to string conversions automatically. Rather than perennially getting this wrong, we simply do not support this operator in a context where SQLite isn’t going to be doing the concatenation. So typically users use “printf” instead to get formatting done outside of a SQL context. The check for invalid use of || is very simple and it happens, of course, in sem_concat.

    report_error(ast, "CQL0241: CONCAT may only appear in the context of a SQL statement", NULL);

Expression Context Example : IN

A slightly more complex example happens processing the IN operator. This operator has two forms: the form with an expression list, which can be used anywhere, and the form with a SELECT statement. The latter form can only appear in some sections of SQL, and not at all in loose expressions. For instance, that form may not appear in the LIMIT or OFFSET sections of a SQLite statement.

We use this construct to do the validation:

    uint32_t valid = SEM_EXPR_CONTEXT_SELECT_LIST

      report_error( ast, "CQL0078: [not] in (select ...) is only allowed inside "
                         "of select lists, where, on, and having clauses", NULL);

If the reader is interested in a simple learning exercise, run down the purpose of SEM_EXPR_CONTEXT_TABLE_FUNC – it’s simple, but important, and it only has one use case so it’s easy to find.

Name Resolution

We’ve gotten pretty far without talking about the elephant in the room: name resolution.

Like SQL, many statements in CQL have names in positions where the type of the name is completely unambiguous. For instance nobody could be confused what sort of symbol Foo is in DROP INDEX Foo.

This type, with a clear name category, is the easiest name resolutions, and there are a lot in this form. Let’s do an example.

Example: Index Name Resolution

// This is the basic checking for the drop index statement
// * the index must exist (have been declared) in some version
// * it could be deleted now, that's ok, but the name has to be valid
static void sem_drop_index_stmt(ast_node *ast) {
  EXTRACT_ANY_NOTNULL(name_ast, ast->right);
  EXTRACT_STRING(name, name_ast);

  ast_node *index_ast = find_usable_index(name, name_ast,  "CQL0112: index in drop statement was not declared");
  if (!index_ast) {


Well, this is interesting. But what’s going on with find_usable_index? What is usable? Why aren’t we just looking up the index name in some name table? Let’s have a look at the details of find_usable_index.

// returns the node only if it exists and is not restricted by the schema region.
static ast_node *find_usable_index(CSTR name, ast_node *err_target, CSTR msg) {
  ast_node *index_ast = find_index(name);
  if (!index_ast) {
    report_error(err_target, msg, name);
    return NULL;

  if (!sem_validate_object_ast_in_current_region(name, index_ast, err_target, msg)) {
    return NULL;

  return index_ast;

We haven’t discussed schema regions yet but what you need to know about them for now is this: * any object can be in a region. * a region may depend on other regions

If an object is in a region, then it may only use schema parts that are in the same region, or the region’s dependencies (transitively).

The point of this is that you might have a rather large schema and you probably don’t want any piece of code to use just any piece of schema. You can use regions to ensure that the code for feature “X” doesn’t try to use schema designed exclusively for feature “Y”. That “X” code probably has no business even knowing of the existence of “Y” schema.

So now usable simply means this: * find_index can find the name in the symbol table for indices * the found index is accessible in the current region

If we had used an example that was looking up a table name, the same region considerations would apply, however, additionally tables can be deprecated with @delete so there would be additional checks to make sure we’re talking about a live table and not a table’s tombstone.

In short, these simple cases just require looking up the entity and verifying that it’s accessible in the current context.

Flexible Name Resolution

The “hard case” for name resolution is where the name is occurring in an expression. Such a name can refer to all manner of things. It could be a global variable, a local variable, an argument, a table column, a field in a cursor, and others. The general name resolver goes through several phases looking for the name. Each phase can either report an affirmative success or error (in which case the search stops), or it may simply report that the name was not found but the search should continue.

We can demystify this a bit by looking at the most common way to get name resolution done.

// Resolves a (potentially qualified) identifier, writing semantic information
// into `ast` if successful, or reporting and recording an error for `ast` if
// not.
static void sem_resolve_id(ast_node *ast, CSTR name, CSTR scope) {
  Contract(is_id(ast) || is_ast_dot(ast));

  // We have no use for `type` and simply throw it away.
  sem_t *type = NULL;
  sem_resolve_id_with_type(ast, name, scope, &type);

The name resolver works on either a vanilla name (e.g. x) or a scoped name (e.g. T1.x). The name and scope are provided. The ast parameter is used only as a place to report errors; there is no further cracking of the AST needed to resolve the name. As you can see sem_resolve_id just calls the more general function sem_resolve_id_with_type and is used in the most common case where you don’t need to be able to mutate the semantic type info for the identifier. That’s the 99% case.

So let’s move on to the “real” resolver.

// This function is responsible for resolving both unqualified identifiers (ids)
// and qualified identifiers (dots). It performs the following two roles:
// - If an optional `ast` is provided, it works the same way most semantic
//   analysis functions work: semantic information will be written into the
//   ast, errors will be reported to the user, and errors will be recorded in
//   the AST.
// - `*type_ptr` will be set to mutable type (`sem_t *`) in the current
//   environment if the identifier successfully resolves to a type. (There are,
//   unfortunately, a few exceptions in which a type will be successfully
//   resolved and yet `*type_ptr` will not be set. These include when a cursor is
//   in an expression position, when the expression is `rowid` (or similar), and
//   when the id resolves to an enum case. The reason no mutable type is
//   returned in these cases is that a new type is allocated as part of semantic
//   analysis, and there exists no single, stable type in the environment to
//   which a pointer could be returned. This is a limitation of this function,
//   albeit one that's currently not problematic.)
//  Resolution is attempted in the order that the `sem_try_resolve_*` functions
//  appear in the `resolver` array. Each takes the same arguments: An (optional)
//  AST, a mandatory name, an optional scope, and mandatory type pointer. If the
//  identifier provided to one of these resolvers is resolved successfully, *or*
//  if the correct resolver was found but there was an error in the program,
//  `SEM_RESOLVE_STOP` is returned and resolution is complete, successful or not.
//  If a resolver is tried and it determines that it is not the correct resolver
//  for the identifier in question, `SEM_RESOLVE_CONTINUE` is returned and the
//  next resolver is tried.
// This function should not be called directly. If one is interested in
// performing semantic analysis, call `sem_resolve_id` (or, if within an
// expression, `sem_resolve_id_expr`.) Alternatively, if one wants to get a
// mutable type from the environment, call `find_mutable_type`.
static void sem_resolve_id_with_type(ast_node *ast, CSTR name, CSTR scope, sem_t **type_ptr) {

  *type_ptr = NULL;

  sem_resolve (*resolver[])(ast_node *ast, CSTR, CSTR, sem_t **) = {

  for (uint32_t i = 0; i < sizeof(resolver) / sizeof(void *); i++) {
    if (resolver[i](ast, name, scope, type_ptr) == SEM_RESOLVE_STOP) {

  report_resolve_error(ast, "CQL0069: name not found", name);

This function is well described in its own comments. We can easily see the “mini-resolvers” which attempt to find the name in order:

These all use this enum to communicate progress:

// All `sem_try_resolve_*` functions return either `SEM_RESOLVE_CONTINUE` to
// indicate that another resolver should be tried, or `SEM_RESOLVE_STOP` to
// indicate that the correct resolver was found. Continuing implies that no
// failure has (yet) occurred, but stopping implies neither success nor failure.
typedef enum {
} sem_resolve;

Each of these mini-resolvers will have a series of rules, for example sem_try_resolve_cursor_field is going to have to do something like this:

All the mini-resolvers are similarly structured, generically:

Some of the mini-resolvers have quite a few steps, but any one mini-resolver is only about a screenful of code and it does one job.

Flow Analysis

CQL implements a basic form of control flow analysis in “flow.c”. The header “flow.h” exposes a small set of primitives used by “sem.c” during semantic analysis.

Flow analysis in CQL involves two important concepts: flow contexts and improvements. These are rather entangled concepts — one is useless without the other — and so the approach to describing them here will alternate between giving a bit of background on one and then the other, with a greater level of detail about the specific types of improvements being supplied later on.

A flow context is used, in essence, to create a boundary around a portion of a user’s program. At the moment, there are four types of contexts.

The first type of context is called, rather boringly, a normal context. Normal contexts are used for portions of a user’s code that may be entered conditionally. A good example of this is in SELECT expressions: When a WHERE clause is present, the expression list is only evaluated when the WHERE clause is true. If we look at sem_select_expr_list_con, we can get an idea of how this works in terms of flow contexts:

static void sem_select_expr_list_con(ast_node *ast) {
  // Analyze the FROM portion (if it exists).
  error = is_error(select_from_etc);

  // Push a flow context to contain improvements made via the WHERE clause that
  // will be in effect for the SELECT expression list.

  if (!error) {
    sem_sensitive = sem_select_where_etc(select_from_etc);
  if (!error) {

While very much simplified above, it can be seen that the steps are essentially as follows:

  1. Analyze the FROM clause.
  2. Push a new normal context.
  3. Analyze the WHERE clause.
  4. Set improvements given the WHERE clause (ultimately by calling flow_set_flag_for_type); we’ll come back to this part shortly.
  5. Analyze the expression list with the improvements from the WHERE in effect.
  6. Pop the context, un-setting the improvements from the WHERE.

This, of course, only begins to make sense once one understands what we mean by improvements.

CQL, at the moment, supports two forms of improvements: nullability improvements and initialization improvements. Both of these will be discussed in more detail later, but the basic idea is that an improvement upgrades the type of some value within a particular flow context. For example, in the expression SELECT x + x FROM t WHERE x IS NOT NULL, we can reason that x + x can safely be given a nonnull type because of the WHERE clause. This is exactly what we do in sem_select_expr_list_con: We make a context to hold the improvements that may come from the WHERE, analyze the WHERE, set the appropriate improvements given the WHERE, analyze the expression list, and then pop the context to unset the improvements (as they must not affect any enclosing expressions).

In addition to normal contexts, there are also branch contexts and branch group contexts. These two context types are designed to work together for handling IF, CASE, IIF, SWITCH, et cetera.

Like normal contexts, branch contexts assume that they are entered when some condition is true. The difference is that branch contexts lie within a branch group context, and branch groups know that at most one branch of a given set of branches will be entered. A great example of this can be found in sem_if_stmt:

static void sem_if_stmt(ast_node *ast) {
  // Each branch gets its own flow context in `sem_cond_action` where its
  // condition is known to be true. We also create one more context for the
  // entire set of branches. In addition to grouping the branches together, this
  // outer context holds all of the negative improvements that result from the
  // knowledge that, if a given branch's statements are being evaluated, all
  // previous branches' conditions must have been false.

  // IF [cond_action]
  if (elseif) {
  if (elsenode) {
    // ELSE [stmt_list]
    EXTRACT(stmt_list, elsenode->left);
    if (stmt_list) {
    } else {

It’s instructive to look at sem_cond_action as well:

static void sem_cond_action(ast_node *ast) {
  // [expr] THEN stmt_list
  if (stmt_list) {
    // Add improvements for `stmt_list` where `expr` must be true.
  } else {

  // If a later branch will be taken, `expr` must be false. Add its negative
  // improvements to the context created in `sem_if_stmt` so that all later
  // branches will be improved by the OR-linked spine of IS NULL checks in
  // `expr`.

Putting all of this together, we can see that the basic steps for analyzing an IF statement are as follows:

  1. Push a new branch group context to hold all of the branch contexts that are to come.
  2. Analyze the condition in the IF condition THEN portion of the statement.
  3. Push a new branch context to hold the nullability improvements from the condition (e.g., in IF x IS NOT NULL THEN, we can improve x to have a nonnull type in the statement list after the THEN).
  4. Set the improvements.
  5. Anaylze the statement list after the THEN.
  6. Pop the branch context.
  7. Set the negative improvements resulting from the knowledge that condition must have been false if the previous branch wasn’t entered (e.g., in IF y IS NULL THEN, we know that y must be nonnull from just after the end of the branch until the end of the current branch group).
  8. Repeat for the ELSE IF and ELSE branches (if any).
  9. Pop the branch group context.

What makes all of this work are the following:

The final type of context is called a jump context. Jump contexts are a maximally pessimistic form of context that assume every improvement that might be unset within them will be unset and that every improvement that might be set within them will not be set. Jump contexts are used to make semantic analysis safe in the possible presence of control flow statements like CONTINUE, LEAVE, and THROW, and so jump contexts are used for the analysis of statements like LOOP, WHILE, and TRY. Take the following line-numbered code as an example:

002  SET x := "foo";
003  WHILE some_condition
004  BEGIN
005    IF another_condition THEN
006      SET x := NULL;
007      IF yet_another_condition THEN
008        LEAVE;
009      END IF;
010      SET x := "bar";
011    ELSE
012      -- do nothing
013    END IF;
014  END;
015  CALL requires_text_notnull(x);

Here, even though the outer IF makes no change overall to the nullability improvement to x from line 2 – it unsets it on line 6 and then re-sets it on line 10 and the ELSE does nothing—there is no guarantee that line 10 will ever be evaluated because we may jump straight from line 8 to line 15. As a result, it is necessary that x be un-improved after the WHILE loop; a normal context would not accomplish this, but a jump context does. See the comments within _flow_push_context_branch for additional discussion.

While jump contexts are necessary for the safety of improvements in the presence of loops, they are not sufficient: It’s actually necessary to analyze loops twice. This is because execution of a loop might repeat, and so a statement that results in the unsetting of an improvement later in a loop must affect improvements earlier in that loop. For example:

SET x := 1;
WHILE some_condition
  -- okay on the first analysis pass, but not the second
  CALL requires_int_notnull(x);
  -- must negatively affect the call on the line above
  SET x := NULL;

Semantic analysis keeps track of whether or not it is currently reanalyzing the statement list of a loop via the current_loop_analysis_state variable:

// The analysis of loops like LOOP and WHILE is done in two passes. First, we
// analyze the loop to conservatively figure out every improvement that the loop
// could possibly unset. After that, we reanalyze it with said improvements
// unset to ensure that everything is safe. See `sem_stmt_list_within_loop` for
// more information on why this is necessary.
typedef enum {
} loop_analysis_state;


// Keeps tracks of the current loop analysis state. If this is equal to
// `LOOP_ANALYSIS_STATE_ANALYZE`, we are analyzing with a non-final set of
// improvements. This is useful for two reasons:
// 1. Procedures that perform rewrites based on improvements (e.g.,
//    `sem_resolve_id_expr`) can use this to verify whether a rewrite is safe to
//    whether they should wait because they do not yet have definitive
//    information (`LOOP_ANALYSIS_STATE_ANALYZE`).
// 2. Analyses that would otherwise fail if called during reanalysis (e.g.,
//    `sem_verify_legal_variable_name`) can use this to check whether the
//    current state is `LOOP_ANALYSIS_STATE_REANALYZE` and adjust their
//    behaviors accordingly.
static loop_analysis_state current_loop_analysis_state = LOOP_ANALYSIS_STATE_NONE;

As indicated in the first comment above, the comments within sem_stmt_list_within_loop go into further detail.

At this point, we’ve only scratched the surface of control flow analysis in CQL. Fortunately, the files “flow.h” and “flow.c” are heavily commented and can be studied to deepen one’s understanding.

Nullability Improvements

Via a form of occurrence typing (also known as flow typing), CQL has the ability to determine that, due to a prior conditional check, a nullable variable or cursor field cannot be null within a particular context, and CQL will improve its type in that context.

Unlike most forms of semantic analysis performed by CQL, the analysis for nullability improvements, as is the case for all types of improvements, makes heavy use of the find_mutable_type function:

// Returns the *mutable* type (`sem_t *`) for a given (potentially qualified)
// identifier if one exists in the environment. See the documentation for
// `sem_resolve_id_with_type` for limitations.
static sem_t *find_mutable_type(CSTR name, CSTR scope);

This function allows us to look up the type of the original binding referred to by a particular name/scope pair. In essence, it provides access to the current type environment for whichever part of the program we are analyzing. It also allows us to mutate that environment by virtue of the fact that it returns a pointer to the type of the binding, not merely the type itself.

By using find_mutable_type to get a type pointer and toggling the SEM_TYPE_INFERRED_NOTNULL flag via flow_set_flag_for_type and flow_unset_flag_for_type, the procedures sem_set_notnull_improved and sem_unset_notnull_improved are able to record that a nullable identifier or cursor field is either temporarily nonnull or no longer nonnull respectively:

// Enables a nonnull improvement, if possible.
static void sem_set_notnull_improved(CSTR name, CSTR scope);

// This needs to be called for everything that is no longer safe to consider NOT
// NULL due to a mutation. It is fine to call this for something not currently
// subject to improvement, but it must only be called with a name/scope pair
// referring to something that has a mutable type (e.g., it must not be an unbound
// variable, a cursor used as an expression, an enum case, et cetera).
static void sem_unset_notnull_improved(CSTR name, CSTR scope);

Similarly, sem_is_notnull_improved uses find_mutable_type to check whether or not something is currently improved:

// Returns true if currently improved to be nonnull, else false.
static bool_t sem_is_notnull_improved(CSTR name, CSTR scope);

Why does nullability inference use this approach? The reason is that the alternative would be maintaining some sort of set of currently improved identifiers and cursor fields and checking it whenever resolving an identifier or cursor field. The problem would be that merely knowing that some identifier “x” is improved would not be sufficient, however: We’d have to know which “x”. Is it the local variable “x”? Is it the column “x” of the table from which we’re currently selecting? In essence, correctly maintaining an independent set of all currently active improvements would involve re-implementing all of the scoping rules of the language. By using find_mutable_type, we can simply piggyback on the existing name resolution logic and avoid all of these issues.

A nullability improvement is always created within a particular flow context. When an improvement is added via sem_set_notnull_improved, a record of that improvement is recorded in the current context. When that context ends, that same record is used to remove the improvement. It is also the case that sem_unset_notnull_improved may be used to remove an improvement before a context has ended due to a SET, FETCH, or call to a procedure or function with an OUT argument resulting in the improvement no longer being safe.

Improvements can be introduced into the current context via sem_set_notnull_improved directly (when a variable is SET to a value of a nonnull type), but more commonly they are introduced via one of the following two functions:

// Given a conditional expression `ast` possibly containing AND-linked
// subexpressions, set all of the applicable nullability and has-row
// improvements within the current flow context. Generally speaking, calls to
// this function should be bounded by a new flow context corresponding to the
// portion of the program for which the condition `ast` must be be true.
static void sem_set_improvements_for_true_condition(ast_node *expr);

// Improvements for known-false conditions are dual to improvements for
// known-true conditions.
// For nullability, known-false conditions improve ids and dots verified to be
// NULL via `IS NULL` along the outermost spine of `OR` expressions, whereas
// known-true conditions improve ids and dots verified to be nonnull via `IS NOT
// NULL` along the outermost spine of `AND` expressions. For example, the
// following two statements introduce the same improvements:
//     -- `a` and `b` are improved here because we know the condition is true
//   END IF;
//   -- `a` and `b` are improved here because we know the condition is false
//   -- since we must not have returned if we got this far
// ...
static void sem_set_improvements_for_false_condition(ast_node *ast);

These functions introduce improvements by gathering up all of the IS NOT NULL checks (in the true case) or IS NULL checks (in the false case) and introducing improvements appropriately. The true version is used when we enter a context that will only be evaluated at runtime when some particular condition is true; the false version, conversely, is used when we enter a context that will only be evaluated at runtime when some particular condition is false:

IF some_condition THEN
  -- "true" improvements from `some_condition` are in
  -- effect here
ELSE IF another_condition THEN
  -- "false" improvements from `some_condition` and true
  -- improvements from `another_condition` are in effect
  -- here
   -- "false" improvements from both `some_condition` and
   -- `another_condition` are in effect here

Global variables in CQL require special treatment when it comes to nullability improvements. This is because any procedure call could potentially mutate any number of global variables, and so all currently improved globals must be un-improved at every such call. The following list keeps track of which global variables are currently improved:

typedef struct global_notnull_improvement_item {
  sem_t *type;
  struct global_notnull_improvement_item *next;
} global_notnull_improvement_item;


// Keeps track of all global variables that may currently be improved to be NOT
// NULL. We need this because we must un-improve all such variables after every
// procedure call (because we don't do interprocedural analysis and cannot know
// which globals may have been set to NULL).
static global_notnull_improvement_item *global_notnull_improvements;

The fact that we don’t do interprocedural analysis (as the comment above indicates) is not a deficiency. Programmers should be able to reason locally about nullability improvements, and an analysis that depended upon the details of how other procedures were implemented would make that impossible.

So far, we have talked a lot about how improvements are set and unset, but we haven’t talked about how the improvement actually happens in terms of code generation. Since CQL represents values of nullable and nonnull types differently (at least in the case of non-reference types), we cannot simply treat a value of a nullable type as though it were of a nonnull type: We need to actually change its representation.

The way this works is that, whenever we resolve a name/scope pair via sem_resolve_id_expr, we check whether the pair is currently improved via sem_is_notnull_improved. If it is, we call rewrite_nullable_to_notnull to wrap the id or dot we’re resolving with a call to the function cql_inferred_notnull (for which we generate code in cg_func_cql_inferred_notnull):

// Wraps an id or dot in a call to cql_inferred_notnull.
cql_noexport void rewrite_nullable_to_unsafe_notnull(ast_node *_Nonnull ast);

// The `cql_inferred_notnull` function is not used by the programmer directly,
// but rather inserted via a rewrite during semantic analysis to coerce a value
// of a nullable type to be nonnull. The reason for this approach, as opposed to
// just changing the type directly, is that there are also representational
// differences between values of nullable and nonnull types; some conversion is
// required.
static void cg_func_cql_inferred_notnull(ast_node *call_ast, charbuf *is_null, charbuf *value);

As the comment for cg_func_cql_inferred_notnull indicates, programmers do not use cql_inferred_notnull directly: It is only inserted as a product of the above-mentioned rewrite. In fact, we explicitly disallow its use by programmers in the parser:

// We insert calls to `cql_inferred_notnull` as part of a rewrite so we expect
// to see it during semantic analysis, but it cannot be allowed to appear in a
// program. It would be unsafe if it could: It coerces a value from a nullable
// type to a nonnull type without any runtime check.
  EXTRACT_STRING(proc_name, x); \
  if (!strcmp(proc_name, "cql_inferred_notnull")) { \
    yyerror("Call to internal function is not allowed 'cql_inferred_notnull'"); \

One subtle aspect of the rewrite is that the rewrite itself performs analysis to validate the product of the rewrite (as do other many other rewrites). To avoid going into a loop of rewriting, analyzing the result (which ultimately happens in sem_special_func_cql_inferred_notnull), rewriting again because the result contains a name that is improved, et cetera, we keep track of whether or not we’re currently analyzing a subexpression under a call to cql_inferred_notnull and avoid re-rewriting appropriately:

// This is true if we are analyzing a call to `cql_inferred_notnull`. This can
// happen for three reasons:
// * We just did a rewrite that produced a `cql_inferred_notnull` call and now
//   we're computing its type.
// * We're analyzing an expression that was already analyzed (e.g., in a CTE).
// * We're analyzing the output of a previous CQL run within which calls to
//   `cql_inferrred_notnull` may occur.
// Regardless of the cause, if `is_analyzing_notnull_rewrite` is true, we do not
// want to rewrite again.
static bool_t is_analyzing_notnull_rewrite;

static void sem_special_func_cql_inferred_notnull(ast_node *ast, uint32_t arg_count, bool_t *is_aggregate) {
  // Since we're checking a call to `cql_inferred_notnull`, its arguments have
  // already been rewritten and we don't want to do it again. Setting
  // `is_analyzing_notnull_rewrite` prevents that.
  is_analyzing_notnull_rewrite = true;
  sem_arg_list(arg_list, IS_NOT_COUNT);
  is_analyzing_notnull_rewrite = false;

// Like `sem_resolve_id`, but specific to expression contexts (where nullability
// improvements are applicable).
static void sem_resolve_id_expr(ast_node *ast, CSTR name, CSTR scope) {
  if (is_analyzing_notnull_rewrite) {
    // If we're analyzing the product of a rewrite and we're already inside of a
    // call to `cql_inferred_notnull`, do not expand again.
    // forever.

At this point, you should have a decent understanding of how nullability improvements function, both in terms of semantic analysis and in terms of code generation. The implementation is heavily commented, so reading the code and searching for calls to the core functions listed below should be sufficient to fill in any gaps:

bool_t sem_is_notnull_improved(CSTR name, CSTR scope);
void sem_set_notnull_improved(CSTR name, CSTR scope);
void sem_unset_notnull_improved(CSTR name, CSTR scope);
void sem_unset_global_notnull_improvements();
void sem_set_improvements_for_true_condition(ast_node *ast);
void sem_set_improvements_for_false_condition(ast_node *ast);
void sem_special_func_cql_inferred_notnull(ast_node *ast, uint32_t arg_count, bool_t *is_aggregate)
void rewrite_nullable_to_unsafe_notnull(ast_node *_Nonnull ast);

Initialization Improvements

Compared to nullability improvements, initialization improvements are relatively simple.

The idea behind initialization improvements is that, if one declares a variable of a reference type (BLOB, OBJECT, or TEXT) that is also NOT NULL, it is not safe to use the variable until it has been given a value. For example:


IF some_condition THEN
  SET x := some_text_notnull_value;
  -- `x` is safe to use here
  -- `x` is NOT safe to use here (it might be uninitialized)

-- `x` is NOT safe to use here either (it might be uninitialized)

As with nullability improvements, initialization improvements rely heavily on flow contexts. The function sem_set_initialization_improved, similarly to sem_set_notnull_improved for nullability, is used to enable an initialization improvement. (There is nothing analogous to sem_unset_notnull_improved for initialization because nothing can ever be uninitialized once it has been given a value.)

Unlike nullability improvements, initialization improvements use two flags: SEM_TYPE_INIT_REQUIRED and SEM_TYPE_INIT_COMPLETE. Rather than assuming everything is uninitalized by default and requiring the presence of some SEM_TYPE_INITIALIZED flag before anything can be used, we explicitly tag things that are not initialized but need to be with SEM_TYPE_INIT_REQUIRED and later tag them with SEM_TYPE_INIT_COMPLETE once they’ve been initialized. Doing it in this way has two benefits:

  1. It reduces the amount of noise in the AST output significantly: Code like LET x := 10; can remain {let_stmt}: x: integer notnull variable in the AST without the need of the extra noise of some initialized flag.

  2. More importantly, it means we only have to deal with initialization in a tiny portion of “sem.c”. For example, we must handle it in sem_declare_vars_type to add the SEM_TYPE_INIT_REQUIRED flag and in sem_assign to add SEM_TYPE_INIT_COMPLETE, but sem_let_stmt can remain blissfully ignorant of initialization altogether.

There are only three places in which a variable may be initialized: sem_assign (as mentioned), sem_fetch_stmt (for the FETCH...INTO form), and sem_arg_for_out_param (as passing a variable to a procedure requiring an OUT argument of a NOT NULL type can initialize it).

Regarding sem_arg_for_out_param, we can only set initialization improvements when a variable is passed as an OUT argument because we require that all procedures initialize all of their OUT parameters of a nonnull reference type. This is handled in two places:

  1. In sem_param, we set the SEM_TYPE_INIT_REQUIRED flag when param_should_require_initialization is true.

  2. In sem_validate_current_proc_params_are_initialized, which is called both after analyzing the statement list of a procedure and for each return statement within the procedure, we ensure that SEM_TYPE_INIT_COMPLETE is present on all parameters that have SEM_TYPE_INIT_REQUIRED.

There is only one wrinkle in all of this: the cql:try_is_proc_body attribute. If cql:try_is_proc_body is present on a TRY statement, we call sem_validate_current_proc_params_are_initialized at the end of the TRY and not at the end of the procedure. The rationale for this is explained thoroughly in the comments for sem_find_ast_misc_attr_trycatch_is_proc_body_callback.

That’s all there is to it: “flow.c” does most of the hard work for us.

Structure types and the notion of Shapes

Earlier we discussed SEM_TYPE_STRUCT briefly. Recall the basic notion of the structure type:

// for tables and views and the result of a select

typedef struct sem_struct {
  CSTR struct_name;               // struct name
  uint32_t count;                 // count of fields
  CSTR *names;                    // field names
  CSTR *kinds;                    // the "kind" text of each column, if any, e.g. integer<foo> foo is the kind
  sem_t *semtypes;                // typecode for each field
} sem_struct;

The structure is nothing more than an array of names, types and kinds with a count. But it creates the notion of what’s usually called a “shape” in the codebase. Shapes can be used in a variety of ways as is described in Chapter 5 of the CQL Guide. But before we get into shapes, let’s look at an example of how a structure type is created.

The code that follows is the back end of sem_create_table_stmt. At this point the bulk of the analysis is done and the columns all have their types. We’re about to build the struct type for the table. Let’s see how that goes.

  // now create a struct type with the correct number of columns
  // the types have already been computed so all we have to do is
  // check for duplicates
  sem_struct *sptr = new_sem_struct(name, cols);

  symtab *columns = symtab_new();

  int32_t col = 0;
  for (ast_node *item = col_key_list; item; item = item->right) {
    EXTRACT_ANY_NOTNULL(def, item->left);

    if (is_ast_col_def(def)) {
      Invariant(col <= cols);  // it's possible that the rest are deleted and we're at the end.

      // columns must be unique, including deleted columns
      if (!symtab_add(columns, def->sem->name, NULL)) {
        EXTRACT_NOTNULL(col_def_type_attrs, def->left);
        EXTRACT_NOTNULL(col_def_name_type, col_def_type_attrs->left);
        EXTRACT_ANY_NOTNULL(col_def_ast, col_def_name_type->left);

        report_error(col_def_ast, "CQL0142: duplicate column name", def->sem->name);
        goto cleanup;;

      if (is_deleted(def->sem->sem_type)) {

      Invariant(col < cols);

      sptr->names[col] = def->sem->name;
      sptr->semtypes[col] = def->sem->sem_type;
      sptr->kinds[col] = def->sem->kind;


  Invariant(col == cols);

  ast->sem = new_sem(SEM_TYPE_STRUCT);
  ast->sem->sptr = sptr;
  ast->sem->jptr = sem_join_from_sem_struct(sptr);
  ast->sem->region = current_region;

Structure types often come from the shape of a table, but other things can create a structure type. For instance, the columns of a view, or any select statement, are also described by a structure type and are therefore valid “shapes”. The return type of a procedure usually comes from a SELECT statement, so the procedure too can be the source of a shape. The arguments of a procedure form a shape. The fields of a cursor form a shape. You can even have a named subset of the arguments of a procedure and use them like a shape. All of these things are described by structure types.

Shapes and the LIKE construct

There are many cases where you want to be able to capture or re-use something with a known shape and you don’t want to have to fully re-declare the thing. CQL uses the LIKE construct to do these sorts of things. This is more fully explained in Chapter 5 of the Guide, but for now let’s look at two different cases that are of interest.

First, a cursor:

DECLARE C CURSOR LIKE Foo;  -- Foo something with a shape

So, in the above, Foo could be a table, a view, a procedure with a result, another cursor, and so forth.

How might we do this? This is the business of sem_declare_cursor_like_name

// Here we're going to make a new value cursor using the indicated name for the shape.
// The name has to be "likeable" meaning it refers to some named thing with a shape
// such as a table, a view, another cursor, or a procedure that returns a result set.
// These are the so called "value cursors" in that they have no underlying statement
// that they move through.  You can just load them up with a row and pass them around.
static void sem_declare_cursor_like_name(ast_node *ast) {
  EXTRACT_ANY_NOTNULL(new_cursor_ast, ast->left);
  EXTRACT_STRING(new_cursor_name, new_cursor_ast);
  EXTRACT_ANY_NOTNULL(shape_def, ast->right);

  // no duplicates allowed
  if (!sem_verify_legal_variable_name(ast, new_cursor_name)) {

  // must be a valid shape
  ast_node *found_shape = sem_find_shape_def(shape_def, LIKEABLE_FOR_VALUES);
  if (!found_shape) {

  // good to go, make our cursor, with storage.
  shape_def->sem = found_shape->sem;
  new_cursor_ast->sem->sptr = found_shape->sem->sptr;
  new_cursor_ast->sem->name = new_cursor_name;
  ast->sem = new_cursor_ast->sem;

  symtab_add(current_variables, new_cursor_name, new_cursor_ast);

NOTE: name_ast->sem isn’t actually used for anything but it is helpful for debugging. If the AST is printed it shows the original unmodified semantic type which can be helpful.

Briefly sem_find_shape_def does these steps:

This is the primary source of shape reuse. Let’s look at how we might use that.

Suppose we want to write a procedure that inserts a row into the table Foo, we could certainly list the columns of Foo as arguments like this:

CREATE PROC InsertIntoFoo(id integer, t text, r real, b blob)
  INSERT INTO Foo(id, t, r, b) VALUES(id, t, r, b);

But that approach is going to get a lot less exciting when there are lots of columns and it will be increasingly a maintenance headache.

Compare that with the following:

CREATE PROC InsertIntoFoo(row LIKE Foo)

Those two versions of InsertIntoFoo compile into the same code. The semantic analyzer expands the (row LIKE Foo) into (row_id integer, row_t text, row_r real, row_b blob) and then replaces FROM row with (row_id, row_t, row_r, row_b). In both case it simply looked up the shape using sem_find_shape_def and then altered the AST to the canonical pattern. This kind of “shape sugar” is all over CQL and greatly increases maintainability while eliminating common errors. The most common operation is simply to expland a “shape” into a list of arguments or columns (maybe with or without type names). SQLite doesn’t know any of this shape magic so by the time SQLite sees the code it has to look “normal” – the shapes are all resolved.

Join Types

The last of the type building data structure is the join type. Recall that we have this shape:

// for the data type of (parts of) the FROM clause
// sometimes I refer to as a "joinscope"

typedef struct sem_join {
  uint32_t count;                 // count of table/views in the join
  CSTR *names;                    // names of the table/view
  struct sem_struct **tables;     // struct type of each table/view
} sem_join;

This is an array of named structure types, which is exactly what you get when you do something like this:

select * from T1 INNER JOIN T2;

The result has all of the columns of T1 and all of the columns of T2. They can be referred to with scoped names like T1.x which means “find the sptr corresponding to the name T1 then within that structure find the column named x”. In general, when we join, we take a jptr on the left and concatenate it with a jptr on the right. For all this to work we have to start somewhere, usually single tables.

As we saw when we make a table we use sem_join_from_sem_struct to make its initial jptr. Let’s have a look at that now:

// Create a base join type from a single struct.
static sem_join *sem_join_from_sem_struct(sem_struct *sptr) {
  sem_join *jptr = new_sem_join(1);
  jptr->names[0] = sptr->struct_name;
  jptr->tables[0] = new_sem_struct_strip_table_flags(sptr);

  return jptr;

It doesn’t get much simpler than the above, here are the steps briefly:

The other flags (e.g. SEM_TYPE_PK) have no value in doing type checking and were only needed to help validate the table itself. Those extra flags would be harmless but they would also contaminate all of the debug output, so they are stripped. As a result the type of columns as they appear in say SELECT statements is simpler than how they appear in a CREATE TABLE statement.

When we need to create a new join type we simply (*) make a new sem_join that is the concatenation of the left and right sides of the join operation.

Importantly, we call the thing a “joinscope” because it creates a namespace. When we are evaluating names inside of the FROM clause or even later in, say, a WHERE clause, the joinscope that we have created so far controls the table.column combinations that you can use in expressions. This changes again when there is a subquery, so the joinscopes can be pushed and popped as needed.

By way of example, you’ll see these two patterns in the code:

  PUSH_JOIN(from_scope, select_from_etc->sem->jptr);
  error = sem_select_orderby(select_orderby);
  sem_numeric_expr(ast->left, ast, "LIMIT", SEM_EXPR_CONTEXT_LIMIT);

Schema Regions

We touched briefly on schema regions earlier in this section. The purpose and language for regions is described more fully in Chapter 10 of the Guide. In this section we’ll deal with how they are implemented and what you should expect to see in the code.

When a region declaration is found this method is used:

// A schema region is an partitioning of the schema such that it
// only uses objects in the same partition or one of its declared
// dependencies.  One schema region may be upgraded independently
// from any others (assuming they happen such that dependents are done first).
// Here we validate:
//  * the region name is unique
//  * the dependencies (if any) are unique and exist
static void sem_declare_schema_region_stmt(ast_node *ast)  { ... }

The general rules are described in the comment, but effectively it accumulates the list of the declared region’s dependencies. Sometimes these are called the antecedent regions. Since a region can only depend on regions that have already been declared, it’s not possible to make any cycles. Regions are declared before you put anything into them.

Pieces of schema or procedures (or anything really) can go into a region by putting that code inside a begin/end pair for the named region. Like so:

@begin_schema_region your_region;
  -- your stuff

Now whatever happens to be in “your stuff” is:

To see how this happens, let’s have a look at sem_begin_schema_region_stmt.

// Entering a schema region makes all the objects that follow part of that
// region.  It also means that all the contained objects must refer to
// only pieces of schema that are in the same region or a dependent region.
// Here we validate that region we are entering is in fact a valid region
// and that there isn't already a schema region.
static void sem_begin_schema_region_stmt(ast_node * ast) {
  EXTRACT_STRING(name, ast->left);


  if (!verify_schema_region_out_of_proc(ast)) {

  if (current_region) {
    report_error(ast, "CQL0246: schema regions do not nest; end the current region before starting a new one", NULL);

  ast_node *region = find_region(name);
  if (!region) {
    report_error(ast->left, "CQL0244: unknown schema region", name);

  // Get the canonical name of the region (case adjusted)
  EXTRACT_STRING(region_name, region->left);

  // we already know we are not in a region
  current_region_image = symtab_new();
  sem_accumulate_public_region_image(current_region_image, region_name);

  // this is the one and only text pointer value for this region
  current_region = region_name;

We see these basic steps:

Now we’re all set up.

Recall that at the end of sem_create_table_stmt we do this:

  ast->sem = new_sem(SEM_TYPE_STRUCT);
  ast->sem->sptr = sptr;
  ast->sem->jptr = sem_join_from_sem_struct(sptr);
  ast->sem->region = current_region;

That should make a lot more sense now.

When doing the symmetric check in sem_validate_object_ast_in_current_region we see this pattern:

// Validate whether or not an object is usable with a schema region. The object
// can only be a table, view, trigger or index.
static bool_t sem_validate_object_ast_in_current_region(
  CSTR name,
  ast_node *table_ast,
  ast_node *err_target,
  CSTR msg)
  // We're in a non-region therefore no validation needed because non-region stmt
  // can reference schema in any region.
  if (!current_region) {
    return true;

  if (table_ast->sem && table_ast->sem->region) {
    // if we have a current region then the image is always computed!
    if (!symtab_find(current_region_image, table_ast->sem->region)) {
      // The target region is not accessible from this region
      return false;
  } else {
    // while in schema region '%s', accessing an object that isn't in a region is invalid
    return false;

  return true;

I’ve elided some of the code here, but only the part that generates error messages. The essential logic is:

This is enough to do all the region validation we need.

Results of Semantic Analysis

Semantic Analysis leaves a lot of global state ready for the remaining stages to harvest. If the state is defined in sem.h then it’s ok to harvest. Here we’ll highlight some of the most important things you can use in later passes. These are heavily used in the code generators.

cql_data_decl( struct list_item *all_tables_list );
cql_data_decl( struct list_item *all_functions_list );
cql_data_decl( struct list_item *all_views_list );
cql_data_decl( struct list_item *all_indices_list );
cql_data_decl( struct list_item *all_triggers_list );
cql_data_decl( struct list_item *all_regions_list );
cql_data_decl( struct list_item *all_ad_hoc_list );
cql_data_decl( struct list_item *all_select_functions_list );
cql_data_decl( struct list_item *all_enums_list );

These linked lists are authoritiative; they let you easily enumerate all the objects of the specified type. For instance, if you wanted to do some validation of all indices, you could simply walk all_indices_list.

cql_noexport ast_node *find_proc(CSTR name);
cql_noexport ast_node *find_region(CSTR name);
cql_noexport ast_node *find_func(CSTR name);
cql_noexport ast_node *find_table_or_view_even_deleted(CSTR name);
cql_noexport ast_node *find_enum(CSTR name);

These functions give you access to the core name tables (which are still valid!) so that you can look up procedures, functions, tables, etc. by name.

Finally, information about all the schema annotations is invaluable for building schema upgraders. These two buffers hold dense arrays of annotation records as shown below.

cql_data_decl( bytebuf *schema_annotations );
cql_data_decl( bytebuf *recreate_annotations );

typedef struct recreate_annotation {
  CSTR target_name;               // the name of the target
  CSTR group_name;                // group name or "" if no group (not null, safe to sort)
  ast_node *target_ast;           // top level target (table, view, or index)
  ast_node *annotation_ast;       // the actual annotation
  int32_t ordinal;                // when sorting we want to use the original order (reversed actually) within a group
} recreate_annotation;

typedef struct schema_annotation {
  int32_t version;                // the version number (always > 0)
  ast_node *target_ast;           // top level target (table, view, or index)
  CSTR target_name;               // the name of the target
  uint32_t annotation_type;       // one of the codes below for the type of annotation
  ast_node *annotation_ast;       // the actual annotation
  int32_t column_ordinal;         // -1 if not a column
  ast_node *column_ast;           // a particular column if column annotation
} schema_annotation;

// Note: schema annotations are processed in the indicated order: the numbers matter!

And of course, each “back end” is provided with the root of the AST so that it can also search and/or walk the AST in its own manner. We will see examples of this in later sections.


At present, there are nearly 20000 lines in sem.c and it would no doubt take more than 20000 lines of text to explain what they all do, and that would be more imprecise than the source code, and probably less readable. sem.c includes over 4000 lines of comments, and probably should have more. While there is a lot of code there, it’s very readable and I encourage you to do just that – read it – to get your answers.

The point of this part of the Internals Guide isn’t to fully explain all 400+ error checks in about as many semantic error checking functions, it is to showcase the key concepts shared by all of them. Things like:

This isn’t everything but it should leave you well armed to begin your own exploration of sem.c.

NOTE: details on unsub/resub are forthcoming. This code is under development.

Part 3: C Code Generation


Part 3 continues with a discussion of the essentials of the C code generation pass of the CQL compiler. As in the previous sections, the goal here is not to go over every detail of code generation but rather to give a sense of how codegen happens in general – the core strategies and implementation choices – so that when reading the code you will have an idea how smaller pieces would fit into the whole. To accomplish this, various key data structures will be explained in detail as well as selected examples of their use.

C Code Generation

There are several key pieces of C code that we have to generate to make working CQL procedures using C functions. This all happens in cg_c.c. From a big picture perspective, these are the essential problems:

There are some very important building blocks used to solve these problems: we will start with those, then move to a discussion of each of the essential kinds of code generation that we have to do to get working programs.

Launching the Code Generator

Once semantic analysis is done, all of the code generators have the same contract: they have a main function like cg_c_main for the C code generator. It gets the root of the AST and it can use the public interface of the semantic analyzer to get additional information. See Part 2 for those details.

// Main entry point for code-gen.  This will set up the buffers for the global
// variables and any loose calls or DML.  Any code that needs to run in the
// global scope will be added to the global_proc.  This is the only codegen
// error that is possible.  If you need global code and you don't have a global
// proc then you can't proceed.  Semantic analysis doesn't want to know that stuff.
// Otherwise all we do is set up the most general buffers for the global case and
// spit out a function with the correct name.
cql_noexport void cg_c_main(ast_node *head) { ... }

In addition to initializing its scratch storage, the main entry point also sets up a symbol table for AST dispatch just like the gen_ and sem_ functions do. Here are some samples from that table with the most common options:


The DDL (Data Definition Language) statements all get the same handling: The text of the statement is generated from the AST. Any variables are bound and then the statement is executed. The work is done with cg_bound_sql_statement which will be discussed later.

// Straight up DDL invocation.  The ast has the statement, execute it!
// We don't minify the aliases because DDL can have views and the view column names
// can be referred to in users of the view.  Loose select statements can have
// no external references to column aliases.
static void cg_any_ddl_stmt(ast_node *ast) {
  cg_bound_sql_statement(NULL, ast, CG_EXEC|CG_NO_MINIFY_ALIASES);

DML (Data Manipulation Language) statements are declared similarly:


The DML statements are handled by cg_std_dml_exec_stmt; the processing is identical to DDL except CG_MINIFY_ALIASES is specified. This allows the code generator to remove unused column aliases in SELECT statements to save space.

// Straight up DML invocation.  The ast has the statement, execute it!
static void cg_std_dml_exec_stmt(ast_node *ast) {
  cg_bound_sql_statement(NULL, ast, CG_EXEC|CG_MINIFY_ALIASES);

Note that this flag difference only matters for the CREATE VIEW statement but for symmetry all the DDL is handled with one macro and all the DML with the second macro.

Next, the easiest case… there are a bunch of statements that create no code-gen at all. These statements are type definitions that are interesting only to the semantic analyzer, or other control statements. Some examples:


Next, the general purpose statement handler. STMT_INIT creates mappings such as the if_stmt AST node mapping to cg_if_stmt.


The next group of declarations are the expressions, with precedence and operator specified. There is a lot of code sharing between AST types as you can see from this sample:

  EXPR_INIT(num, cg_expr_num, "num", C_EXPR_PRI_ROOT);
  EXPR_INIT(str, cg_expr_str, "STR", C_EXPR_PRI_ROOT);
  EXPR_INIT(null, cg_expr_null, "NULL", C_EXPR_PRI_ROOT);
  EXPR_INIT(dot, cg_expr_dot, "DOT", C_EXPR_PRI_ROOT);

  EXPR_INIT(mul, cg_binary, "*", C_EXPR_PRI_MUL);
  EXPR_INIT(div, cg_binary, "/", C_EXPR_PRI_MUL);
  EXPR_INIT(mod, cg_binary, "%", C_EXPR_PRI_MUL);
  EXPR_INIT(add, cg_binary, "+", C_EXPR_PRI_ADD);
  EXPR_INIT(sub, cg_binary, "-", C_EXPR_PRI_ADD);
  EXPR_INIT(not, cg_unary, "!", C_EXPR_PRI_UNARY);
  EXPR_INIT(tilde, cg_unary, "~", C_EXPR_PRI_UNARY);
  EXPR_INIT(uminus, cg_unary, "-", C_EXPR_PRI_UNARY);

Most (not all) of the binary operators are handled with one function cg_binary and likewise most unary operators are handled with cg_unary.

NOTE: the precedence constants are the C_EXPR_PRI_* flavor because, naturally, parentheses will be generated based on the C rules during C codegen. Importantly, the AST still, and always, authoritatively encodes the user-specified order of operations – there’s no change there. The only thing that changes is where parentheses are needed to get the desired result. Some parens may need to be added, and some that were present in the original text might no longer be needed.

Here are some helpful examples:

  /* NOT is weaker than + */
  LET x := (NOT 1) + (NOT 2);
  SET x := NOT 1 + 2;
void p(void) {
  cql_bool x = 0;

  /* ! is stronger than + */
  x = ! 1 + ! 2;
  x = ! (1 + 2);

Finally, many built-in functions need special codegen, such as:


FUNC_INIT(coalesce) creates a mapping between the function name coalesce and the generator cg_func_coalesce.

Character Buffers and Byte Buffers

The first kind of text output that CQL could produce was the AST echoing. This was originally done directly with fprintf but that was never going to be flexible enough – we have to be able to emit that output into other places like comments, or the text of SQL statements. This need forces that pass to use character buffers, which we touched on in Part 1. C Code generation has a more profound dependency on character buffers – they are literally all over cg_c.c and we need to go over how they are used if we’re going to understand the codegen passes.

The public interface for charbuf is in charbuf.h and it’s really quite simple. You allocate a charbuf and then you can bprintf into it. Let’s be a bit more specific:


typedef struct charbuf
  char *ptr;      // pointer to stored data, if any
  uint32_t used;  // bytes used in current buffer
  uint32_t max;   // max bytes in current buffer

  // builtin buffer storage
  char internal[CHARBUF_INTERNAL_SIZE];
} charbuf;

cql_data_decl( int32_t charbuf_open_count );

cql_noexport void bopen(charbuf* b);
cql_noexport void bclose(charbuf *b);
cql_noexport void bprintf(charbuf *b, const char *format, ...);

The typical pattern goes something like this:

  charbuf foo;
  bprintf(&foo, "Hello %s\n", "World");
  // do something with foo.ptr

Note that charbuf includes CHARBUF_INTERNAL_SIZE of storage that does not have to be allocated with malloc and it doesn’t grow very aggressively. This economy reflects that fact that most charbuf instances are very small. Of course a charbuf could go on the heap if it needs to outlive the function it appears in, but this is exceedingly rare.

To make sure buffers are consistently closed – and this is a problem because there are often a lot of them – they are allocated with these simple helper macros:

#define CHARBUF_OPEN(x) \
  int32_t __saved_charbuf_count##x = charbuf_open_count; \
  charbuf x; \

#define CHARBUF_CLOSE(x) \
  bclose(&x); \
  Invariant(__saved_charbuf_count##x == charbuf_open_count)

The earlier example would be written more properly:

    bprintf(&foo, "Hello %s\n", "World");
    // do something with foo.ptr

If you forget to close a buffer the count will get messed up and the next close will trigger an assertion failure.

It’s normal to create several buffers in the course of doing code generation. In fact some of these buffers become “globally” visible and get swapped out as needed. For instance, the kind of chaining we see inside of cg_create_proc_stmt is normal, here is the sequence:

Make new buffers…


Save the current buffer pointers…

  charbuf *saved_main = cg_main_output;
  charbuf *saved_decls = cg_declarations_output;
  charbuf *saved_scratch = cg_scratch_vars_output;
  charbuf *saved_cleanup = cg_cleanup_output;
  charbuf *saved_fwd_ref = cg_fwd_ref_output;

Switch to the new buffers…

  cg_fwd_ref_output = &proc_fwd_ref;
  cg_main_output = &proc_body;
  cg_declarations_output = &proc_locals;
  cg_scratch_vars_output = &proc_locals;
  cg_cleanup_output = &proc_cleanup;

And of course the code puts the original values back when it’s done and then closes what it opened.

This means that while processing a procedure the codegen that declares say scratch variables, which would go to cg_scratch_vars_output, is going to target the proc_locals buffer which will be emitted before the proc_body. By the time cg_stmt_list is invoked the cg_main_output variable will be pointing to the procedure body, thus any statements will go into there rather than being accumulated at the global level.

NOTE: it’s possible to have code that is not in a procedure (see --global_proc).

In general, it’s very useful to have different buffers open at the same time. New local variables or scratch variables can be added to their own buffer. New cleanup steps that are necessary can be added to cg_cleanup_output which will appear at the end of a procedure. The final steps of procedure codegen combines all of these pieces plus a little glue to make a working procedure.

All codegen works like this – statements, expressions, all of it.

One interesting but unexpected feature of charbuf is that it provides helper methods for indenting a buffer by whatever amount you like. This turns out to be invaluable in creating well formatted C code because of course we want (e.g.) the body of an if statement to be indented. CQL tries to create well formatted code that is readable by humans as much as possible.

Byte Buffers

The byte buffers type, creatively called bytebuf is less commonly used. It is a peer to charbuf and provides a growable binary buffer. bytebuf is often used to hold arrays of structures. Interestingly, cg_c.c doesn’t currently consume byte buffers, the presence of bytebuf.c actually came late to the CQL compiler. However the CQL runtime cqlrt.c (and cqlrt_common.c) provide cql_bytebuf_open, cql_bytebuf_alloc and, cql_bytebuf_close which are akin to the charbuf methods. These functions are used in the generated code to create result sets at runtime.

bytebuf was so useful that it found its way back from the runtime into the compiler itself, and is used by other code-generators like the schema upgraded. The semantic analyzer also uses it to help with query fragments and to track the various upgrade annotations.

Both charbuf and bytebuf are simple enough that they don’t need special discussion. Surveying their code and comments is an excellent exercise for the reader.


Many of the output needs of CQL stemmed from the base case of creating the code for CQL expressions. A simple CQL expression like:

  SET x := x + y;

seems innocuous enough, and we’d like that expression to compile to this code:

  x = x + y;

And indeed, it does. Here’s some actual output from the compiler:

  SET x := x + y;

#define _PROC_ "p"
void p(void) {
  cql_int32 x = 0;
  cql_int32 y = 0;

  x = x + y;

#undef _PROC_

(*) the output above was created by using out/cql --in x --cg x.h x.c --nolines to avoid all the # directives

That expression looks easy enough. And indeed if all expressions were like this, we could do expression compilation pretty simply – every binary operator would look something like this:

This would sort of build up your expressions inside out and your final buffer after all the recursion was done would have the whole expression.

This doesn’t work at all.

To illustrate what goes wrong, we only have to change the test case a tiny bit. The result is telling:

  SET x := x + y;

#define _PROC_ "p"
void p(void) {
  cql_nullable_int32 x;
  cql_nullable_int32 y;

  cql_combine_nullables(x, x.is_null, y.is_null, x.value + y.value);

#undef _PROC_

In this new example above, x and y became nullable variables i.e. the NOT NULL was removed from their declarations – this makes all the difference in the world.

Let’s take a quick look at cql_nullable_int32 and we’ll see the crux of the problem immediately:

typedef struct cql_nullable_int32 {
 cql_bool is_null;
 cql_int32 value;
} cql_nullable_int32;

The problem is that nullable value types like cql_nullable_int32 have both their value field and a boolean is_null and these don’t flow into expressions that use operators like +, -, / and so forth. This means that even simple expressions involving nullable types actually expand into several statements. And, in general, these statements need a place to put their temporary results to accumulate the correct answer, so scratch variables are required to make all this work.

Here’s a more realistic example:

  SET result := 5 * x + 3 * y;

#define _PROC_ "combine"
void combine(cql_nullable_int32 x, cql_nullable_int32 y, cql_nullable_int32 *_Nonnull result) {
  cql_contract_argument_notnull((void *)result, 3);

  cql_nullable_int32 _tmp_n_int_1;
  cql_nullable_int32 _tmp_n_int_2;

  cql_set_null(*result); // set out arg to non-garbage
  cql_set_nullable(_tmp_n_int_1, x.is_null, 5 * x.value);
  cql_set_nullable(_tmp_n_int_2, y.is_null, 3 * y.value);
  cql_combine_nullables(*result, _tmp_n_int_1.is_null, _tmp_n_int_2.is_null, _tmp_n_int_1.value + _tmp_n_int_2.value);

#undef _PROC_
#pragma clang diagnostic pop

So, in general, we need to emit arbitrarily many statements in the course of evaluating even simple looking expressions and we need good mechanisms to manage that. This is what we’ll talk about in the coming sections.

Managing Scratch Variables

The function that actually assigns scratch variables is cg_scratch_var

// The scratch variable helper uses the given sem_type and the current
// stack level to create a temporary variable name for that type at that level.
// If the variable does not already have a declaration (as determined by the masks)
// then a declaration is added to the scratch_vars section.  This is one of the root
// ways of getting an .is_null and .value back.  Note that not null variables always
// have a .is_null of "0" which becomes important when deciding how to assign
// one result to another.  Everything stays uniform.
static void cg_scratch_var(ast_node *ast, sem_t sem_type, charbuf *var, charbuf *is_null, charbuf *value)

The signature is a bit unexpected so we’ll go over it, some of below will make more sense as we learn about expressions generally, but this is as good an introduction as any.

And this is a good time to talk about is_null and value because they will be everywhere.

The codegen for expressions in the C code generator produces two results: * the text that corresponds to the current value so far (e.g. “(1+2)3”), and, the text that will tell you if the current value is null * this could be as simple as”0” for an expression that is known to be not null

Let’s make this a little more concrete:

Suppose we ask for a scratch “not null integer”, we get results like this:

Meaning: if we want the value, use the text "_tmp_n_int_1" if we want to know if the variable is null, we use the text "0"

NOTE: many parts of cg_c.c special case an is_null value of "0" to make better code because such a thing is known to be not null at compile time.

Now let’s suppose we ask for a scratch nullable integer, we get results like this:

So again, we have exactly the text we need to test for null, and the test we need to get the value.

Additional notes:

Allocating Scratch Variables

The most common reason to create a “scratch” variable is that a temporary variable is needed for some part of the computation. The most common reason for a temporary variable is to hold an intermediate result of a computation involving nullable arithmetic.

These temporaries are created with CG_PUSH_TEMP which simply creates the three charbuf variables needed and then asks for a scratch variable of the required type. The variables follow a simple naming convention. The stack level is increased after each temporary is allocated.

// Create buffers for a temporary variable.  Use cg_scratch_var to fill in the buffers
// with the text needed to refer to the variable.  cg_scratch_var picks the name
// based on stack level-and type.
#define CG_PUSH_TEMP(name, sem_type) \
  CHARBUF_OPEN(name); \
  CHARBUF_OPEN(name##_is_null); \
  CHARBUF_OPEN(name##_value); \
  cg_scratch_var(NULL, sem_type, &name, &name##_is_null, &name##_value); \

Symmetrically, CG_POP_TEMP closes the charbuf variables and restores the stack level.

// Release the buffers for the temporary, restore the stack level.
#define CG_POP_TEMP(name) \
  CHARBUF_CLOSE(name##_value); \
  CHARBUF_CLOSE(name##_is_null); \
  CHARBUF_CLOSE(name); \

As with the other PUSH/POP OPEN/CLOSE macro types, these macros are designed to make it impossible to forget to free the buffers, or to get the stack level wrong. The stack level can be (and is) checked at strategic places to ensure it’s back to baseline – this is easy because the code can always just snapshot stack_level, do some work that should be clean, and then check that stack_level is back to where it’s supposed to be with an Invariant.

Recursing Sub-expressions

Now that we understand that we can create scratch variables as needed, it’s time to take a look at the typical evaluation patterns and how the evaluation works within that pattern. This is everywhere in cg_c.c.

So let’s look at an actual evaluator, the simplest of them all, this one does code generation for the NULL literal.

static void cg_expr_null(
  ast_node *expr,
  CSTR op,
  charbuf *is_null,
  charbuf *value,
  int32_t pri,
  int32_t pri_new)
  // null literal
  bprintf(value, "NULL");
  bprintf(is_null, "1");

Now this may be looking familiar: the signature of the code generator is something very much like the signature of the the gen_ functions in the echoing code. That’s really because in some sense the echoing code is a very simple code generator itself.

This particular generator is going to produce "NULL" for the value and "1" for the is_null expression.

is_null and value are the chief outputs, and the caller will use these to create its own expression results with recursive logic. But the expression logic can also write into the statement stream, the cleanup stream, even into the header file stream, and as we’ll see, it does.

pri and pri_new work exactly like they did in the echoing code (see Part 1) they are used to allow the code generator to decide if it needs to emit parentheses. But recall that the binding strengths now will be the C binding strengths NOT the SQL binding strengths (discussed above).

Let’s look at one of the simplest operators: the IS NULL operator handled by cg_expr_is_null

NOTE: this code has a simpler signature because it’s actually part of codegen for cg_expr_is which has the general contract.

// The code-gen for is_null is one of the easiest.  The recursive call
// produces is_null as one of the outputs.  Use that.  Our is_null result
// is always zero because IS NULL is never, itself, null.
static void cg_expr_is_null(ast_node *expr, charbuf *is_null, charbuf *value) {
  sem_t sem_type_expr = expr->sem->sem_type;

  // expr IS NULL
  bprintf(is_null, "0"); // the result of is null is never null

  // The fact that this is not constant not null for not null reference types reflects
  // the weird state of affairs with uninitialized reference variables which
  // must be null even if they are typed not null.

  if (is_not_nullable(sem_type_expr) && !is_ref_type(sem_type_expr)) {
    // Note, sql has no side-effects so we can fold this away.
    bprintf(value, "0");
  else {
    bprintf(value, "%s", expr_is_null.ptr);

So walking through the above: * the result of IS NULL is never null, so we can immediately put “0” into the is_null buffer * if the operand is a not-null numeric type then the result of IS NULL is 0 * if the operand might actually be null then * use CG_PUSH_EVAL to recursively do codegen for it * copy its expr_is_null text into our value text

NOTE: the code reveals one of the big CQL secrets – that not null reference variables can be null… C has the same issue with _Nonnull globals.

Now let’s look at those helper macros, they are pretty simple:

// Make a temporary buffer for the evaluation results using the canonical
// naming convention.  This might exit having burned some stack slots
// for its result variables, that's normal.
#define CG_PUSH_EVAL(expr, pri) \
CHARBUF_OPEN(expr##_is_null); \
CHARBUF_OPEN(expr##_value); \
cg_expr(expr, &expr##_is_null, &expr##_value, pri);

The push macro simply creates buffers to hold the is_null and value results, then it calls cg_expr to dispatch the indicated expression. The pri value provided to this macro represents the binding strength that the callee should assume its parent has. Usually this is the pri_new of the caller. but often C_EXPR_PRI_ROOT can be used if the current context implies that the callee will never need parentheses.

How do we know that parens are not needed here? It seems like the operand of IS NULL could be anything, surely it might need parentheses? Let’s consider:

So, none of these require further wrapping regardless of what is above the IS NULL node in the tree because of the high strength of the . and ! operators.

Other cases are usually simpler, such as “no parentheses need to be added by the child node because it will be used as the argument to a helper function so there will always be parens hard-coded anyway”. However these things need to be carefully tested hence the huge variety of codegen tests.

Note that after calling cg_expr the temporary stack level might be increased. We’ll get to that in the next section. For now, looking at POP_EVAL we can see it’s very straightforward:

// Close the buffers used for the above.
// The scratch stack is not restored so that any temporaries used in
// the evaluation of expr will not be re-used prematurely.  They
// can't be used again until either the expression is finished,
// or they have been captured in a less-nested result variable.
#define CG_POP_EVAL(expr) \
CHARBUF_CLOSE(expr##_value); \

CG_POP_EVAL simply closes the buffers, leaving the stack level unchanged. More on this in the coming section.

Result Variables

When recursion happens in the codegen, a common place that the result will be found is in a temporary variable i.e. the generated code will use one or more statements to arrange for the correct answer to be in a variable. To do this, the codegen needs to first get the name of a result variable of a suitable type. This is the “other” reason for making scratch variables.

There are three macros that make this pretty simple. The first is CG_RESERVE_RESULT_VAR

// Make a scratch variable to hold the final result of an evaluation.
// It may or may not be used.  It should be the first thing you put
// so that it is on the top of your stack.  This only saves the slot.
// If you use this variable you can reclaim other temporaries that come
// from deeper in the tree since they will no longer be needed.
#define CG_RESERVE_RESULT_VAR(ast, sem_type) \
int32_t stack_level_reserved = stack_level; \
sem_t sem_type_reserved = sem_type; \
ast_node *ast_reserved = ast; \
CHARBUF_OPEN(result_var); \
CHARBUF_OPEN(result_var_is_null); \
CHARBUF_OPEN(result_var_value); \

If this looks a lot like PUSH_TEMP that shouldn’t be surprising. The name of the variable and the expression parts always go into charbuf variables named result_var, result_var_is_null, and result_var_value but the scratch variable isn’t actually allocated! However – we burn the stack_level as though it had been allocated.

The name of the macro provides a clue: this macro reserves a slot for the result variable, it’s used if the codegen might need a result variable, but it might not. If/when the result variable is needed, it we can artificially move the stack level back to the reserved spot, allocate the scratch variable, and then put the stack level back. When the name is set we know that the scratch variable was actually used.

The CG_USE_RESULT_VAR macro does exactly this operation.

// If the result variable is going to be used, this writes its name
// and .value and .is_null into the is_null and value fields.
#define CG_USE_RESULT_VAR() \
int32_t stack_level_now = stack_level; \
stack_level = stack_level_reserved; \
cg_scratch_var(ast_reserved, sem_type_reserved, &result_var, &result_var_is_null, &result_var_value); \
stack_level = stack_level_now; \
Invariant(result_var.used > 1); \
bprintf(is_null, "%s", result_var_is_null.ptr); \
bprintf(value, "%s", result_var_value.ptr)

Once the code generator decides that it will in fact be using a result variable to represent the answer, then the is_null and value buffers can be immediately populated to whatever the values were for the result variable. That text will be correct regardless of what codegen is used to populate the variable. The variable is the result.

There is a simpler macro that reserves and uses the result variable in one step, it’s used frequently. The “reserve” pattern is only necessary when there are some paths that need a result variable and some that don’t.

// This does reserve and use in one step
#define CG_SETUP_RESULT_VAR(ast, sem_type) \
  CG_RESERVE_RESULT_VAR(ast, sem_type); \

And now armed with this knowledge we can look at the rest of the scratch stack management.

// Release the buffer holding the name of the variable.
// If the result variable was used, we can re-use any temporaries
// with a bigger number.  They're no longer needed since they
// are captured in this result.  We know it was used if it
// has .used > 1 (there is always a trailing null so empty is 1).
if (result_var.used > 1) stack_level = stack_level_reserved + 1; \
CHARBUF_CLOSE(result_var_value); \
CHARBUF_CLOSE(result_var_is_null); \

As it happens when you use CG_PUSH_EVAL it is entirely possible, even likely, that the result of cg_expr is in a result variable. The convention is that if the codegen requires a result variable it is allocated first, before any other temporaries. This is why there is a way to reserve a variable that you might need.

Now if it turns out that you used the result variable at your level it means that any temporary result variables from deeper levels have been used and their values plus whatever math was needed is now in your result variable. This means that the stack_level variable can be decreased to one more than the level of the present result. This is in the fact the only time it is safe to start re-using result variables because you otherwise never know how many references to result variables that were “deep in the tree” are left in the contents of expr_value or expr_is_null.

Now, armed with the knowledge that there are result variables and temporary variables and both come from the scratch variables we can resolve the last mystery we left hanging. Why does the scratch variable API accept an AST pointer?

The only place that AST pointer can be not null is in the CG_USE_RESULT_VAR macro, it was this line:

cg_scratch_var(ast_reserved, sem_type_reserved, &result_var, &result_var_is_null, &result_var_value);

And ast_reserved refers to the AST that we are trying to evaluate. There’s an important special case that we want to optimize that saves a lot of scratch variables. That case is handled by this code in cg_scratch_var:

  // try to avoid creating a scratch variable if we can use the target of an assignment in flight.
  if (is_assignment_target_reusable(ast, sem_type)) {
    Invariant(ast && ast->parent && ast->parent->left);
    EXTRACT_ANY_NOTNULL(name_ast, ast->parent->left);
    EXTRACT_STRING(name, name_ast);
    if (is_out_parameter(name_ast->sem->sem_type)) {
      bprintf(var, "*%s", name);
    else {
      bprintf(var, "%s", name);

The idea is that if the generator is doing an assignment like:

  SET x := a + b;

Then the code generator doesn’t need a scratch variable to hold the result of the expression a + b like it would in many other contexts. It can use x as the result variable! The SET codegen will discover that the value it’s supposed to set is already in x so it does nothing and everything just works out. The price of this is a call to is_assignment_target_reusable and then some logic to handle the case where x is an out argument (hence call by reference, hence needs to be used as *x).

Basic Control Flow Patterns

To get a sense of how the compiler generates code for statements, we can look at some of the easiest cases.

// "While" suffers from the same problem as IF and as a consequence
// generating while (expression) would not generalize.
// The overall pattern for while has to look like this:
//  for (;;) {
//    prep statements;
//    condition = final expression;
//    if (!condition) break;
//    statements;
//  }
// Note that while can have leave and continue substatements which have to map
// to break and continue.   That means other top level statements that aren't loops
// must not create a C loop construct or break/continue would have the wrong target.
static void cg_while_stmt(ast_node *ast) {
  EXTRACT_ANY_NOTNULL(expr, ast->left);
  EXTRACT(stmt_list, ast->right);
  sem_t sem_type = expr->sem->sem_type;

  // WHILE [expr] BEGIN [stmt_list] END

  bprintf(cg_main_output, "for (;;) {\n");


  if (is_nullable(sem_type)) {
    bprintf(cg_main_output, "if (!cql_is_nullable_true(%s, %s)) break;\n", expr_is_null.ptr, expr_value.ptr);
  else {
    bprintf(cg_main_output, "if (!(%s)) break;\n", expr_value.ptr);

  bool_t loop_saved = cg_in_loop;
  cg_in_loop = true;



  bprintf(cg_main_output, "}\n");

  cg_in_loop = loop_saved;

The comment before the cg_while_stmt actually describes the situation pretty clearly; the issue with this codegen is that the expression in the while statement might actually require many C statements to evaluate. There are many cases of this sort of thing, but the simplest is probably when any nullable types are in that expression. A particular example illustrates this pretty clearly:

  SET x := 1;
  WHILE x < 5
    SET x := x + 1;

which generates:

void p(void) {
  cql_int32 x = 0;

  x = 1;
  for (;;) {
  /* in trickier cases there would be code right here */
  if (!(x < 5)) break;
    x = x + 1;

In this case, a while statement could have been used because the condition is simply x < 5 so this more general pattern is overkill. But consider this program, just a tiny bit different:

  DECLARE x INTEGER;  -- x is nullable
  SET x := 1;
  WHILE x < 5
    SET x := x + 1;

which produces:

void p(void) {
  cql_nullable_int32 x;
  cql_nullable_bool _tmp_n_bool_0;

  cql_set_notnull(x, 1);
  for (;;) {
  cql_set_nullable(_tmp_n_bool_0, x.is_null, x.value < 5);
  if (!cql_is_nullable_true(_tmp_n_bool_0.is_null, _tmp_n_bool_0.value)) break;
    cql_set_nullable(x, x.is_null, x.value + 1);

Even for this small little case, the nullable arithmetic macros have to be used to keep x up to date. The result of x < 5 is of type BOOL rather than BOOL NOT NULL so a temporary variable captures the result of the expression. This is an easy case, but similar things happen if the expression includes e.g. CASE...WHEN... or IN constructs. There are many other cases.

So with this in mind, let’s reconsider what cg_while_stmt is doing:

This kind of structure is common to all the control flow cases. Generally, we have to deal with the fact that CQL expressions often become C statements so we use a more general flow control strategy. But with this in mind, it’s easy to imagine how the IF, LOOP, and SWITCH switch statements are handled.

Cleanup and Errors

There are a number of places where things can go wrong when running a CQL procedure. The most common sources are: (1) SQLite APIs, almost all of which can fail, and, (2) calling other procedures which also might fail. Here’s a very simple example:

DECLARE PROC something_that_might_fail (arg TEXT) USING TRANSACTION;

  LET arg := "test";
  CALL something_that_might_fail(arg);

Which generates:

cql_string_literal(_literal_1_test_p, "test");

CQL_WARN_UNUSED cql_code p(sqlite3 *_Nonnull _db_) {
  cql_code _rc_ = SQLITE_OK;
  cql_string_ref arg = NULL;

  cql_set_string_ref(&arg, _literal_1_test_p);
  _rc_ = something_that_might_fail(_db_, arg);
  if (_rc_ != SQLITE_OK) { cql_error_trace(); goto cql_cleanup; }
  _rc_ = SQLITE_OK;

  return _rc_;

Let’s look at those fragments carefully:

The essential sequence is this one:

 if (_rc_ != SQLITE_OK) { cql_error_trace(); goto cql_cleanup; }

The C code generator consistently uses this pattern to check if anything went wrong and to exit with an error code. Extensive logging can be very expensive, but in debug builds it’s quite normal for cql_error_trace to expand into something like fprintf(stderr, "error %d in %s %s:%d\n", _rc_, _PROC_, __FILE__, __LINE_) which is probably a lot more logging than you want in a production build but great if you’re debugging. Recall that CQL generates something like #define _PROC_ "p" before every procedure.

This error pattern generalizes well and indeed if we use the exception handling pattern, we get a lot of control. Let’s generalize this example a tiny bit:

  LET arg := "test";
    CALL something_that_might_fail(arg);
    SET success := 1;
    SET success := 0;

CQL doesn’t have complicated exception objects or anything like that, exceptions are just simple control flow. Here’s the code for the above:

CQL_WARN_UNUSED cql_code p(sqlite3 *_Nonnull _db_, cql_bool *_Nonnull success) {
  cql_contract_argument_notnull((void *)success, 1);

  cql_code _rc_ = SQLITE_OK;
  cql_string_ref arg = NULL;

  *success = 0; // set out arg to non-garbage
  cql_set_string_ref(&arg, _literal_1_test_p);
  // try
    _rc_ = something_that_might_fail(_db_, arg);
    if (_rc_ != SQLITE_OK) { cql_error_trace(); goto catch_start_1; }
    *success = 1;
    goto catch_end_1;
  catch_start_1: {
    *success = 0;
  _rc_ = SQLITE_OK;

  return _rc_;

The code in this case is nearly the same as the previous example. Let’s look at the essential differences:

How does this happen? Let’s look at cg_trycatch_helper which does this work:

// Very little magic is needed to do try/catch in our context.  The error
// handlers for all the sqlite calls check _rc_ and if it's an error they
// "goto" the current error target.  That target is usually CQL_CLEANUP_DEFAULT_LABEL.
// Inside the try block, the cleanup handler is changed to the catch block.
// The catch block puts it back.  Otherwise, generate nested statements as usual.
static void cg_trycatch_helper(ast_node *try_list, ast_node *try_extras, ast_node *catch_list) {

  // We need unique labels for this block
  bprintf(&catch_start, "catch_start_%d", catch_block_count);
  bprintf(&catch_end, "catch_end_%d", catch_block_count);

  // Divert the error target.
  CSTR saved_error_target = error_target;
  bool_t saved_error_target_used = error_target_used;
  error_target = catch_start.ptr;
  error_target_used = 0;

The secret is the error_target global variable. All of the error handling will emit a goto error_target statement. The try/catch pattern simply changes the current error target. The rest of the code in the helper is just to save the current error target and to create unique labels for the try/catch block.

The important notion is that, if anything goes wrong, whatever it is, the generator simply does a goto error_target and that will either hit the catch block or else go to cleanup.

The THROW operation illustrates this well:

// Convert _rc_ into an error code.  If it already is one keep it.
// Then go to the current error target.
static void cg_throw_stmt(ast_node *ast) {

  bprintf(cg_main_output, "_rc_ = cql_best_error(%s);\n", rcthrown_current);
  bprintf(cg_main_output, "goto %s;\n", error_target);
  error_target_used = 1;
  rcthrown_used = 1;

NOTE: every catch block captures the value of _rc_ in a local variable whose name is in rcthrown_current. This captured value is the current failing result code accessible by @RC in CQL.

A catch block can therefore do stuff like:

  call attempt_retry();

This entire mechanism is built with basically just a few state variables that nest. There is no complicated stack walking or anything like that. All the code has to do is chain the error labels together and let users create new catch blocks with new error labels. All that together gives you very flexible try/catch behaviour with very little overhead.

String Literals

Before we move on to more complex statements we have to discuss string literals a little bit. We’ve mentioned before that the compiler is going to generate something like this:

cql_string_literal(_literal_1_test_p, "test");

To create a reference counted object _literal_1_test_p that it can use. Now we’re going to talk about how the text "test" was created and how that gets more complicated.

The first thing to remember is that the generator creates C programs. That means no matter what kind of literal we might be processing it’s ending up encoded as a C string for the C compiler. The C compiler will be the first thing the decodes the text the generator produces and puts the byte we need into the final programs data segment or wherever. That means if we have SQL format strings that need to go to SQLite they will be twice-encoded, the SQL string is escaped as needed for SQLite and that is escaped again for the C compiler.

An example might make this clearer consider the following SQL:

  SELECT '"x''y"' AS a, "'y'\n" AS b;

The generated text for this statement will be:

  "SELECT '\"x''y\"', '''y''\n'"

Let’s review that in some detail:

In the above example we were making one overall string for the SELECT statement so the outer double quotes are around the whole statement. That was just for the convenience of this example. If the literals had been in some other loose context then individual strings would be produced the same way. Except, not so fast, not every string literal is heading for SQLite. Some are just making regular strings. In that case even if they are destined for SQLite they will go as bound arguments to a statement not in the text of the SQL. That means those strings do not need SQL escaping.


  LET a := '"x''y"';
  LET b := "'y'\n";

To do those assignments we need:

cql_string_literal(_literal_1_x_y_p, "\"x'y\"");
cql_string_literal(_literal_2_y_p, "'y'\n");

In both of these cases the steps are:

Trivia: the name of the string literal variables include a fragment of the string to make them a little easier to spot.

encoders.h has the encoding functions * cg_decode_string_literal * cg_encode_string_literal * cg_encode_c_string_literal * cg_decode_c_string_literal

As well as similar functions for single characters to make all this possible. Pretty much every combination of encoding and re-encoding happens in some path through the code generator.

Executing SQLite Statements

By way of example let’s consider a pretty simple piece of SQL we might want to run.


  UPDATE foo
  SET t = t_
    WHERE id = id_;

To make this happen we’re going to have to do the following things: * create a string literal with the statement we need * the references to id_ and t_ have to be replaced with ? * we prepare that statement * we bind the values of id_ and t_ * we step the statement * we finalize the statement * suitable error checks have to be done at each stage

That’s quite a bit of code and it’s easy to forget a step, this is an area where CQL shines. The code we had to write in CQL was very clear and all the error checking is implicit.

This is the generated code. We’ll walk through it and discuss how it is created.

CQL_WARN_UNUSED cql_code p(
  sqlite3 *_Nonnull _db_,
  cql_nullable_int32 id_,
  cql_string_ref _Nullable t_)
  cql_code _rc_ = SQLITE_OK;
  sqlite3_stmt *_temp_stmt = NULL;

  _rc_ = cql_prepare(_db_, &_temp_stmt,
    "UPDATE foo "
    "SET t = ? "
      "WHERE id = ?");
  cql_multibind(&_rc_, _db_, &_temp_stmt, 2,
                CQL_DATA_TYPE_INT32, &id_,
                CQL_DATA_TYPE_STRING, t_);
  if (_rc_ != SQLITE_OK) { cql_error_trace(); goto cql_cleanup; }
  _rc_ = sqlite3_step(_temp_stmt);
  if (_rc_ != SQLITE_DONE) { cql_error_trace(); goto cql_cleanup; }
  _rc_ = SQLITE_OK;

  return _rc_;

Most of these steps are actually hard coded. There is no variability in the sequence after the multibind call, so that’s just boiler-plate the compiler can inject.

We don’t want to declare _temp_stmt over and over so there’s a flag that records whether it has already been declared in the current procedure.

// Emit a declaration for the temporary statement _temp_stmt_ if we haven't
// already done so.  Also emit the cleanup once.
static void ensure_temp_statement() {
  if (!temp_statement_emitted) {
    bprintf(cg_declarations_output, "sqlite3_stmt *_temp_stmt = NULL;\n");
    bprintf(cg_cleanup_output, "  cql_finalize_stmt(&_temp_stmt);\n");
    temp_statement_emitted = 1;

This is a great example of how, no matter where the processing happens to be, the generator can emit things into the various sections. Here it adds a declaration and an cleanup with no concern about what else might be going on.

So most of the above is just boiler-plate, the tricky part is: * getting the text of the SQL * binding the variables

All of this is the business of this function:

// This is the most important function for sqlite access;  it does the heavy
// lifting of generating the C code to prepare and bind a SQL statement.
// If cg_exec is true (CG_EXEC) then the statement is executed immediately
// and finalized.  No results are expected.  To accomplish this we do the following:
//   * figure out the name of the statement, either it's given to us
//     or we're using the temp statement
//   * call get_statement_with_callback to get the text of the SQL from the AST
//     * the callback will give us all the variables to bind
//     * count the variables so we know what column numbers to use (the list is backwards!)
//   * if CG_EXEC and no variables we can use the simpler sqlite3_exec form
//   * bind any variables
//   * if there are variables CG_EXEC will step and finalize
static void cg_bound_sql_statement(CSTR stmt_name, ast_node *stmt, int32_t cg_flags)

The core of this function looks like this:

  gen_sql_callbacks callbacks;
  callbacks.variables_callback = cg_capture_variables;
  callbacks.variables_context = &vars;
  // ... more flags

  gen_statement_with_callbacks(stmt, &callbacks);

It’s set up the callbacks for variables and it calls the echoing function on the buffer. We’ve talked about gen_statement_with_callbacks in Part 1.

Let’s take a look at that callback function:

// This is the callback method handed to the gen_ method that creates SQL for us
// it will call us every time it finds a variable that needs to be bound.  That
// variable is replaced by ? in the SQL output.  We end up with a list of variables
// to bind on a silver platter (but in reverse order).
static bool_t cg_capture_variables(ast_node *ast, void *context, charbuf *buffer) {
  list_item **head = (list_item**)context;
  add_item_to_list(head, ast);

  bprintf(buffer, "?");
  return true;

The context variable was set to be vars, we convert it back to the correct type and add the current ast to that list. add_item_to_list always puts things at the head so the list will be in reverse order.

With this done, we’re pretty much set. We’ll produce the statement with a sequence like this one (there are a couple of variations, but this is the most general)

  bprintf(cg_main_output, "_rc_ = cql_prepare(_db_, %s%s_stmt,\n  ", amp, stmt_name);
  cg_pretty_quote_plaintext(temp.ptr, cg_main_output, PRETTY_QUOTE_C | PRETTY_QUOTE_MULTI_LINE);
  bprintf(cg_main_output, ");\n");

cg_pretty_quote_plaintext is one of the C string encoding formats, it could have been just the regular C string encoding but that would have been a bit wasteful and it wouldn’t have looked as nice. This function does a little transform.

The normal echo of the update statement in question looks like this:

  UPDATE foo
  SET t = ?
    WHERE id = ?;

Note that it has indenting and newlines embedded in it. The standard encoding of that would look like this:

"  UPDATE foo\n  SET t = ?\n    WHERE id = ?;"

That surely works, but it’s wasteful and ugly. The pretty format instead produces:

    "UPDATE foo "
    "SET t = ? "
      "WHERE id = ?"

So, the newlines are gone from the string (they aren’t needed), instead the string literal was broken into lines for readability. The indenting is gone from the string, instead the string fragments are indented. So what you get is a string literal that reads nicely but doesn’t have unnecessary whitespace for SQLite. Obviously you can’t use pretty-quoted literals in all cases, it’s exclusively for SQLite formatting.

All that’s left to do is bind the arguments. Remember that arg list is in reverse order:

  uint32_t count = 0;
  for (list_item *item = vars; item; item = item->next, count++) ;

  // ...


  if (count) {
    bprintf(cg_main_output, "cql_multibind(&_rc_, _db_, %s%s_stmt, %d", amp, stmt_name, count);

    // Now emit the binding args for each variable
    for (list_item *item = vars; item; item = item->next)  {
      bprintf(cg_main_output, ",\n              ");
      cg_bind_column(item->ast->sem->sem_type, item->ast->sem->name);

    bprintf(cg_main_output, ");\n");

And that’s it. With those few helpers we can bind any SQLite statement the same way. All of the DDL_STMT_INIT and DML_STMT_INIT statements are completely implemented by this path.

Reading Single Values

In many cases you need just one value

  SET t_ := ( SELECT t
    FROM foo
    WHERE id = id_ );

This is going to be very similar to the examples we’ve seen so far:

CQL_WARN_UNUSED cql_code p(sqlite3 *_Nonnull _db_, cql_int32 id_, cql_string_ref _Nullable *_Nonnull t_) {
  cql_contract_argument_notnull((void *)t_, 2);

  cql_code _rc_ = SQLITE_OK;
  cql_string_ref _tmp_text_0 = NULL;
  sqlite3_stmt *_temp_stmt = NULL;

  *(void **)t_ = NULL; // set out arg to non-garbage
  _rc_ = cql_prepare(_db_, &_temp_stmt,
    "SELECT t "
      "FROM foo "
      "WHERE id = ?");
  cql_multibind(&_rc_, _db_, &_temp_stmt, 1,
                CQL_DATA_TYPE_NOT_NULL | CQL_DATA_TYPE_INT32, id_);
  if (_rc_ != SQLITE_OK) { cql_error_trace(); goto cql_cleanup; }
  _rc_ = sqlite3_step(_temp_stmt);
  if (_rc_ != SQLITE_ROW) { cql_error_trace(); goto cql_cleanup; }
    cql_column_string_ref(_temp_stmt, 0, &_tmp_text_0);
  cql_set_string_ref(&*t_, _tmp_text_0);
  _rc_ = SQLITE_OK;

  return _rc_;

There are variations of this form such as:

  SET t_ := ( SELECT t
    FROM foo
    WHERE id = id_
    IF NOTHING '');

This simply changes the handling of the case where there is no row. The that part of the code ends up looking like this:

  if (_rc_ != SQLITE_ROW && _rc_ != SQLITE_DONE) { cql_error_trace(); goto cql_cleanup; }
  if (_rc_ == SQLITE_ROW) {
    cql_column_string_ref(_temp_stmt, 0, &_tmp_text_1);
    cql_set_string_ref(&_tmp_text_0, _tmp_text_1);
  else {
    cql_set_string_ref(&_tmp_text_0, _literal_1_p);

There is also the IF NOTHING OR NULL variant which is left as an exercise to the reader. You can find all the flavors in cg_c.c in the this function:

// This is a nested select expression.  To evaluate we will
//  * prepare a temporary to hold the result
//  * generate the bound SQL statement
//  * extract the exactly one argument into the result variable
//    which is of exactly the right type
//  * use that variable as the result.
// The helper methods take care of sqlite error management.
static void cg_expr_select(...

This handles all of the (select ...) expressions and it has the usual expression handler syntax. Another great example of a CQL expressions that might require many C statements to implement.

Reading Rows With Cursors

This section is about the cases where we are expecting results back from SQLite. By results here I mean the results of some kind of query, not like a return code. SQLite does this by giving you a sqlite3_stmt * which you can then use like a cursor to read out a bunch of rows. So it should be no surprise that CQL cursors map directly to SQLite statements.

Most of the code to get a statement we’ve already seen before, we only saw the _temp_stmt case and we did very little with it. Let’s look at the code for something a little bit more general and we’ll see how little it takes to generalize.

First, let’s look at how a CQL cursor is initialized:


Now in this case there can only be one row in the result, but it would be no different if there were more.

Here’s the C code:

CQL_WARN_UNUSED cql_code p(sqlite3 *_Nonnull _db_) {
  cql_code _rc_ = SQLITE_OK;
  sqlite3_stmt *C_stmt = NULL;
  cql_bool _C_has_row_ = 0;

  _rc_ = cql_prepare(_db_, &C_stmt,
    "SELECT 1, 2");
  if (_rc_ != SQLITE_OK) { cql_error_trace(); goto cql_cleanup; }
  _rc_ = SQLITE_OK;

  return _rc_;

Let’s look over that code very carefully and see what is necessary to make it happen.

And that’s it, we now have a statement in C_stmt ready to go. We’ll see later that _C_has_row_ will track whether or not the cursor has any data in it.

How do we make this happen? Well you could look at cg_declare_cursor and your eye might hurt at first. The truth is there are many kinds of cursors in CQL and this method handles all of them. We’re going to go over the various flavors but for now we’re only discussing the so-called “statement cursor”, so named because it simply holds a SQLite statement. This was the first, and for a while only, type of cursor added to the CQL language.

OK so how do we make a statement cursor. It’s once again cg_bound_sql_statement just like so:

cg_bound_sql_statement(cursor_name, select_stmt, CG_PREPARE|CG_MINIFY_ALIASES);

The entire difference is that the first argument is the cursor name rather than NULL. If you pass NULL it means use the temporary statement.

And you’ll notice that even in this simple example the SQLite text was altered a bit: the text that went to SQLite was "SELECT 1, 2" – that’s CG_MINIFY_ALIASES at work. SQLite didn’t need to see those column aliases, it makes no difference in the result. Column aliases are often long and numerous. Even in this simple example we saved 4 bytes. But the entire query was only 12 bytes long (including trailing null) so that’s 25%. It’s not a huge savings in general but it’s something.

The other flag CG_PREPARE tells the binder that it should not step or finalize the query. The alternative is CG_EXEC (which was used in the previous section for the UPDATE example).

Fetching Data From Cursors

The first cursor reading primitive that was implemented as FETCH [cursor] INTO [variables] and it’s the simplest to understand so let’s start there.

We change the example just a bit:

  FETCH C INTO x, y;

For simplicity I will only include the code that is added. The rest is the same.

  cql_int32 x = 0;
  cql_int32 y = 0;

  // same as before

  _rc_ = sqlite3_step(C_stmt);
  _C_has_row_ = _rc_ == SQLITE_ROW;
  cql_multifetch(_rc_, C_stmt, 2,
                 CQL_DATA_TYPE_NOT_NULL | CQL_DATA_TYPE_INT32, &x,
                 CQL_DATA_TYPE_NOT_NULL | CQL_DATA_TYPE_INT32, &y);
  if (_rc_ != SQLITE_ROW && _rc_ != SQLITE_DONE) { cql_error_trace(); goto cql_cleanup; }

Do to the FETCH we do the following:

So now this begs the question, in the CQL, how do you know if a row was fetched or not?

The answer is, you can use the cursor name like a boolean. Let’s complicate this up a little more.


  FETCH C INTO x, y;
    CALL printf("%d, %d\n", x, y);
    FETCH C INTO x, y;

Again here is what is now added, we’ve seen the WHILE pattern before:

  for (;;) {
  if (!(_C_has_row_)) break;
    printf("%d, %d\n", x, y);
    _rc_ = sqlite3_step(C_stmt);
    _C_has_row_ = _rc_ == SQLITE_ROW;
    cql_multifetch(_rc_, C_stmt, 2,
                   CQL_DATA_TYPE_NOT_NULL | CQL_DATA_TYPE_INT32, &x,
                   CQL_DATA_TYPE_NOT_NULL | CQL_DATA_TYPE_INT32, &y);
    if (_rc_ != SQLITE_ROW && _rc_ != SQLITE_DONE) { cql_error_trace(); goto cql_cleanup; }

So, if you use the cursors name in an ordinary expression that is converted to a reference to the boolean _C_has_row_. Within the loop we’re going to print some data and then fetch the next row. The internal fetch is of course the same as the first.

The next improvement that was added to the language was the LOOP statement. Let’s take a look:

    CALL printf("%d, %d\n", x, y);

The generated code is very similar:

  for (;;) {
    _rc_ = sqlite3_step(C_stmt);
    _C_has_row_ = _rc_ == SQLITE_ROW;
    cql_multifetch(_rc_, C_stmt, 2,
                   CQL_DATA_TYPE_NOT_NULL | CQL_DATA_TYPE_INT32, &x,
                   CQL_DATA_TYPE_NOT_NULL | CQL_DATA_TYPE_INT32, &y);
    if (_rc_ != SQLITE_ROW && _rc_ != SQLITE_DONE) { cql_error_trace(); goto cql_cleanup; }
    if (!_C_has_row_) break;
    printf("%d, %d\n", x, y);

This is done by:

Cursors With Storage

We now come to the big motivating reasons for having the notion of shapes in the CQL language. This particular case was the first such example in the language and it’s very commonly used and saves you a lot of typing. Like the other examples it’s only sugar in that it doesn’t give you any new language powers you didn’t have, but it does give clarity and maintenance advantages. And it’s just a lot less to type.

Let’s go back to one of the earlier examples, but write it the modern way:


And the generated C code:

typedef struct p_C_row {
  cql_bool _has_row_;
  cql_uint16 _refs_count_;
  cql_uint16 _refs_offset_;
  cql_int32 x;
  cql_int32 y;
} p_C_row;

CQL_WARN_UNUSED cql_code p(sqlite3 *_Nonnull _db_) {
  cql_code _rc_ = SQLITE_OK;
  sqlite3_stmt *C_stmt = NULL;
  p_C_row C = { 0 };

  _rc_ = cql_prepare(_db_, &C_stmt,
    "SELECT 1, 2");
  if (_rc_ != SQLITE_OK) { cql_error_trace(); goto cql_cleanup; }
  _rc_ = sqlite3_step(C_stmt);
  C._has_row_ = _rc_ == SQLITE_ROW;
  cql_multifetch(_rc_, C_stmt, 2,
                 CQL_DATA_TYPE_NOT_NULL | CQL_DATA_TYPE_INT32, &C.x,
                 CQL_DATA_TYPE_NOT_NULL | CQL_DATA_TYPE_INT32, &C.y);
  if (_rc_ != SQLITE_ROW && _rc_ != SQLITE_DONE) { cql_error_trace(); goto cql_cleanup; }
  _rc_ = SQLITE_OK;

  return _rc_;

Let’s look at what’s different here:

That’s pretty much it. The beauty of this is that you can’t get the declarations of your locals wrong and you don’t have to list them all no matter how big the data is. If the data shape changes the cursor change automatically changes to accommodate it. Everything is still statically typed.

Now lets look at the loop pattern:

    CALL printf("%d, %d\n", C.x, C.y);

Note that the columns of the cursor were defined by the column aliases of the SELECT.

  for (;;) {
    _rc_ = sqlite3_step(C_stmt);
    C._has_row_ = _rc_ == SQLITE_ROW;
    cql_multifetch(_rc_, C_stmt, 2,
                   CQL_DATA_TYPE_NOT_NULL | CQL_DATA_TYPE_INT32, &C.x,
                   CQL_DATA_TYPE_NOT_NULL | CQL_DATA_TYPE_INT32, &C.y);
    if (_rc_ != SQLITE_ROW && _rc_ != SQLITE_DONE) { cql_error_trace(); goto cql_cleanup; }
    if (!C._has_row_) break;
    printf("%d, %d\n", C.x, C.y);

The loop is basically the same except x and y have been replaced with C.x and C.y and again _C_has_row_ is now C._has_row_.

The code generator knows that it should allocate storage for the C cursor if it has the flag SEM_TYPE_HAS_SHAPE_STORAGE on it. The semantic analyzer adds that flag if it ever finds FETCH C with no INTO part.

Finally let’s look at an example with cleanup required. We’ll just change the test case a tiny bit.

    CALL printf("%d, %s\n", C.x, C.y);

The x column is now text. We’ll get this code which will be studied below:

typedef struct p_C_row {
  cql_bool _has_row_;
  cql_uint16 _refs_count_;
  cql_uint16 _refs_offset_;
  cql_int32 y;
  cql_string_ref _Nonnull x;
} p_C_row;

#define p_C_refs_offset cql_offsetof(p_C_row, x) // count = 1

CQL_WARN_UNUSED cql_code p(sqlite3 *_Nonnull _db_) {
  cql_code _rc_ = SQLITE_OK;
  sqlite3_stmt *C_stmt = NULL;
  p_C_row C = { ._refs_count_ = 1, ._refs_offset_ = p_C_refs_offset };

  _rc_ = cql_prepare(_db_, &C_stmt,
    "SELECT '1', 2");
  if (_rc_ != SQLITE_OK) { cql_error_trace(); goto cql_cleanup; }
  for (;;) {
    _rc_ = sqlite3_step(C_stmt);
    C._has_row_ = _rc_ == SQLITE_ROW;
    cql_multifetch(_rc_, C_stmt, 2,
                   CQL_DATA_TYPE_NOT_NULL | CQL_DATA_TYPE_INT32, &C.y);
    if (_rc_ != SQLITE_ROW && _rc_ != SQLITE_DONE) { cql_error_trace(); goto cql_cleanup; }
    if (!C._has_row_) break;
    cql_alloc_cstr(_cstr_1, C.x);
    printf("%s, %d\n", _cstr_1, C.y);
    cql_free_cstr(_cstr_1, C.x);
  _rc_ = SQLITE_OK;

  return _rc_;

It’s very similar to what we had before, let’s quickly review the differences.

typedef struct p_C_row {
  cql_bool _has_row_;
  cql_uint16 _refs_count_;
  cql_uint16 _refs_offset_;
  cql_int32 y;
  cql_string_ref _Nonnull x;
} p_C_row;

#define p_C_refs_offset cql_offsetof(p_C_row, x) // count = 1

Recall the reference types are always at the end and together.

  p_C_row C = { ._refs_count_ = 1, ._refs_offset_ = p_C_refs_offset };
  cql_multifetch(_rc_, C_stmt, 2,
                 CQL_DATA_TYPE_NOT_NULL | CQL_DATA_TYPE_INT32, &C.y);
    cql_alloc_cstr(_cstr_1, C.x);
    printf("%s, %d\n", _cstr_1, C.y);
    cql_free_cstr(_cstr_1, C.x);

With these primitives we can easily create cursors of any shape and load them up with data. We don’t have to redundantly declare locals that match the shape of our select statements which is both error prone and a hassle.

All of this is actually very easy for the code-generator. The semantic analysis phase knows if the cursor needs shape storage. And it also recognizes when a variable reference like C.x happens, the variable references are re-written in the AST so that the code-generator doesn’t even have to know there was a cursor reference, from its perspective the variable IS C.x (which it sort of is). The code generator does have to create the storage for the cursor but it knows it should do so because the cursor variable is marked with SEM_TYPE_HAS_SHAPE_STORAGE. A cursor without this marking only gets its statement (but not always as we’ll see later) and its _cursor_has_row_ hidden variable.

Flowing SQLite Statements Between Procedures

Earlier we saw that we can get a cursor from a SQLite SELECT statement. The cursor is used to iterate over the sqlite3_stmt * that SQLite provides to us. This process can be done between procedures. Here’s a simple example:

  SELECT "1" AS x, 2 AS y;

This is the first example of a procedure that return a result set that we’ve seen. The wiring for this is very simple.

static CQL_WARN_UNUSED cql_code q(
  sqlite3 *_Nonnull _db_,
  sqlite3_stmt *_Nullable *_Nonnull _result_stmt)
  cql_code _rc_ = SQLITE_OK;
  *_result_stmt = NULL;
  _rc_ = cql_prepare(_db_, _result_stmt,
    "SELECT '1', 2");
  if (_rc_ != SQLITE_OK) { cql_error_trace(); goto cql_cleanup; }
  _rc_ = SQLITE_OK;

  if (_rc_ == SQLITE_OK && !*_result_stmt) _rc_ = cql_no_rows_stmt(_db_, _result_stmt);
  return _rc_;

First note that there are now two hidden parameters to q:

The rest of the code is just like any other bound SQL statement. Note that if _result_stmt isn’t otherwise set by the code it will be initialized to a statement that will return zero rows.

All of this is pretty much old news except for the new hidden variable. Note let’s look how we might use this. We can write a procedure that calls q, like so:


This generates:

CQL_WARN_UNUSED cql_code p(sqlite3 *_Nonnull _db_) {
  cql_code _rc_ = SQLITE_OK;
  sqlite3_stmt *C_stmt = NULL;
  p_C_row C = { ._refs_count_ = 1, ._refs_offset_ = p_C_refs_offset };

  _rc_ = q(_db_, &C_stmt);
  if (_rc_ != SQLITE_OK) { cql_error_trace(); goto cql_cleanup; }
  _rc_ = sqlite3_step(C_stmt);
  C._has_row_ = _rc_ == SQLITE_ROW;
  cql_multifetch(_rc_, C_stmt, 2,
                 CQL_DATA_TYPE_NOT_NULL | CQL_DATA_TYPE_INT32, &C.y);
  if (_rc_ != SQLITE_ROW && _rc_ != SQLITE_DONE) { cql_error_trace(); goto cql_cleanup; }
  _rc_ = SQLITE_OK;

  return _rc_;

All of the above is exactly the same as the previous cases where we got data from the database except that instead of using cql_prepare the compiler produced _rc_ = q(_db_, &C_stmt); That function call gives us, of course, a ready-to-use sqlite3_stmt * which we can then step, and use to fetch values. The shape of the cursor C is determined by the result type of procedure q – hence they always match.

If q was in some other module, it could be declared with:


This is a procedure that takes no arguments and returns a result with the indicated shape.

CQL can generate this declaration for you if you add --generate_exports to the command line. Note that in this case q was marked with [[private]] which caused q to be static in the output. Hence it can’t be called outside this translation unit and --generate_exports won’t provide the declaration.

If the private annotation were removed, the full exports for this file would be:


And these would allow calling both procedures from elsewhere. Simply #include the exports file.

There is a special function in the echoing code that can emit a procedure that was created in the form that is needed to declare it, this is gen_declare_proc_from_create_proc.

Value Cursors

Once CQL had the ability to fetch rows into a cursor with no need to declare all the locals it was clear that it could benefit from the ability to save a copy of any given row. That is basic cursor operations seemed like they should be part of the calculus of CQL. Here’s a simple sample program that illustrates this.

  FETCH D from C;

We already have a good idea what is going to happen with C in this program. Let’s look at the generated code focusing just on the parts that involve D.

First there is a row defintion for D. Unsurprisingly it is exactly the samea as the one for C. This must be the case since we specified D CURSOR LIKE C.

typedef struct p_D_row {
  cql_bool _has_row_;
  cql_uint16 _refs_count_;
  cql_uint16 _refs_offset_;
  cql_int32 y;
  cql_string_ref _Nonnull x;
} p_D_row;

#define p_D_refs_offset cql_offsetof(p_D_row, x) // count = 1

Then the D cursor variables will be needed:

p_D_row D = { ._refs_count_ = 1, ._refs_offset_ = p_D_refs_offset };

The above also implies the cleanup code:


finally, we fetch D from C. That’s just some assignments:

  D._has_row_ = 1;
  cql_set_string_ref(&D.x, C.x);
  D.y = C.y;

Importantly, there is no D_stmt variable. D is not a statement cursor like C, it’s a so-called “value” cursor. In that it can only hold values.

A value cursor can actually be loaded from anywhere, it just holds data. You don’t loop over it (attempts to do so will result in errors).

The general syntax for loading such a cursor is something like this:

 FETCH D(x, y) FROM VALUES(C.x, C.y);

And indeed the form FETCH D FROM C was rewritten automatically into the general form. The short form is just sugar.

Once loaded, D.x and D.y can be used as always. The data type of D is similar to C.

The AST would report:

{declare_cursor_like_name}: D: select: { x: text notnull, y: integer notnull }
   variable shape_storage value_cursor

meaning D has the flags SEM_TYPE_STRUCT, SEM_TYPE_VARIABLE, SEM_TYPE_HAS_SHAPE_STORAGE, and SEM_TYPE_VALUE_CURSOR. That last flag indicates that there is no statement for this cursor, it’s just values. And all such cursors must have SEM_TYPE_HAS_SHAPE_STORAGE – if they had no statement and no storage they would be – nothing.

Value cursors are enormously helpful and there is sugar for loading them from all kinds of sources with a shape. These forms are described more properly in Part 5 of the Guide but they all end up going through the general form, making the codegen considerably simpler. There are many examples where the semantic analyzer rewrites a sugar form to a canonical form to keep the codegen from forking into dozens of special cases and most of them have to do with shapes and cursors.

Returning Value Cursors

Let’s look at an example that is similar to the previous one:

   "foo" x,
   3 y;
  OUT C;

  -- do something with C

Let’s discuss some of what is above, first looking at q:

Now let’s look at the C for q

typedef struct q_row {
  cql_bool _has_row_;
  cql_uint16 _refs_count_;
  cql_uint16 _refs_offset_;
  cql_int32 y;
  cql_string_ref _Nonnull x;
} q_row;

#define q_refs_offset cql_offsetof(q_row, x) // count = 1

cql_string_literal(_literal_1_foo_q, "foo");

typedef struct q_C_row {
  cql_bool _has_row_;
  cql_uint16 _refs_count_;
  cql_uint16 _refs_offset_;
  cql_int32 y;
  cql_string_ref _Nonnull x;
} q_C_row;

#define q_C_refs_offset cql_offsetof(q_C_row, x) // count = 1

static void q(q_row *_Nonnull _result_) {
  memset(_result_, 0, sizeof(*_result_));
  q_C_row C = { ._refs_count_ = 1, ._refs_offset_ = q_C_refs_offset };

  C._has_row_ = 1;
  cql_set_string_ref(&C.x, _literal_1_foo_q);
  C.y = 3;
  _result_->_has_row_ = C._has_row_;
  _result_->_refs_count_ = 1;
  _result_->_refs_offset_ = q_refs_offset;
  cql_set_string_ref(&_result_->x, C.x);
  _result_->y = C.y;


The net of all this is that we have loaded a value cursor that was passed in to the procedure via a hidden argument and it has retained references as appropriate.

Now let’s look at p:

typedef struct p_C_row {
  cql_bool _has_row_;
  cql_uint16 _refs_count_;
  cql_uint16 _refs_offset_;
  cql_int32 y;
  cql_string_ref _Nonnull x;
} p_C_row;

#define p_C_refs_offset cql_offsetof(p_C_row, x) // count = 1
void p(void) {
  p_C_row C = { ._refs_count_ = 1, ._refs_offset_ = p_C_refs_offset };

  q((q_row *)&C); // q_row identical to cursor type

  // usually you do something with C at this point


So with just normal value cursor codegen we can pretty easily create a situation where procedures can move structures from one to another. As we saw, the source of value cursors may or may not be the database. Value cursors are frequently invaluable in test code as they can easily hold mock rows based on any kind of computation.

Result Sets

In addition to returning a single row into a value cursor, or returning a statement to consume with a statement cursor, it’s possible to generate a result set. So far the samples have included [[private]] to suppress that code. This pattern is intended to let regular C code access the data so private suppresses it.

Let’s consider a simple example, this example returns only one row but the mechanism works for any number of rows, we’re just using this form because it’s what we’ve used so far and its simple. Let’s begin:

  SELECT "1" AS x, 2 AS y;

The core generated function is this one:

CQL_WARN_UNUSED cql_code p(sqlite3 *_Nonnull _db_, sqlite3_stmt *_Nullable *_Nonnull _result_stmt) {
  cql_code _rc_ = SQLITE_OK;
  *_result_stmt = NULL;
  _rc_ = cql_prepare(_db_, _result_stmt,
    "SELECT '1', 2");
  if (_rc_ != SQLITE_OK) { cql_error_trace(); goto cql_cleanup; }
  _rc_ = SQLITE_OK;

  if (_rc_ == SQLITE_OK && !*_result_stmt) _rc_ = cql_no_rows_stmt(_db_, _result_stmt);
  return _rc_;

We’ve seen this before, it creates the SQLite statement. But that isn’t all the code that was generated, let’s have a look at what else we got in our outputs:

CQL_WARN_UNUSED cql_code p_fetch_results(
  sqlite3 *_Nonnull _db_,
  p_result_set_ref _Nullable *_Nonnull result_set)
  sqlite3_stmt *stmt = NULL;
  cql_profile_start(CRC_p, &p_perf_index);
  cql_code rc = p(_db_, &stmt);
  cql_fetch_info info = {
    .rc = rc,
    .db = _db_,
    .stmt = stmt,
    .data_types = p_data_types,
    .col_offsets = p_col_offsets,
    .refs_count = 1,
    .refs_offset = p_refs_offset,
    .encode_context_index = -1,
    .rowsize = sizeof(p_row),
    .crc = CRC_p,
    .perf_index = &p_perf_index,
  return cql_fetch_all_results(&info, (cql_result_set_ref *)result_set);

p_fetch_results does two main things:

Let’s look at the things that are needed to load up that info structure.

typedef struct p_row {
  cql_int32 y;
  cql_string_ref _Nonnull x;
} p_row;

uint8_t p_data_types[p_data_types_count] = {

#define p_refs_offset cql_offsetof(p_row, x) // count = 1

static cql_uint16 p_col_offsets[] = { 2,
  cql_offsetof(p_row, x),
  cql_offsetof(p_row, y)

Code generation creates a .c file and a .h file, we haven’t talked much about the .h because it’s mostly prototypes for the functions in the .c file. But in this case we have a few more interesting things. We need just two of them:

#define CRC_p -6643602732498616851L

#define p_data_types_count 2

Now we’re armed to discuss loading the info structure:

With this data (which is in the end pretty small) the cql_fetch_all_results can do all the things it needs to do:

With this background, cql_fetch_all_results should be very approachable. There’s a good bit of work but it’s all very simple.

// By the time we get here, a CQL stored proc has completed execution and there is
// now a statement (or an error result).  This function iterates the rows that
// come out of the statement using the fetch info to describe the shape of the
// expected results.  All of this code is shared so that the cost of any given
// stored procedure is minimized.  Even the error handling is consolidated.
cql_code cql_fetch_all_results(
  cql_fetch_info *_Nonnull info,
  cql_result_set_ref _Nullable *_Nonnull result_set) {...}

The core of that function looks like this:

  for (;;) {
    rc = sqlite3_step(stmt);
    if (rc == SQLITE_DONE) break;
    if (rc != SQLITE_ROW) goto cql_error;
    row = cql_bytebuf_alloc(&b, rowsize);
    memset(row, 0, rowsize);

    cql_multifetch_meta((char *)row, info);
  cql_profile_stop(info->crc, info->perf_index);

The remaining logic is largely about checking for errors and tearing down the result set if anything goes wrong. There is not very much to it, and it’s worth a read.

Now recall that the way cql_fetch_all_results was used, was as follows:

  return cql_fetch_all_results(&info, (cql_result_set_ref *)result_set)

And result_set was the out-argument for the the p_fetch_results method.

So p_fetch_results is used to get that result set. But what can you do with it? Well, the result set contains copy of all the selected data, ready to use in with a C-friendly API. The interface is in the generated .h file. Let’s look at that now, it’s the final piece of the puzzle.

#ifndef result_set_type_decl_p_result_set
#define result_set_type_decl_p_result_set 1
cql_result_set_type_decl(p_result_set, p_result_set_ref);

extern cql_string_ref _Nonnull p_get_x(p_result_set_ref _Nonnull result_set, cql_int32 row);
extern cql_int32 p_get_y(p_result_set_ref _Nonnull result_set, cql_int32 row);
extern cql_int32 p_result_count(p_result_set_ref _Nonnull result_set);
extern CQL_WARN_UNUSED cql_code p_fetch_results(sqlite3 *_Nonnull _db_, p_result_set_ref _Nullable *_Nonnull result_set);

#define p_row_hash(result_set, row) cql_result_set_get_meta( \
  (cql_result_set_ref)(result_set))->rowHash((cql_result_set_ref)(result_set), row)

#define p_row_equal(rs1, row1, rs2, row2) \
  cql_result_set_get_meta((cql_result_set_ref)(rs1))->rowsEqual( \
    (cql_result_set_ref)(rs1), \
    row1, \
    (cql_result_set_ref)(rs2), \

The getters are defined very simply:

cql_string_ref _Nonnull p_get_x(p_result_set_ref _Nonnull result_set, cql_int32 row) {
  p_row *data = (p_row *)cql_result_set_get_data((cql_result_set_ref)result_set);
  return data[row].x;

cql_int32 p_get_y(p_result_set_ref _Nonnull result_set, cql_int32 row) {
  p_row *data = (p_row *)cql_result_set_get_data((cql_result_set_ref)result_set);
  return data[row].y;

The p_row is exactly the right size, and of course the right shape, the final access looks something like data[row].x.

Result Sets from the OUT statement

Recalling this earlier example:

   "foo" x,
   3 y;
  OUT C;

The original example had [[private]] to suppress the result set, but normally a one-row result is is generated from such a method. The C API is almost identical. However, there count is always 0 or 1.

The getters do not have the row number:

extern cql_string_ref _Nonnull q_get_x(q_result_set_ref _Nonnull result_set);
extern cql_int32 q_get_y(q_result_set_ref _Nonnull result_set);

The actual getters are nearly the same as well

cql_string_ref _Nonnull q_get_x(q_result_set_ref _Nonnull result_set) {
  q_row *data = (q_row *)cql_result_set_get_data((cql_result_set_ref)result_set);
  return data->x;

cql_int32 q_get_y(q_result_set_ref _Nonnull result_set) {
  q_row *data = (q_row *)cql_result_set_get_data((cql_result_set_ref)result_set);
  return data->y;

Basically data[row].x just became data->x and the rest is nearly the same. Virtually all the code for this is shared.

You can find all this and more in cg_c.c by looking here:

// If a stored procedure generates a result set then we need to do some extra work
// to create the C friendly rowset creating and accessing helpers.  If stored
// proc "foo" creates a row set then we need to:
//  * emit a struct "foo_row" that has the shape of each row
//    * this isn't used by the client code but we use it in our code-gen
//  * emit a function "foo_fetch_results" that will call "foo" and read the rows
//    from the statement created by "foo".
//    * this method will construct a result set object via cql_result_create and store the data
//    * the remaining functions use cql_result_set_get_data and _get_count to get the data back out
//  * for each named column emit a function "foo_get_[column-name]" which
//    gets that column out of the rowset for the indicated row number.
//  * prototypes for the above go into the main output header file
static void cg_proc_result_set(ast_node *ast)

There are many variations in that function to handle the cases mentioned so far, but they are substantially similar to each other with a lot of shared code. There is one last variation we should talk about and that is the OUT UNION form. It is the most flexible of them all.

Result Sets from the OUT UNION statement

The OUT statement, allows the programmer to produce a result set that has exactly one row, OUT UNION instead accumulates rows. This is very much like writing your own fetcher procedure with your own logic. The data could come from the database, by, for instance, enumerating a cursor. Or it can come from some computation or a mix of both. Here’s a very simple example:

  LET i := 0;
  WHILE i < 5
    SET i := i + 1;

Let’s look at the code for the above, it will be very similar to other examples we’ve seen so far:

typedef struct q_C_row {
  cql_bool _has_row_;
  cql_uint16 _refs_count_;
  cql_uint16 _refs_offset_;
  cql_int32 x;
} q_C_row;
void q_fetch_results(q_result_set_ref _Nullable *_Nonnull _result_set_) {
  cql_bytebuf _rows_;
  *_result_set_ = NULL;
  q_C_row C = { 0 };
  cql_int32 i = 0;

  cql_profile_start(CRC_q, &q_perf_index);
  i = 0;
  for (;;) {
  if (!(i < 5)) break;
    C._has_row_ = 1;
    C.x = i;
    if (C._has_row_) cql_bytebuf_append(&_rows_, (const void *)&C, sizeof(C));
    i = i + 1;

  cql_results_from_data(SQLITE_OK, &_rows_, &q_info, (cql_result_set_ref *)_result_set_);

Importantly, when using OUT UNION the codegen only produces q_fetch_results, there is no q. If you try to call q from CQL you will instead call q_fetch_results. But since many results as possible, a cursor is needed to make the call.

Here’s an example, here p calls the q method above:

    SET s := s + C.x;

And the relevant code for this is as follows:

typedef struct p_C_row {
  cql_bool _has_row_;
  cql_uint16 _refs_count_;
  cql_uint16 _refs_offset_;
  cql_int32 x;
} p_C_row;

CQL_WARN_UNUSED cql_code p(sqlite3 *_Nonnull _db_, cql_int32 *_Nonnull s) {
  cql_contract_argument_notnull((void *)s, 1);

  cql_code _rc_ = SQLITE_OK;
  q_result_set_ref C_result_set_ = NULL;
  cql_int32 C_row_num_ = 0;
  cql_int32 C_row_count_ = 0;
  p_C_row C = { 0 };

  *s = 0; // set out arg to non-garbage
  C_row_num_ = C_row_count_ = -1;
  C_row_count_ = cql_result_set_get_count((cql_result_set_ref)C_result_set_);
  for (;;) {
    C._has_row_ = C_row_num_ < C_row_count_;
    cql_copyoutrow(NULL, (cql_result_set_ref)C_result_set_, C_row_num_, 1,
                   CQL_DATA_TYPE_NOT_NULL | CQL_DATA_TYPE_INT32, &C.x);
    if (!C._has_row_) break;
    *s = (*s) + C.x;
  _rc_ = SQLITE_OK;

  return _rc_;

In short, this is another form of cursor, it’s a value cursor, so it has no statement but it also needs a result set, a count and an index to go with it so that it can enumerate the result set.

In the AST it looks like this:

{name C}: C: select: { x: integer notnull } variable shape_storage uses_out_union


The difference is of course the presence of SEM_TYPE_USES_OUT_UNION.

This is the last of the cursor forms and the final complication of cg_proc_result_set.


At present cg_c.c is a little over 7400 lines of code, maybe 1500 of those lines are comments. So cg_c.c is actually quite a bit smaller and simpler than sem.c (roughly 1/3 the size). It is, however, the most complex of the code generators by far. Part 3 of the internals guide has come out a lot larger than Part 2 but that’s mainly because there are a few more cases worth discussing in detail and the code examples of Part 3 are bigger than the AST examples of Part 2.

Topics covered included:

As with the other parts, this is not a complete discussion of the code but a useful survey that should give readers enough context to understand cg_c.c and the runtime helpers in cqlrt.c and cqlrt_common.c. Good luck in your personal exploration!

Part 4: Testing


Part 4 continues with a discussion of the essentials testing frameworks for the CQL compiler. As in the previous sections, the goal here is not to go over every detail but rather to give a sense of how testing happens in general – the core strategies and implementation choices – so that when reading the tests you will have an idea how it all hangs together. To accomplish this, various key tools will be explained in detail as well as selected examples of their use.


There are several types of tests in the system, all of which are launched by the test.sh script which builds the compiler and does a full test pass, there are well over 3000 tests as of this writing. Broadly these are in these few categories:

Test coverage is maintained at 100% line coverage (sometimes there are a few hours when it drops to 99.9% or something like that but this never lasts). Branch coverage is not especially targetted but is nonethless quite high. To see the true branch coverage you have to build the compiler with the asserts (Contract and Invariant) off. Last time it was measured, it was well over 80%.

To start the tests you should run test.sh, this launches common/test_common.sh to do the work. This structure allows anyone to make their own harness that launches the common test passes and adds their own extra tests, or passes in additional flags. test.sh itself uses make to build the compiler.

As mentioned above, test.sh normally allows the user to accept or reject differences in output, but this is automatically disabled in non-terminal environments, and manually disabled if the script is run with --non_interactive.

To get the coverage report, use cov.sh which in turn launches test.sh with suitable flags and then assembles the coverage report using gcovr.

Parse Tests

Looking at test/test_common.sh we find the source for the most basic test. This is entirely unremarkable stuff.

basic_test() {
  echo '--------------------------------- STAGE 2 -- BASIC PARSING TEST'
  echo running "$T/test.sql"
  if ! ${CQL} --dev --in "$T/test.sql" >"$O/test.out"
   echo basic parsing test failed
  echo "  computing diffs (empty if none)"
  on_diff_exit test.out

That’s it.

Sematic Tests

The semantic tests are not much different but this is where the pattern matching comes in.

First let’s look at the shell script:

semantic_test() {
  echo '--------------------------------- STAGE 4 -- SEMANTIC ANALYSIS TEST'
  echo running semantic analysis test
  if ! sem_check --sem --ast --dev --in "$T/sem_test.sql" >"$O/sem_test.out" 2>"$O/sem_test.err"
     echo "CQL semantic analysis returned unexpected error code"
     cat "$O/sem_test.err"

  echo validating output trees
  if ! "$O/cql-verify" "$T/sem_test.sql" "$O/sem_test.out"
    echo failed verification

  echo running dev semantic analysis test
  ... same thing again for sem_test_dev.sql

  echo "  computing diffs (empty if none)"
  on_diff_exit sem_test.out
  on_diff_exit sem_test.err
  ... same thing again for sem_test_dev.out and .err

There are basically 3 steps:

In the first step the compiler MUST produce an error code, let’s look at sem_check to see why:

sem_check() {
  ${CQL} "$@"
  if [ "$?" -ne "1" ]
     echo 'All semantic analysis checks have errors in the test'
     echo 'the normal return code is "1" -- any other return code is bad news'
     echo 'A return code of zero indicates we reported success in the face of errors'
     echo 'A return code other than 1 indicates an unexpected fatal error of some type'
     return 1

In short sem_test.sql is FULL of semantic errors, that’s part of the test. If the compiler reports success something is seriously wrong.

In the next phase we’re going to do some pattern matching, let’s look at a couple of examples to illustrate how this works. The program cql-verify actually does all this matching and that program is itself written in (mostly) CQL which is cute. It can be found in the tester directory.

Here’s a very simple example:

-- TEST: we'll be using printf in lots of places in the tests as an external proc
-- + {declare_proc_no_check_stmt}: ok
-- - Error

The code under test is of course DECLARE PROCEDURE printf NO CHECK. The patterns happen immediately before this code. Let’s look at each line:

Easy enough. Now does this happen?

The test output includes:

Using the value of XXXX the tester searches the test file in this case sem_test.sql, it extracts the test patterns that happen AFTER the previous XXXX value for the previous statement and up to the indicated line number. This is The Price Is Right algorithm where you read up to the designated lines without going over.

Each pattern is matched, or not matched, using the SQL LIKE or NOT LIKE operator. In case of errors the tester writes out the actual output and the expected patterns having all this information handy.

The line numbers are all changed to literally “XXXX” after this pass so that the difference in later passes is not a cascade of of trivial line number changes in otherwise identical output.

Let’s look at another example:

-- TEST: create a table using type discrimation: kinds
-- + {create_table_stmt}: with_kind: { id: integer<some_key>, cost: real<dollars>, value: real<dollars> }
-- + {col_def}: id: integer<some_key>
-- + {col_def}: cost: real<dollars>
-- + {col_def}: value: real<dollars>
-- - error:
create table with_kind(
  id integer<some_key>,
  cost real<dollars>,
  value real<dollars>

This reads pretty easily now:

So there are no errors reported nor are there any in the AST. At least the part of the AST that was checked. The AST actually had other stuff too but it’s normal to just test the “essential” stuff. There are many tests that try many variations and we don’t want to check every fact in every case of every test.

If you want to see the whole AST output for this, it’s easy enough. It’s sitting in sem_test.out.ref

The statement ending at line XXXX

CREATE TABLE with_kind(
  id INTEGER<some_key>,
  cost REAL<dollars>,
  value REAL<dollars>

  {create_table_stmt}: with_kind: { id: integer<some_key>, cost: real<dollars>, value: real<dollars> }
  | {create_table_name_flags}
  | | {table_flags_attrs}
  | | | {int 0}
  | | {name with_kind}
  | {col_key_list}
    | {col_def}: id: integer<some_key>
    | | {col_def_type_attrs}: ok
    |   | {col_def_name_type}
    |     | {name id}
    |     | {type_int}: integer<some_key>
    |       | {name some_key}
    | {col_key_list}
      | {col_def}: cost: real<dollars>
      | | {col_def_type_attrs}: ok
      |   | {col_def_name_type}
      |     | {name cost}
      |     | {type_real}: real<dollars>
      |       | {name dollars}
      | {col_key_list}
        | {col_def}: value: real<dollars>
          | {col_def_type_attrs}: ok
            | {col_def_name_type}
              | {name value}
              | {type_real}: real<dollars>
                | {name dollars}

As you can see there was potentially a lot more than could have been verified but those view key lines were selected because their correctness really implies the rest. In fact just the {create_table_stmt} line really was enough to know that everthing was fine. Matching large swaths of the AST is a very bad idea in general because:

Instead focus on matching the parts of the AST, or other output, that reflect the correctness of the output. This can be just one or two ast lines that show that the type was computed correctly or that an error was recorded correctly.

Test Case Matching Rules

The complete syntax for matching rules is as follows:

-- match and advance the current match pointer
-- + foo       --> match foo, searching forward from the last match with +

-- these forms do not change the current search position
-- +[0-9] foo  --> match foo anywhere, but demand exactly n matches
-- - foo       --> shorthand for +0 foo (demand no matches)
-- * foo       --> shorthand for +1 foo (demand 1 match, anywhere)
-- = foo       --> match foo on the same line as the last match with +

A more complex example

Let’s look at one more example, this time on that is checking for errors. Many tests check for errors because correctly reporting errors is the primary job of sem.c. It’s fair to say that there are more tests for error cases than there are for correct cases because there are a lot more ways to write code incorrectly than correctly. Here’s the test:

-- TEST: join with bogus ON expression type
-- + {select_stmt}: err
-- + {on}: err
-- * error: % expected numeric expression 'ON'
-- +1 error:
select * from foo
inner join bar as T2 on 'v'
where 'w'
having 'x'
limit 'y';

As we’ll see this simple pattern is used in many other tests. All that is required for it work is output with lines of the form “The statement ending at line XXXX”. For instance, sem_test_dev.sql test file is a set of tests that are run with the --dev flag passed to CQL. This is the mode where certain statements that are prohibited in production code are verified. This file is very small indeed and the exact prohibitions are left as an exercise to the reader. There are many such files in the test suite.

Code Generation Tests

The test logic for the “codegen” family of tests (cg_test*.sql) is virtually identical to the semantic test family. The same testing utililty is used, and it works the same way, looking for the same marker. The only difference in this stage is that the test output is generated code, not an AST. The codegen tests are a great way to lock down important code fragments in the output. Note that the codegen tests do not actually execute any generated code. That’s the next category.

Here’s an sample test:

-- TEST: unused temp in unary not emitted
-- - cql_int32 _tmp_int_0 = 0;
-- - cql_int32 _tmp_int_1 = 0;
-- + o = i.value;
-- + o = - 1;
create proc unused_temp(i integer, out o integer not null)
  set o := coalesce(i, -1);

This test is verifying one of the optimizations that we talked about in Part 3. In many cases temporary variables for results (such as function calls) can be elided.

It might be helpful to look at the full output, which as always is in a .ref file. In this case cg_test.c.ref. Here is the full output with the line number normalized:

// The statement ending at line XXXX

  SET o := coalesce(i, -1);

#define _PROC_ "unused_temp"
// export: DECLARE PROC unused_temp (i INTEGER, OUT o INTEGER NOT NULL);
void unused_temp(cql_nullable_int32 i, cql_int32 *_Nonnull o) {
  cql_contract_argument_notnull((void *)o, 2);

  *o = 0; // set out arg to non-garbage
  do {
    if (!i.is_null) {
      *o = i.value;
    *o = - 1;
  } while (0);

#undef _PROC_

As we can see, the test has picked out the bits that it wanted to verify. The coalesce function is verified elsewhere – in this test we’re making sure that this pattern doesn’t cause extra temporaries.

Let’s take a quick look at the part of test_common.sh that runs this:

code_gen_c_test() {
  echo '--------------------------------- STAGE 5 -- C CODE GEN TEST'
  echo running codegen test
  if ! ${CQL} --test --cg "$O/cg_test_c.h" "$O/cg_test_c.c" \
    "$O/cg_test_exports.out" --in "$T/cg_test.sql" \
    --global_proc cql_startup --generate_exports 2>"$O/cg_test_c.err"
    echo "ERROR:"
    cat "$O/cg_test_c.err"

  echo validating codegen
  if ! "$O/cql-verify" "$T/cg_test.sql" "$O/cg_test_c.c"
    echo "ERROR: failed verification"

  echo testing for successful compilation of generated C
  rm -f out/cg_test_c.o
  if ! do_make out/cg_test_c.o
    echo "ERROR: failed to compile the C code from the code gen test"


  echo "  computing diffs (empty if none)"
  on_diff_exit cg_test_c.c
  on_diff_exit cg_test_c.h

  ... other tests

Briefly reviewing this, we see the following important steps:

This is all remarkably similar to the semantic tests. All the code generators are tested in the same way.

Run Tests

The last category of tests actually does execution. The main “run test” happens at “stage 13”, because there are many codegen tests for the various output formats and these all pass before before we try to execute anything. This is not so bad because the tests are quite quick with a full test pass taking less than 90s on my laptop.

run_test() {
  echo '--------------------------------- STAGE 13 -- RUN CODE TEST'
  echo running codegen test with execution
  if ! cc -E -x c -w "$T/run_test.sql" \
    echo preprocessing failed.
  elif ! ${CQL} --nolines \
    --cg "$O/run_test.h" "$O/run_test.c" \
    --in "$O/run_test_cpp.out" \
    --global_proc cql_startup --rt c
    echo codegen failed.
  elif ! (echo "  compiling code"; do_make run_test )
    echo build failed
  elif ! (echo "  executing tests"; "./$O/a.out")
    echo tests failed

The main structure is mostly what one would expect:

The test file run_test.sql includes test macros from cqltest.h – all of these are very simple. The main ones are BEGIN_SUITE, END_SUITE, BEGIN_TEST and END_TEST for structure; and EXPECT to verify a boolean expression.

Here’s a simple test case with several expectations:

  EXPECT_SQL_TOO((1 + 2) * 3 == 9);
  EXPECT_SQL_TOO(1 + 2 * 3 == 7);
  EXPECT_SQL_TOO(6 / 3 == 2);
  EXPECT_SQL_TOO(7 - 5 == 2);
  EXPECT_SQL_TOO(6 % 5 == 1);
  EXPECT_SQL_TOO(5 / 2.5 == 2);
  EXPECT_SQL_TOO(-(1+3) == -4);
  EXPECT_SQL_TOO(-1+3 == 2);
  EXPECT_SQL_TOO(1+-3 == -2);
  EXPECT_SQL_TOO(longs.neg == -1);
  EXPECT_SQL_TOO(-longs.neg == 1);
  EXPECT_SQL_TOO(- -longs.neg == -1);

We should also reveal EXPECT_SQL_TOO, discussed below:

-- use this for both normal eval and SQLite eval
#define EXPECT_SQL_TOO(x) EXPECT(x); EXPECT((select x))

Now back to the test:

The run test exercises many features, but the testing strategy is always the same:

Schema Upgrade Testing

The schema upgrade tester is quite a bit different than the others and relies heavily on execution of the upgraders. Before we get into that there is a preliminary topic:

“Previous Schema” Validation

In order to ensure that it is possible to create an upgrader, CQL provides features to validate the current schema against the previous schema ensuring that nothing has been done that would make an upgrader impossible. This is more fully discussed in Chapter 11 of the Guide.

“Previous Schema” validation is a form of semantic check and so its testing happens as described above. Importantly, as with the other back-end passes the schema upgrader does not have to concern itself with error cases as they are already ruled out. The upgrader itself will be the subject of Part 5.

Packing List

The test assets for upgrade tests are found in the upgrade directory and consist of * SchemaPersistentV0.sql : baseline version of the test schema * SchemaPersistentV1.sql : v1 of the test schema * SchemaPersistentV2.sql : v2 of the test schema * SchemaPersistentV3.sql : v3 of the test schema * downgrade_test.c : a test that simulates attemping to go backwards in schema versions * upgrade_test.c : the C harness that launches the upgraders and fires the tests * upgrade_test.sh : the shell script that makes all this happen * upgrade_validate.sql : some simple code that sanity checks the recorded schema version against tables in it * used to ensure that the schema we are on is the schema we think we are on, not to validate all facets of it * also renders the contents of sqlite_master in a canonical form

We haven’t yet discussed the internals of schema upgrade, so for purposes of this part we’re only going to discuss how the testing proceeds. The upgrade will be considered “magic” for now.

In addition to these assets, we also have reference files: * upgrade_schema_v0.out.ref : expected content of v0 * upgrade_schema_v1.out.ref : expected content of v1 * upgrade_schema_v2.out.ref : expected content of v2 * upgrade_schema_v3.out.ref : expected content of v3


This file has a single procedure validate_transition which does the two jobs: * emits the canonicalized version of sqlite_master to the output * this is needed because sqlite_master text can vary between Sqlite versions * checks for basic things that should be present in a given version

The output of the validator looks like this:

reference results for version 0

----- g1 -----

type: table
tbl_name: g1
  name TEXT)

----- sqlite_autoindex_test_cql_schema_facets_1 -----

type: index
tbl_name: test_cql_schema_facets

----- test_cql_schema_facets -----

type: table
tbl_name: test_cql_schema_facets
CREATE TABLE test_cql_schema_facets(
  version LONG_INT NOT NULL)

The formatting rules are very simple and so the output is pretty readable.

The verifications are very simple.

First this happens:

let version := cast(test_cql_get_facet_version("cql_schema_version") as integer);

The printing happens, then this simple validation:

  let recreate_sql := (
    select sql from sqlite_master
    where name = 'test_this_table_will_become_create'
    if nothing null);

 switch version
  when 0 then
    if recreate_sql is null or recreate_sql not like '%xyzzy INTEGER%' then
      call printf("ERROR! test_this_table_will_become_create should have a column named xyzzy in v%d\n", version);
    end if;
    call printf("ERROR! expected schema version v%d\n", version);

In short, the version number must be one of the valid versions and each version is expecting that particular table to be in some condition it can recognize.

The real validation is done by noting any changes in the reference output plus a series of invariants.

Prosecution of the Upgrade Test

** Launch **

We kick things off as follows:

** Build Stage **

This creates the various binaries we will need:

** Basic Upgrades **

Here we test going from scratch to each of the 4 target versions:

** Previous Schema Validation **

This sanity checks that the chain of schema we have built should work when upgrading from one version to the next:

** Two-Step Upgrades **

Now we verify that we can go from any version to any other version with a stop in between to persist.

An example should make this clearer:

There are quite a few combinations like this, the test output lists them all:

Upgrade from nothing to v0, then to v0 -- must match direct update to v0
Upgrade from nothing to v0, then to v1 -- must match direct update to v1
Upgrade from nothing to v1, then to v1 -- must match direct update to v1
Upgrade from nothing to v0, then to v2 -- must match direct update to v2
Upgrade from nothing to v1, then to v2 -- must match direct update to v2
Upgrade from nothing to v2, then to v2 -- must match direct update to v2
Upgrade from nothing to v0, then to v3 -- must match direct update to v3
Upgrade from nothing to v1, then to v3 -- must match direct update to v3
Upgrade from nothing to v2, then to v3 -- must match direct update to v3
Upgrade from nothing to v3, then to v3 -- must match direct update to v3

Note that one of the combinations tested is starting on Vn and “upgrading” from there to Vn. This should do nothing.

** Testing downgrade **

Here we make sure that any attempt to “go backwards” results in an error.

The combination of testing reference outputs plus testing these many invariants at various stages results in a powerful integration test. The actual schema for the varios versions includes all the supported transitions such as creating and deleting tables and columns, and recreating views, indicies, and triggers.

All of the possible transitions are more fully discussed in Chapter 10 of the Guide which pairs nicely with the previous schema validions discussed in Chapter 11.

Testing the #line directives produced by CQL

[An additional section should be added for the code that verifies the source line number mappings even though this is a pretty exotic case.]


While there are a few more isolated verifications that happen in test.sh and of course there is the plumbing necessary to let cov.sh use the test script to create coverage reports, the above forms make up the vast majority of the test patterns.

Generally, the test files are designed to hold as many tests as can reasonably fit with the gating factor being cases where different flags are necessary. There are two different stages were many different tiny input files are used to create trivial failures like missing command line arguments and such. But those cases are all just looking for simple error text and a failure code, so they should be self-evident. With so many options, many such baby tests are needed.

Part 5: CQL Runtime


Part 5 continues with a discussion of the essentials of the CQL Runtime. As in the previous sections, the goal here is not to delve into every detail but rather to provide an overview of how the runtime operates in general — focusing on core strategies and implementation choices — so that when you read the source, you’ll have an understanding of how it all fits together. To achieve this, we’ll highlight the main components that can be customized and discuss some intriguing cases.

CQL Runtime

The parts of the runtime that you can modify are located in cqlrt.h. This file inevitably concludes by including cqlrt_common.h, which contains the runtime components that you shouldn’t modify. Of course, since this is open source, you have the freedom to modify anything, but typically, the common elements don’t require alteration. cqlrt.h should equip you with everything necessary to target new environments.

The compiler itself can be tailored; refer to rt.c to generate different strings for compatibility with your runtime. This customization process is relatively straightforward and avoids creating a complicated merging situation. For example, Meta Platforms has its own customized CQL runtime designed for mobile phones, but it’s not open source (and frankly, I doubt anyone would desire it anyway). Nevertheless, the key point is that you can create your own runtime. In fact, I’m aware of two custom runtimes within Meta Platforms alone.

We’ll dissect cqlrt.h step by step, keeping in mind that it might undergo changes, but this is essentially its function. Moreover, the fundamental aspects tend to remain stable over time.

Standard headers

The remainder of the system relies on these components. cqlrt.h is tasked with importing what you’ll require later or what cqlrt_common.h necessitates on your system.

#pragma once

#include <assert.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <sqlite3.h>

#ifndef __clang__
#ifndef _Nonnull
    /* Hide Clang-only nullability specifiers if not Clang */
    #define _Nonnull
    #define _Nullable

Contract and Error Macros

CQL employs several macros for handling errors: contract, invariant, and tripwire, which typically all map to assert. It’s worth noting that tripwire doesn’t necessarily need to result in a fatal error; it can log information in a production environment and continue execution. This represents a “softer” assertion — useful for scenarios where you want to enforce a condition like a contract, but there may be outstanding issues that need to be addressed first.

#define cql_contract assert
#define cql_invariant assert
#define cql_tripwire assert
#define cql_log_database_error(...)
#define cql_error_trace()

The Value Types

You can define these types according to what is suitable for your system. Typically, the mapping is straightforward. The standard configuration is shown below:

// value types
typedef unsigned char cql_bool;
#define cql_true (cql_bool)1
#define cql_false (cql_bool)0

typedef unsigned long cql_hash_code;
typedef int32_t cql_int32;
typedef uint32_t cql_uint32;
typedef uint16_t cql_uint16;
typedef sqlite3_int64 cql_int64;
typedef double cql_double;
typedef int cql_code;

The Reference Types

The default runtime defines four types of reference objects. These are the only reference types that CQL generates internally. Actually, CQL doesn’t directly create CQL_C_TYPE_OBJECT, but the tests do. CQL never generates raw object instances itself; only external functions have that capability. CQL can be instructed to invoke such functions, which leads to object types entering the calculus.

// metatypes for the straight C implementation
#define CQL_C_TYPE_BLOB 1

All reference types are reference counted. Therefore, they require a basic “base type” that enables them to identify their own type and maintain a count. Additionally, they possess a finalize method to manage memory cleanup when the count reaches zero.

You have the freedom to define cql_type_ref according to your preferences.

// base ref counting struct
typedef struct cql_type *cql_type_ref;
typedef struct cql_type {
  int type;
  int ref_count;
  void (*_Nullable finalize)(cql_type_ref _Nonnull ref);
} cql_type;

Regardless of what you do with the types, you’ll need to define a retain and release function with your types in the signature. Normal references should include a generic value comparison and a hash function.

void cql_retain(cql_type_ref _Nullable ref);
void cql_release(cql_type_ref _Nullable ref);

cql_hash_code cql_ref_hash(cql_type_ref _Nonnull typeref);
cql_bool cql_ref_equal(cql_type_ref _Nullable typeref1, cql_type_ref _Nullable typeref2);

Each type of reference requires an object, which likely includes the aforementioned base type. However, this is adaptable. You can opt for some other universal method to perform these operations. For example, on iOS, reference types can easily be mapped to CF types.

The specialized versions of the retain and release macros for strings and blobs should all map to the same operations. The compiler generates different variations for readability purposes only. Functionally, the code depends on all reference types having identical retain/release semantics. In certain contexts, they are handled generically, such as when cleaning up the reference fields of a cursor.

// builtin object
typedef struct cql_object *cql_object_ref;
typedef struct cql_object {
  cql_type base;
  const void *_Nonnull ptr;
} cql_object;

#define cql_object_retain(object) cql_retain((cql_type_ref)object);
#define cql_object_release(object) cql_release((cql_type_ref)object);

Boxed statement gets its own implementation, same as object.

// builtin statement box
typedef struct cql_boxed_stmt *cql_boxed_stmt_ref;
typedef struct cql_boxed_stmt {
  cql_type base;
  sqlite3_stmt *_Nullable stmt;
} cql_boxed_stmt;

The same applies to blobs, and they also have a couple of additional helper macros used to retrieve information. Blobs also come with hash and equality functions.

// builtin blob
typedef struct cql_blob *cql_blob_ref;
typedef struct cql_blob {
  cql_type base;
  const void *_Nonnull ptr;
  cql_uint32 size;
} cql_blob;
#define cql_blob_retain(object) cql_retain((cql_type_ref)object);
#define cql_blob_release(object) cql_release((cql_type_ref)object);
cql_blob_ref _Nonnull cql_blob_ref_new(const void *_Nonnull data, cql_uint32 size);
#define cql_get_blob_bytes(data) (data->ptr)
#define cql_get_blob_size(data) (data->size)
cql_hash_code cql_blob_hash(cql_blob_ref _Nullable str);
cql_bool cql_blob_equal(cql_blob_ref _Nullable blob1, cql_blob_ref _Nullable blob2);

String references are the same as the others but they have many more functions associated with them.

// builtin string
typedef struct cql_string *cql_string_ref;
typedef struct cql_string {
  cql_type base;
  const char *_Nullable ptr;
} cql_string;
cql_string_ref _Nonnull cql_string_ref_new(const char *_Nonnull cstr);
#define cql_string_retain(string) cql_retain((cql_type_ref)string);
#define cql_string_release(string) cql_release((cql_type_ref)string);

The compiler uses the string literal macro to generate a named string literal. You determine the implementation of these literals right here.

#define cql_string_literal(name, text) \
  cql_string name##_ = { \
    .base = { \
      .type = CQL_C_TYPE_STRING, \
      .ref_count = 1, \
      .finalize = NULL, \
    }, \
    .ptr = text, \
  }; \
  cql_string_ref name = &name##_

Strings have various comparison and hashing functions. It’s worth noting that blobs also possess a hash function.

int cql_string_compare(cql_string_ref _Nonnull s1, cql_string_ref _Nonnull s2);
cql_hash_code cql_string_hash(cql_string_ref _Nullable str);
cql_bool cql_string_equal(cql_string_ref _Nullable s1, cql_string_ref _Nullable s2);
int cql_string_like(cql_string_ref _Nonnull s1, cql_string_ref _Nonnull s2);

Strings can be converted from their reference form to standard C form using these macros. It’s important to note that temporary allocations are possible with these conversions, but the standard implementation typically doesn’t require any allocation. It stores UTF-8 in the string pointer, making it readily available.

#define cql_alloc_cstr(cstr, str) const char *_Nonnull cstr = (str)->ptr
#define cql_free_cstr(cstr, str) 0

The macros for result sets offer somewhat less flexibility. The primary customization available here is adding additional fields to the “meta” structure. This structure requires those key fields because it’s created by the compiler. However, the API used to create a result set can be any object of your choice. It only needs to respond to the get_meta, get_data, and get_count APIs, which you can map as desired. In principle, there could have been a macro to create the “meta” as well (pull requests for this are welcome), but it’s quite cumbersome for minimal benefit. The advantage of defining your own “meta” is that you can utilize it to add additional custom APIs to your result set that might require some storage.

The additional API cql_result_set_note_ownership_transferred(result_set) is employed when transferring ownership of the buffers from CQL’s universe. For instance, if JNI or Objective C absorbs the result. The default implementation is a no-op.

// builtin result set
typedef struct cql_result_set *cql_result_set_ref;

typedef struct cql_result_set_meta {

typedef struct cql_result_set {
  cql_type base;
  cql_result_set_meta meta;
  cql_int32 count;
  void *_Nonnull data;
} cql_result_set;

#define cql_result_set_type_decl(result_set_type, result_set_ref) \
  typedef struct _##result_set_type *result_set_ref;

cql_result_set_ref _Nonnull cql_result_set_create(
  void *_Nonnull data,
  cql_int32 count,
  cql_result_set_meta meta);

#define cql_result_set_retain(result_set) cql_retain((cql_type_ref)result_set);
#define cql_result_set_release(result_set) cql_release((cql_type_ref)result_set);
#define cql_result_set_note_ownership_transferred(result_set)
#define cql_result_set_get_meta(result_set) (&((cql_result_set_ref)result_set)->meta)
#define cql_result_set_get_data(result_set) ((cql_result_set_ref)result_set)->data
#define cql_result_set_get_count(result_set) ((cql_result_set_ref)result_set)->count


The CQL “run test” needs to do some mocking. This bit is here for that test. If you want to use the run test with your version of cqlrt you’ll need to define a shim for sqlite3_step that can be intercepted. This probably isn’t going to come up.

#define sqlite3_step mockable_sqlite3_step
SQLITE_API cql_code mockable_sqlite3_step(sqlite3_stmt *_Nonnull);


If you wish to support profiling, you can implement cql_profile_start and cql_profile_stop to perform custom actions. The provided CRC uniquely identifies a procedure (which you can log), while the index parameter provides a place to store a handle in your logging system, typically an integer. This enables you to assign indices to the procedures observed in any given run and then log them or perform other operations. Notably, no data about parameters is provided intentionally.

// No-op implementation of profiling
// * Note: we emit the crc as an expression just to be sure that there are no compiler
//   errors caused by names being incorrect.  This improves the quality of the CQL
//   code gen tests significantly.  If these were empty macros (as they once were)
//   you could emit any junk in the call and it would still compile.
#define cql_profile_start(crc, index) (void)crc; (void)index;
#define cql_profile_stop(crc, index)  (void)crc; (void)index;

Encoding of Sensitive Columns

By setting an attribute on any procedure that produces a result set you can have the selected sensitive values encoded. If this happens CQL first asks for the encoder and then calls the encode methods passing in the encoder. These aren’t meant to be cryptograhically secure but rather to provide some ability to prevent mistakes. If you opt in, sensitive values have to be deliberately decoded and that provides an audit trail.

The default implementation of all this is a no-op.

// implementation of encoding values. All sensitive values read from sqlite db will
// be encoded at the source. CQL never decode encoded sensitive string unless the
// user call explicitly decode function from code.
cql_object_ref _Nullable cql_copy_encoder(sqlite3 *_Nonnull db);
cql_bool cql_encode_bool(...)
cql_int32 cql_encode_int32(...)
cql_int64 cql_encode_int64(...)
cql_double cql_encode_double(...)
cql_string_ref _Nonnull cql_encode_string_ref_new(...);
cql_blob_ref _Nonnull cql_encode_blob_ref_new(..);
cql_bool cql_decode_bool(...);
cql_int32 cql_decode_int32(...);
cql_int64 cql_decode_int64(...);
cql_double cql_decode_double(...);
cql_string_ref _Nonnull cql_decode_string_ref_new(...);
cql_blob_ref _Nonnull cql_decode_blob_ref_new(...);

The Common Headers

The standard APIs all build on the above, so they should be included last.

Now in some cases the signature of the things you provide in cqlrt.h is basically fixed, so it seems like it would be easier to move the prototpyes into cqlrt_common.h. However, in many cases additional things are needed like declspec or export or other system specific things. The result is that cqlrt.h is maybe a bit more verbose that it strictly needs to be. Also some versions of cqlrt.h choose to implement some of the APIs as macros…

// NOTE: This must be included *after* all of the above symbols/macros.
#include "cqlrt_common.h"

The cqlrt_cf Runtime

In order to use the Objective-C code-gen (--rt objc) you need a runtime that has reference types that are friendly to Objective-C. For this purpose we created an open-source version of such a runtime: it can be found in the sources/cqlrt_cf directory. This runtime is also a decent example of how much customization you can do with just a little code. Some brief notes:

Of course, since the meaning of some primitive types has changed, the contract to the CQL generated code has changed accordingly. For instance:

The consequence of this is that the Objective-C code generation --rt objc finds friendly contracts that it can freely convert to types like NSString * which results in seamless integration with the rest of an Objective-C application.

Of course the downside of all this is that the cqlrt_cf runtime is less portable. It can only go where CF exists. Still, it is an interesting demonstration of the flexablity of the system.

The system could be further improved by creating a custom result type (e.g. --rt c_cf) and using some of the result type options for the C code generation. For instance, the compiler could do these things:

Even though cqlrt_cf is already mapping cql_int32 to something compatible with CF, making such changes would make the C output a little bit more CF idiomatic. This educational exercise could probably be completed in just a few minutes by interested readers.

The make.sh file in the sources/cqlrt_cf directory illustrates how to get CQL to use this new runtime. The demo itself is a simple port of the code in Appendix 10.

The cqlrt.lua Runtime

Obviously even the generic functions of cqlrt_common.c are not applicable to Lua. The included cqlrt.lua runtime provides methods that are isomorphic to the ones in the C runtime, usually even with identical names. It has made fairly simple choices about how to encode a result set. How to profile (it doesn’t) and other such things. These choices can be changed by replacing cqlrt.lua in your environment.


The CQL runtime, cqlrt.c, is intended to be replaced. The version that ships with the distribution is a simple, portable implementation that is single threaded. Serious users of CQL will likely want to replace the default version of the runtime with something more tuned to their use case.

Topics covered included:

As with the other parts, no attempt was made to cover every detail. That is best done by reading the source code.

Part 6: Schema Management


Part 6 continues with a discussion of the essentials of schema management in the CQL compiler. As in the previous parts, the goal here is not to go over every detail of the system but rather to give a sense of how schema management happens in general – the core strategies and implementation choices – so that when reading the management code you will have an idea how it all hangs together. To accomplish this, various key data structures will be explained in detail and accompanied by examples of their use.

Schema Management

The primary goal of the schema management features of the CQL compiler is to provide the ability to create a “schema upgrader” that can move a given user’s database from a previous version of the schema to the current version. Because of the limitations of SQL in general, and SQLite in particular, not all transforms are possible; so additionally the system must correctly detect and prevent upgrades that cannot be safely performed.

The full set of schema attributes and their meaning is described in Chapter 10 and the full set of validations is described in Chapter 11. Briefly the directives are:

Now the various annotations can occur substantially in any order as there are no rules that require that tables that are created later in time appear later in the input. This means the appearance order of tables is in general very inconvenient for any upgrading logic. However, the semantic validation pass gathers all the annotations into two large bytebuf objects which can be readily sorted – one for things on the @create plan and one for the @recreate plan. These will be discussed below.

At this point it’s probably best to start looking at some of the code fragments. We’re going to be looking at all the steps in the top level function:

// Main entry point for schema upgrade code-gen.
cql_noexport void cg_schema_upgrade_main(ast_node *head) {
  Contract(options.file_names_count == 1);

Note that the schema upgrader code generator in CQL does not produce C but rather it produces more CQL which then has to be compiled down to C. This choice means that the codegen is a lot more readable and gets the benefit of the usual CQL error checking and exception management.

Check for errors, check for --global_proc

We start with some simple error checks: Any semantic errors abort the code-generation. The --global_proc names the procedure that will do the upgrade. It is also used as a prefix on all of the tables that the upgrader requires. This makes it possible, if desired, to have separate upgraders for different parts of your schema, or to combine upgraders from two different unrelated subsystems in the same database.


Preparing the Attributes

The two arrays schema_annotations and recreate_annotations are sorted. The item count can be easily computed using the allocated size of these items, both of which are of type bytebuf. The comparators provided to qsort put these arrays in exactly the order needed.

  // first sort the schema annotations according to version, type etc.
  // we want to process these in an orderly fashion and the upgrade rules
  // are nothing like the declared order.
  void *base = schema_annotations->ptr;
  size_t schema_items_size = sizeof(schema_annotation);
  size_t schema_items_count = schema_annotations->used / schema_items_size;
  schema_annotation *notes = (schema_annotation*)base;
  int32_t max_schema_version = 0;
  if (schema_items_count) {
     qsort(base, schema_items_count, schema_items_size, annotation_comparator);
     max_schema_version = notes[schema_items_count - 1].version;

  // likewise, @recreate annotations, in the correct upgrade order (see comparator)
  base = recreate_annotations->ptr;
  size_t recreate_items_size = sizeof(recreate_annotation);
  size_t recreate_items_count = recreate_annotations->used / recreate_items_size;
  if (recreate_items_count) {
    qsort(base, recreate_items_count, recreate_items_size, recreate_comparator);
  recreate_annotation *recreates = (recreate_annotation *)base;

Creating the Global CRC

Schema upgrade is expensive, so we want to be able to quickly detect if the schema installed is already the latest version. To do this we compute a single global 64-bit CRC for the current version of the schema. This can be compared against a stored schema CRC from the last run. If the CRCs match, no work needs to be done.

  // emit canonicalized schema for everything we will upgrade
  // this will include the schema declarations for the ad hoc migrations, too;
  cg_generate_schema_by_mode(&all_schema, SCHEMA_TO_UPGRADE);

  // compute the master CRC using schema and migration scripts
  llint_t schema_crc = (llint_t)crc_charbuf(&all_schema);


The schema generator is used to emit the full schema, including annotations, into a buffer. A raw CRC of the buffer gives us the “global” or “overall” CRC for the whole schema.

Output Fragments

A number of buffers will hold the various pieces of output.


These will be assembled as follows:

  bprintf(&output_file, "%s\n", decls.ptr);
  bprintf(&output_file, "%s", preamble.ptr);
  bprintf(&output_file, "%s", main.ptr);

  cql_write_file(options.file_names[0], output_file.ptr);


In short: * first decls, this declares the schema among other things * then, preamble, this contains helper procedures * then, main, the primary upgrader steps go here

We’ll go over all of these in subsequent sections.

Declarations Section

The result type includes a customizable prefix string. This is the first thing to go out. Typically this is the appropriate copyright notice. rt.c has this information and that file is replaceable.

  bprintf(&decls, "%s", rt->source_prefix);

The schema upgrade script is in the business of creating tables from old versions and then altering them. The table declarations will be for the final shape. We need to emit @SCHEMA_UPGRADE_SCRIPT so that the CQL compiler knows that there will be multiple declarations of the same table and they might not be identical. The upgrade script is in the business of getting things to the end state. Likewise it is normal for the schema upgrade script to refer to columns that have been deleted, this is because a column might be created in say version 5 and then deleted in version 10. The upgrade code goes through the columns lifecycle, so even though the declarations already say the column is doomed to die in version 10, the creation code in version 5 is legal – and necessary. Schema migration steps that run in version 6, 7, 8, or 9 might use the contents of the column as part of essential data migration. We can never know what version we might find in a database that is being upgraded, it could be very far in the past, at a time where a deleted column still existed.

  bprintf(&decls, "-- no columns will be considered hidden in this script\n");
  bprintf(&decls, "-- DDL in procs will not count as declarations\n");
  bprintf(&decls, "@SCHEMA_UPGRADE_SCRIPT;\n\n");

A convenience comment goes in the decls section with the CRC.

  bprintf(&decls, "-- schema crc %lld\n\n", schema_crc);

There are a set of functions that allow the creation of, and access to, an in-memory cache of the facet state. These functions are all defined in cqlrt_common.c. But they have to be declared to CQL to use them.


The table sqlite_master is used to read schema state. That table has to be declared.


The full schema may be used by the upgraders, we need a declaration of all of that.

  bprintf(&decls, "-- declare full schema of tables and views to be upgraded and their dependencies -- \n");
  cg_generate_schema_by_mode(&decls, SCHEMA_TO_DECLARE);

At this point a quick side-step to the output modes and region arguments is appropriate.

Schema Region Arguments

The upgrader honors the arguments --include_regions and --exclude_regions. If they are absent that is the same as “include everything” and “exclude nothing”. Recall that schema regions allow you to group schema as you wish. A typical use might be to define some “core” schema in a set of regions (maybe just one) and then a set of “optional” schema in some additional regions.

An upgrader for just “core” could be created by adding --include_regions core. When creating upgraders for the optional parts, there are two choices:

Schema Output Modes

The flag bits are these:

// We declare all schema we might depend on in this upgrade (this is the include list)
// e.g. we need all our dependent tables so that we can legally use them in an FK

// We only emit schema that we are actually updating (this is include - exclude)
// e.g. a table on the exclude list is assumed to be upgraded by its own script
// in a different run.

// We get TEMP items IF and ONLY IF this bit is set

As we saw before, the schema we CRC is SCHEMA_TO_UPGRADE. This is all the regions that were selected but not their dependencies. The point of this is that you might make an upgrader for say a “core” part of your schema which can be shared and then make additional upgraders for various parts that use the “core” but are otherwise “optional”. Each of those “optional” upgraders needs its own CRC that includes its schema but not the “core” schema. However the “optional” schema can refer to “core” schema (e.g. in foreign keys) so all of the tables are declared. This is SCHEMA_TO_DECLARE mode.

The Schema Helpers

This bit generates the facets table, the full name is your_global_proc_cql_schema_facets where your_global_proc is the --global_proc argument. This is referred to simply as the facets table. There is an identical temporary table that is used to store the contents of the facets table upon startup. This allows the upgrader to produce a complete difference. The facets table is nothing more than a mapping between the name of some facet of the schema (like a table, a view, a column) and its last known verison info – usually its CRC.

NOTE: this temp table predates the in-memory facets data structure so it could probably be removed. The diff would have to work against the in-memory data structure which is immutable hence just as good as a temp table look for a change like this soon.

The remaining procedures are for testing facet state or sqlite_master state. All of them get the usual global prefix. For ease of discussion I will elide the prefix for the rest of this document.


Declared Upgrade Procedures

The annotations can include an upgrade procedure. The term “migration” procedure is sometimes used as well and is synonymous. This is some code that should run after the schema alteration has been made to create/delete/move some data around in the new schema. Each of these must be declared before it is used and the declarations will be here, at the end of the decls section after this introductory comment.

  bprintf(&decls, "-- declared upgrade procedures if any\n");

The Upgrading Workers

The main upgrader will invoke these key workers to do its job. This is where the preamble section starts. It contains the meat of the upgrade steps wrapped in procedures that do the job.

  cg_schema_emit_baseline_tables_proc(&preamble, &baseline);

  int32_t view_creates = 0, view_drops = 0;
  cg_schema_manage_views(&preamble, &view_drops, &view_creates);

  int32_t index_creates = 0, index_drops = 0;
  cg_schema_manage_indices(&preamble, &index_drops, &index_creates);

  int32_t trigger_creates = 0, trigger_drops = 0;
  cg_schema_manage_triggers(&preamble, &trigger_drops, &trigger_creates);

  if (recreate_items_count) {
    cg_schema_manage_recreate_tables(&preamble, recreates, recreate_items_count);

  bool_t has_temp_schema = cg_schema_emit_temp_schema_proc(&preamble);
  bool_t one_time_drop_needed = false;

These are the last of the worker methods:

All of these functions semantic outputs like all_indices_list, all_views_list, etc. to do their job (except cg_schema_manage_recreate_tables as noted). Generally they have all the data they need handed to them on a silver platter by the semantic pass. This is not an accident.

Reading the Facets into Memory

The setup_facets procedure simply selects out the entire facets table with a cursor and uses cql_facet_add to get them into a hash table. This is the primary source of facets information during the run. This is a good example of what the codegen looks like so we’ll include this one in full.

  // code to read the facets into the hash table

  bprintf(&preamble, "@attribute(cql:private)\n");
  bprintf(&preamble, "CREATE PROCEDURE %s_setup_facets()\n", global_proc_name);
  bprintf(&preamble, "BEGIN\n");
  bprintf(&preamble, "  TRY\n");
  bprintf(&preamble, "    SET %s_facets := cql_facets_new();\n", global_proc_name);
  bprintf(&preamble, "    DECLARE C CURSOR FOR SELECT * from %s_cql_schema_facets;\n", global_proc_name);
  bprintf(&preamble, "    LOOP FETCH C\n");
  bprintf(&preamble, "    BEGIN\n");
  bprintf(&preamble, "      LET added := cql_facet_add(%s_facets, C.facet, C.version);\n", global_proc_name);
  bprintf(&preamble, "    END;\n");
  bprintf(&preamble, "  CATCH\n");
  bprintf(&preamble, "   -- if table doesn't exist we just have empty facets, that's ok\n");
  bprintf(&preamble, "  END;\n");
  bprintf(&preamble, "END;\n\n");

The Main Upgrader

And now we come to the main upgrading procedure perform_upgrade_steps.

We’ll go over this section by section.

Standard Steps

  // the main upgrade worker

  bprintf(&main, "\n@attribute(cql:private)\n");
  bprintf(&main, "CREATE PROCEDURE %s_perform_upgrade_steps()\n", global_proc_name);
  bprintf(&main, "BEGIN\n");
  bprintf(&main, "  DECLARE schema_version LONG INTEGER NOT NULL;\n");

  if (view_drops) {
    bprintf(&main, "    -- dropping all views --\n");
    bprintf(&main, "    CALL %s_cql_drop_all_views();\n\n", global_proc_name);

  if (index_drops) {
    bprintf(&main, "    -- dropping condemned or changing indices --\n");
    bprintf(&main, "    CALL %s_cql_drop_all_indices();\n\n", global_proc_name);

  if (trigger_drops) {
    bprintf(&main, "    -- dropping condemned or changing triggers --\n");
    bprintf(&main, "    CALL %s_cql_drop_all_triggers();\n\n", global_proc_name);

  if (baseline.used > 1) {
    llint_t baseline_crc = (llint_t)crc_charbuf(&baseline);
    bprintf(&main, "    ---- install baseline schema if needed ----\n\n");
    bprintf(&main, "    CALL %s_cql_get_version_crc(0, schema_version);\n", global_proc_name);
    bprintf(&main, "    IF schema_version != %lld THEN\n", baseline_crc);
    bprintf(&main, "      CALL %s_cql_install_baseline_schema();\n", global_proc_name);
    bprintf(&main, "      CALL %s_cql_set_version_crc(0, %lld);\n", global_proc_name, baseline_crc);
    bprintf(&main, "    END IF;\n\n");

First we deal with the preliminaries:

Process Standard Annotations

In this phase we walk the annotations from schema_annotations which are now stored in notes.

They have been sorted in exactly the right order to process them (by version, then type, then target). We’ll create one set of instructions per version number as we simply accumulate instructions for any version while we’re still on the same version then spit them all out. Adding target to the sort order ensures that the results have a total ordering (there are no ties that might yield an ambiguous order).

We set up a loop to walk over the annotations and we flush if we ever encounter an annotation for a different version number. We’ll have to force a flush at the end as well. cg_schema_end_version does the flush.

  int32_t prev_version = 0;

  for (int32_t i = 0; i < schema_items_count; i++) {
    schema_annotation *note = &notes[i];

    ast_node *version_annotation = note->annotation_ast;

    uint32_t type = note->annotation_type;

    EXTRACT_OPTION(vers, version_annotation->left);

    Invariant(note->version == vers);
    Invariant(vers > 0);

    if (prev_version != vers) {
      cg_schema_end_version(&main, &upgrade, &pending, prev_version);
      prev_version = vers;

If we find any item that is in a region we are not upgrading, we skip it.

    CSTR target_name = note->target_name;


    if (!include_from_region(note->target_ast->sem->region, SCHEMA_TO_UPGRADE)) {

There are several annotation types. Each one requires appropriate commands

    switch (type) {
        ... emit ALTER TABLE ADD COLUMN if the column does not already exist

        ... it's not possible to delete columns in SQLite (this is changing)
        ... we simply emit a comment and move on

        ... if the table is moving from @recreate to @create we have to drop any stale version
        ... of it one time.  We emit a call to `cql_one_time_drop` and record that we need
        ... to generate that procedure in `one_time_drop_needed`.
        ...in all cases emit a CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS

        ... emit DROP TABLE IF EXISTS for the target

        ... this annotation indicates there is a tombstone on the item
        ... this was handled in the appropriate `manage` worker above, nothing needs
        ... to be done here except run any migration procs (see below)

        ... ad hoc migration procs allow for code to be run one time when we hit
        ... a particular schema version, this just allows the migration proc to run
        // no annotation based actions other than migration proc (handled below)
        bprintf(&upgrade, "      -- ad hoc migration proc %s will run\n\n", target_name);

The above constitutes the bulk of the upgrading logic which, as you can see, isn’t that complicated.

Any of the above might have a migration proc. If there is one in the node, then generate: * emit a call to cql_facet_find to see if the migration proc has already run * emit a declaration for the migration proc into the decls section * emit a call to the procedure (it accept no arguments) * emit a call to cql_set_facet_version to record that the migrator ran

When the loop is done, any pending migration code is flushed using cg_schema_end_version again.

At this point we can move on to the finalization steps.

Finalization Steps

With the standard upgrade finished, there is just some house keeping left:

  if (recreate_items_count) {
    bprintf(&main, "    CALL %s_cql_recreate_tables();\n", global_proc_name);

  if (view_creates) {
    bprintf(&main, "    CALL %s_cql_create_all_views();\n", global_proc_name);

  if (index_creates) {
    bprintf(&main, "    CALL %s_cql_create_all_indices();\n", global_proc_name);

  if (trigger_creates) {
    bprintf(&main, "    CALL %s_cql_create_all_triggers();\n", global_proc_name);

  bprintf(&main, "    CALL %s_cql_set_facet_version('cql_schema_version', %d);\n", global_proc_name, prev_version);
  bprintf(&main, "    CALL %s_cql_set_facet_version('cql_schema_crc', %lld);\n", global_proc_name, schema_crc);
  bprintf(&main, "END;\n\n");

The “Main” Steps

We’re getting very close to the top level now

Writing the Buffer

At this point the main buffers decls, preamble, and main are ready to go. We’re back to where we started but we can quickly recap the overall flow.

  bprintf(&output_file, "%s\n", decls.ptr);
  bprintf(&output_file, "%s", preamble.ptr);
  bprintf(&output_file, "%s", main.ptr);

  cql_write_file(options.file_names[0], output_file.ptr);


There is nothing left but to CHARBUF_CLOSE the interim buffers we created.


At present cg_schema.c accomplishes a lot and is fairly light at only 1313 lines (at present). It is able to do so because it can leverage heavy lifting done in the semantic analysis phase and schema generation that can be done like all other SQL generation by the echoing code discussed in Part 1.

Topics covered included:

As with the other parts, no attempt was made to cover every function in detail. That is best done by reading the source code. But there is overall structure here and an understanding of the basic principles is helpful before diving into the source code.

Part 7: JSON Generation


Part 7 continues with a discussion of the JSON generation code. As in the previous sections, the goal here is not to go over every detail but rather to give a sense of how JSON creation works in general – the core strategies and implementation choices – so that when reading the source you will have an idea how it all hangs together. To accomplish this, we’ll illustrate the key strategies used to extract the data and format the JSON.

JSON Schema

The JSON schema is described in Chapter 13 of the Guide and there is a nice diagram of its grammar for reference. So, we won’t be discussing all the details of the output. Instead we’re going to go over the theory of how the JSON generator works. It is structured very much like the other code generators but it happens to produce a JSON file. It’s call the “JSON Schema” because most of the content is a description of the database schema in JSON form. As such it’s almost entirely just a simple walk of the AST in the correct order. The only really tricky bit is the extra dependency analysis on the AST. This allows us to emit usage information in the output for downstream tools to use as needed.

We’ll cover these topics:

This should be a short chapter compared to the others, this output really is much simpler to create than the C or the schema upgrader.

Walking the AST

If you run this command:

$ cql --in x --rt json_schema --cg x.json

Where x is an empty file, you’ll get the following skeletal JSON, lightly reformatted for brevity:

  "tables" : [  ],
  "virtualTables" : [  ],
  "views" : [  ],
  "indices" : [  ],
  "triggers" : [  ],
  "attributes" : [  ],
  "queries" : [  ],
  "inserts" : [  ],
  "generalInserts" : [  ],
  "updates" : [  ],
  "deletes" : [  ],
  "general" : [  ],
  "regions" : [  ],
  "adHocMigrationProcs" : [  ],
  "enums" : [  ]

From this we can deduce a great deal of the structure of the code:

// Main entry point for json schema format
cql_noexport void cg_json_schema_main(ast_node *head) {
  Contract(options.file_names_count == 1);


  tables_to_procs = symtab_new();

  charbuf *output = &main;

  bprintf(output, "%s", rt->source_prefix);

  // master dictionary begins
  bprintf(output, "\n{\n");
  BEGIN_INDENT(defs, 2);
  bprintf(output, ",\n");
  bprintf(output, ",\n");
  bprintf(output, ",\n");
  bprintf(output, ",\n");
  bprintf(output, ",\n");
  cg_json_stmt_list(output, head);
  bprintf(output, ",\n");
  bprintf(output, ",\n");
  bprintf(output, ",\n");

  if (options.test) {
    bprintf(output, ",\n");

  bprintf(output, "\n}\n");

  cql_write_file(options.file_names[0], output->ptr);


cg_json_schema_main is the main function and you can see that it mirrors that skeletal JSON output nearly exactly with some additional test output options. We’ll cover the test output in a later section when we’ve had a chance to discuss the dependency analysis.

Example JSON Writer: Views

These are sufficiently easy that we can just walk through one of the procedures front to back. Let’s look at the “views” section.

// The set of views look rather like the query section in as much as
// they are in fact nothing more than named select statements.  However
// the output here is somewhat simplified.  We only emit the whole select
// statement and any binding args, we don't also emit all the pieces of the select.
static void cg_json_views(charbuf *output) {
  bprintf(output, "\"views\" : [\n");
  BEGIN_INDENT(views, 2);

  int32_t i = 0;
  for (list_item *item = all_views_list; item; item = item->next) {
    ast_node *ast = item->ast;

    ast_node *misc_attrs = NULL;
    ast_node *attr_target = ast->parent;
    if (is_ast_stmt_and_attr(attr_target)) {
      EXTRACT_STMT_AND_MISC_ATTRS(stmt, misc, attr_target->parent);
      misc_attrs = misc;

    cg_json_test_details(output, ast, misc_attrs);

    EXTRACT_OPTION(flags, ast->left);
    EXTRACT(view_and_attrs, ast->right);
    EXTRACT(name_and_select, view_and_attrs->left);
    EXTRACT_ANY_NOTNULL(select_stmt, name_and_select->right);
    EXTRACT_ANY_NOTNULL(name_ast, name_and_select->left);
    EXTRACT_STRING(name, name_ast);

    if (i > 0) {
      bprintf(output, ",\n");
    bprintf(output, "{\n");

    bool_t is_deleted = ast->sem->delete_version > 0;
    BEGIN_INDENT(view, 2);
    bprintf(output, "\"name\" : \"%s\"", name);
    bprintf(output, ",\n\"CRC\" : \"%lld\"", crc_stmt(ast));
    bprintf(output, ",\n\"isTemp\" : %d", !!(flags & VIEW_IS_TEMP));
    bprintf(output, ",\n\"isDeleted\" : %d", is_deleted);
    if (is_deleted) {
      bprintf(output, ",\n\"deletedVersion\" : %d", ast->sem->delete_version);
      cg_json_deleted_migration_proc(output, view_and_attrs);

    if (ast->sem->region) {
      cg_json_emit_region_info(output, ast);

    if (misc_attrs) {
      bprintf(output, ",\n");
      cg_json_misc_attrs(output, misc_attrs);

    cg_json_projection(output, select_stmt);
    cg_fragment_with_params(output, "select", select_stmt, gen_one_stmt);
    cg_json_dependencies(output, ast);
    bprintf(output, "\n}\n");

  bprintf(output, "]");

View Loop

Already we can see the structure emerging, and of course its nothing more than a bunch of bprintf. Let’s do it section by section:

bprintf(output, "\"views\" : [\n");
BEGIN_INDENT(views, 2);

for (list_item *item = all_views_list; item; item = item->next) {

bprintf(output, "]");

Unsurprisingly, this code will iterate the all_views_list which was created precisely for this kind of output. The semantic pass populates this list for use downstream.

We’ll deal with BEGIN_INDENT a bit later, but it should be clear what it does by the name for now. So we’ve made the “views” section and we’ll put 0 or more views in it.

View Extraction

The next section extracts the necessary information and emits the test output:

    ast_node *ast = item->ast;

    ast_node *misc_attrs = NULL;
    ast_node *attr_target = ast->parent;
    if (is_ast_stmt_and_attr(attr_target)) {
      EXTRACT_STMT_AND_MISC_ATTRS(stmt, misc, attr_target->parent);
      misc_attrs = misc;

    cg_json_test_details(output, ast, misc_attrs);

    EXTRACT_OPTION(flags, ast->left);
    EXTRACT(view_and_attrs, ast->right);
    EXTRACT(name_and_select, view_and_attrs->left);
    EXTRACT_ANY_NOTNULL(select_stmt, name_and_select->right);
    EXTRACT_ANY_NOTNULL(name_ast, name_and_select->left);
    EXTRACT_STRING(name, name_ast);

The is_ast_stmt_and_attr node tell us if there were any misc attributes on the statement. Those attributes can be extracted and printed. We have to look up the tree a little bit from where we are because this is the “all views” list, if there were attributes on this view they were attached two levels up. In any case misc_attrs ends with attributes if there are any.

After the test output, the necessary view attributes are extracted the usual way with EXTRACT macros for the view shape.

Test Output

static void cg_json_test_details(charbuf *output, ast_node *ast, ast_node *misc_attrs) {
  if (options.test) {
    bprintf(output, "\nThe statement ending at line %d\n", ast->lineno);
    bprintf(output, "\n");

    if (misc_attrs) {
      gen_with_callbacks(misc_attrs, gen_misc_attrs, NULL);
    gen_with_callbacks(ast, gen_one_stmt, NULL);
    bprintf(output, "\n\n");

All of the JSON fragments have the usual test pattern “The statement ending at line nnn”. This means that the normal validator will be able to find comments in the test file and associate them with json parts. The testing strategies are discussed in Part 4.

In addition, while in test mode, we also emit the original statement that caused this JSON fragment to be created. This allows the test patterns to cross check the input and output and also makes the test output more readable for humans.

Note that in test mode the JSON is effectively corrupted by the test output as it is not well-formed JSON in any way. So use of –test is strictly for validation only.

View Basics

All of the things that go into the JSON have some attributes that are universally present and generally come directly from the AST.

  if (i > 0) {
    bprintf(output, ",\n");
  bprintf(output, "{\n");

  bool_t is_deleted = ast->sem->delete_version > 0;

  BEGIN_INDENT(view, 2);
  bprintf(output, "\"name\" : \"%s\"", name);
  bprintf(output, ",\n\"CRC\" : \"%lld\"", crc_stmt(ast));
  bprintf(output, ",\n\"isTemp\" : %d", !!(flags & VIEW_IS_TEMP));
  bprintf(output, ",\n\"isDeleted\" : %d", is_deleted);
  if (is_deleted) {
    bprintf(output, ",\n\"deletedVersion\" : %d", ast->sem->delete_version);
    cg_json_deleted_migration_proc(output, view_and_attrs);


  bprintf(output, "\n}\n");

This part of the output is the simplest

Optional Info

The next fragment emits two optional pieces that are present in many types of objects:

    if (ast->sem->region) {
      cg_json_emit_region_info(output, ast);

    if (misc_attrs) {
      bprintf(output, ",\n");
      cg_json_misc_attrs(output, misc_attrs);

The View Details

There is very little left in the view emitting code:

  cg_json_projection(output, select_stmt);
  cg_fragment_with_params(output, "select", select_stmt, gen_one_stmt);
  cg_json_dependencies(output, ast);

Those few things produce all JSON for a view. All the other schema elements do basically the same things. Most of the helpers are shared so, for instance, regions, misc attributes, and dependencies appear in nearly every kind of object in the JSON.

Formatting the JSON

To make the JSON pretty we want to indent it appropriately and put commas in the right places. There are some useful macros for this, and they all rely on the fact that the emitted text goes to a charbuf variable creatively called output.

Here’s a sample procedure that was mentioned earlier, it does the usual things:

// Emit a list of attributes for the current entity, it could be any kind of entity.
// Whatever it is we spit out the attributes here in array format.
static void cg_json_misc_attrs(charbuf *output, ast_node *_Nonnull list) {
  bprintf(output, "\"attributes\" : [\n");
  BEGIN_INDENT(attr, 2);

  for (ast_node *item = list; item; item = item->right) {
    cg_json_misc_attr(output, item->left);
  bprintf(output, "]");

The miscellaneous attributes are going to be emitted in a list, and since any one attribute can actually be a list of attributes, this ends up being recursive (cg_json_misc_attr can end up calling back to cg_json_misc_attrs). Attributes are actually quite flexible. Let’s look at the helpers that will be used to do this formatting.

From charbuf.h:

// These helpers push a buffer and use it for the output temporarily.
// When the buffer is finished (at END_INDENT) bindent is used to
// indent it by the indicated amount.  They assume the output buffer is called
// "output".
#define BEGIN_INDENT(name, level) \
  charbuf *name##_saved = output; \
  int32_t name##_level = level; \
  CHARBUF_OPEN(name); \
  output = &name;

#define END_INDENT(name) \
  output = name##_saved; \
  bindent(output, &name, name##_level); \
  CHARBUF_CLOSE(name); \

The rest of the helpers manage the commas in the (nested) lists:

// These little helpers are for handling comma seperated lists where you may or may
// not need a comma in various places.  The local tracks if there is an item already
// present and you either get ",\n"  or just "\n" as needed.
#define BEGIN_LIST bool_t list_start = 1
#define CONTINUE_LIST bool_t list_start = 0
#define COMMA if (!list_start) bprintf(output, ",\n"); else list_start = 0
#define END_LIST if (!list_start) bprintf(output, "\n")

So reviewing this bit of code, * emit the attribute name and start the array “[” * we start indenting * we start a list * we emit a comma if needed * we emit the new misc attribute * this will crack the AST, and get the attribute name and value * this can recurse * cg_json_misc_attr is pretty simple and a good exercise for the reader * repeat for all attributes * end the list * end the indenting * emit the attribute end ”]”

Quoted Text

Most quoted text in the JSON output is either hard-coded constants, or else is a CQL identifier and therefore has no special characters. Those two cases are very simple and no escaping or special formatting is needed. We just emit the text with quotes around it. However, there are cases where general text that might have special characters in it needs to be emitted. When that happens a call like this is used:


cg_pretty_quote_plaintext has been discussed before when it was used to create SQL strings for the C output. This usage is similar. Here we’re using PRETTY_QUOTE_JSON to indicate that only escape sequences supported by JSON should appear in the output. The format for hexadecimal escape sequences for non-printable characters is different than C and some of the C short escapes are not supported (e.g. “” is not legal JSON). We always use PRETTY_QUOTE_SINGLE_LINE in the JSON output so that multi-line SQL is rendered as one line. Remember here we are are JSON-escaping the SQL so the embedded newlines in the original SQL were already converted to ‘' ’n’ (two characters) and therefore any newlines still in the string are those placed there by the line breaking of the SQL not by newlines in string literals. Hence those newlines are optional, any whitespace will do.

In any case, cg_pretty_quote_plaintext is just the function to do what we need and this output is only slightly different than what would be emitted for the C codegen.

Dependency Analysis

There are a number of places where dependencies have to be computed. To do this job, this function is used universally:

// For procedures and triggers we want to walk the statement list and emit a set
// of dependency entries that show what the code in question is using and how.
// We track tables that are used and if they appear in say the FROM clause
// (or some other read-context) or if they are the subject of an insert, update,
// or delete.  We also track the use of nested procedures and produce a list of
// procs the subject might call.  Of course no proc calls ever appear in triggers.
static void cg_json_dependencies(charbuf *output, ast_node *ast) {

In general this code walks any AST looking for a variety of patterns in the AST that correspond to use of tables, directly or indirectly. Actually more accurately, cg_json_dependencies uses find_table_refs to do the job, and it does so by:

This works for any kind of AST really, though typically you do this for procedures or triggers because they have an interesting body. But the analysis also makes sense for views because views can refer to other views and to tables.

The primary code looks like this:

  table_callbacks callbacks = {
      .callback_any_table = cg_found_table,
      .callback_any_view = cg_found_view,
      .callback_inserts = cg_found_insert,
      .callback_updates = cg_found_update,
      .callback_deletes = cg_found_delete,
      .callback_from = cg_found_from,
      .callback_proc = cg_found_proc,
      .callback_context = &context,
  find_table_refs(&callbacks, ast);

And an example callback:

// This is the callback function that tells us a view name was found in the body
// of the stored proc we are currently examining.  The void context information
// is how we remember which proc we were processing.   For each table we have
// a character buffer.  We look it up, create it if not present, and write into it.
// We also write into the buffer for the current proc which came in with the context.
static void cg_found_view(
  CSTR view_name,
  ast_node* table_ast,
  void* pvContext)
  json_context *context = (json_context *)pvContext;
  Contract(context->cookie == cookie_str);  // sanity check

  add_name_to_output(context->used_views, view_name);

The callback gets the pvContext back, which is the context local variable from cg_json_dependencies. This has all the buffers in it. All we have to do is add the name to the buffer, which is done as follows:

static void add_name_to_output(charbuf* output, CSTR table_name) {
  if (output->used > 1) {
    bprintf(output, ", ");
  bprintf(output, "\"%s\"", table_name);

NOTE: The added name of course doesn’t have to be a table name, but it usually is.

So we can see that find_table_refs will tell us the kind of thing it found and the name of the thing.

When all this is done each kind of dependency is emitted if it exists, like so:

  if (used_views.used > 1) {
    bprintf(output, ",\n\"usesViews\" : [ %s ]", used_views.ptr);

This gives us a quoted list of the dependencies. Now, how do we find these?

Walking the AST for Dependencies

find_table_refs is a fairly simple tree walk that looks for certain key patterns actually the tree walk happens in find_table_node which looks for tables and procedure calls in the nested AST.

find_table_refs records the callbacks that were specified, and it makes some symbol tables so that the same table/view/procedure is not reported twice. After that it starts walking the AST recursively looking for the patterns. Here’s an example:

// Recursively finds table nodes, executing the callback for each that is found.  The
// callback will not be executed more than once for the same table name.
static void find_table_node(table_callbacks *callbacks, ast_node *node) {
  // Check the type of node so that we can find the direct references to tables. We
  // can't know the difference between a table or view in the ast, so we will need to
  // later find the definition to see if it points to a create_table_stmt to distinguish
  // from views.

  find_ast_str_node_callback alt_callback = NULL;
  symtab *alt_visited = NULL;
  ast_node *table_or_view_name_ast = NULL;

  else if (is_ast_delete_stmt(node)) {
    EXTRACT_ANY_NOTNULL(name_ast, node->left);
    table_or_view_name_ast = name_ast;
    alt_callback = callbacks->callback_deletes;
    alt_visited = callbacks->visited_delete;



The code afterward will do these steps:

Almost all the other operations work similarly: * table_or_view_name_ast is set * alt_callback is called but only if * alt_visited doesn’t already have the symbol

The exception to the above is the processing that’s done for procedure calls. We’ve actually only talked about table dependencies so far but, additionally, any procedure includes dependencies on the procedures it calls.

If a procedure call is found then callbacks->callback_proc is used and callbacks->visited_proc verifies that there are no duplicates. So much the same except the names are procedure names.

Note that the code does not do transitive closure of procedure calls because in general the called procedure is likely in a different translation unit. However with the direct calls in place it is easy enough to do transitive closure from the JSON if you do have all the procedures in one unit or if you have several JSON results from different compilations.

However, when a view is encountered, the code does follow into the view body and recursively reports what the view uses. This means that the reported tables do include any tables that were used indirectly via views.

Finally, any CTEs that are used will not be reported because find_table_or_view_even_deleted will fail for a CTE. However the body of the CTE is processed so while the CTE name does not appear, what the CTE uses does appear, just like any other table usage.

Additional Test Output

The extra test output is simply a reverse index: a mapping that goes from any table to the procedures that depend on that table.

The mapping can easily be created by processing the JSON for procedures, each such procedure includes its dependency information. As a result it’s only used for additional validation.


The JSON output produced by cg_json_schema.c is similar to other codegen output but lacks most of the complexities. It deals largely with the declared schema and the declared procedures and their parameters. Most of the output it needs to produce is well supported by the normal text emission features in the compiler and so we end up with a very straightforward walk of the AST, visiting each of the relevant kinds of nodes in order.

Topics covered included:

As with the other parts, no attempt was made to cover every function in detail. That is best done by reading the source code. But there is overall structure here and an understanding of the basic principles is helpful before diving into the source code.

Part 8: Test Helpers


Part 8 continues with a discussion of the Test Helper generation code. As in the previous sections, the goal here is not to go over every detail but rather to give a sense of how helpers are created in general – the core strategies and implementation choices – so that when reading the source you will have an idea how it all hangs together.

Test Helpers

The testability features are described in Chapter 12 of the Guide So, we won’t be discussing all the details of what can be created. Instead we’re going to go over the theory of how the generator works. This generator is somewhat different than others in that it only concerns itself with procedures and only those that have been suitably annotated – there are large parts of the tree that are of no interest to the test helper logic, including, importantly the body of procedures. Only the signature matters. As we’ll see there is a fairly large family of generators that are like this.

We’ll have one section for every kind of output, but really only the dummy_test helper is worthy of detailed discussion the others, as we’ll see, are very simple.


The generator is wired like the others with a suitable main, this one is pretty simple:

// Main entry point for test_helpers
cql_noexport void cg_test_helpers_main(ast_node *head) {
  Contract(options.file_names_count == 1);


  cg_th_output = &output_buf;

  bprintf(cg_th_output, "%s", rt->source_prefix);
  cql_write_file(options.file_names[0], cg_th_output->ptr);


The text output will be ultimately put into output_buf defined here and helper_flags will track which kinds of helpers we saw. This helps us to emit the right sections of output as we’ll see.

The code iterates the AST looking at the top level statement list only and in particular looking for CREATE PROC statements.

// Iterate through statement list
static void cg_test_helpers_stmt_list(ast_node *head) {
  cg_th_procs = &procs_buf;
  cg_th_decls = &decls_buf;

  for (ast_node *ast = head; ast; ast = ast->right) {
    EXTRACT_STMT_AND_MISC_ATTRS(stmt, misc_attrs, ast);

    if (is_ast_create_proc_stmt(stmt)) {
      EXTRACT_STRING(proc_name, stmt->left);
      cg_test_helpers_create_proc_stmt(stmt, misc_attrs);

  bprintf(cg_th_output, "%s", decls_buf.ptr);
  bprintf(cg_th_output, "\n");
  bprintf(cg_th_output, "%s", procs_buf.ptr);

  all_tables_with_triggers = NULL;
  all_tables_with_indexes = NULL;

There are some preliminaries:

To do this we have to walk any misc attributes on the procedure we’re looking for things of the form @attribute(cql:autotest=xxx)

static void cg_test_helpers_create_proc_stmt(ast_node *stmt, ast_node *misc_attrs) {

  if (misc_attrs) {
    helper_flags = 0;
    dummy_test_infos = symtab_new();

    find_misc_attrs(misc_attrs, test_helpers_find_ast_misc_attr_callback, stmt);

    dummy_test_infos = NULL;

find_misc_attrs calls test_helpers_find_ast_misc_attr_callback. We’re going to keep track of which kinds of helpers we have found to help us with the output. This is where helper_flags comes in. The flags are:

#define DUMMY_TABLE           1 // dummy_table attribute flag
#define DUMMY_INSERT          2 // dummy_insert attribute flag
#define DUMMY_SELECT          4 // dummy_select attribute flag
#define DUMMY_RESULT_SET      8 // dummy_result_set attribute flag
#define DUMMY_TEST         0x10 // dummy_test attribute flag

And now we’re ready for actual dispatch:

// This is invoked for every misc attribute on every create proc statement
// in this translation unit.  We're looking for attributes of the form cql:autotest=(...)
// and we ignore anything else.
static void test_helpers_find_ast_misc_attr_callback(
  CSTR _Nullable misc_attr_prefix,
  CSTR _Nonnull misc_attr_name,
  ast_node *_Nullable ast_misc_attr_value_list,
  void *_Nullable context)
  ast_node *stmt = (ast_node *)context;

  if (misc_attr_prefix &&
      misc_attr_name &&
      !Strcasecmp(misc_attr_prefix, "cql") &&
      !Strcasecmp(misc_attr_name, "autotest")) {

The main dispatch looks like this:

// In principle, any option can be combined with any other but some only make sense for procs with
// a result.

EXTRACT_STRING(autotest_attr_name, misc_attr_value);
if (is_autotest_dummy_test(autotest_attr_name)) {

// these options are only for procs that return a result set
if (has_result_set(stmt) || has_out_stmt_result(stmt) || has_out_union_stmt_result(stmt)) {
  if (is_autotest_dummy_table(autotest_attr_name)) {
    helper_flags |= DUMMY_TABLE;
  else if (is_autotest_dummy_insert(autotest_attr_name)) {
    helper_flags |= DUMMY_INSERT;
  else if (is_autotest_dummy_select(autotest_attr_name)) {
    helper_flags |= DUMMY_SELECT;
  else if (is_autotest_dummy_result_set(autotest_attr_name)) {
    helper_flags |= DUMMY_RESULT_SET;

Most of these options are very simple indeed. cg_test_helpers_dummy_test is the trickiest by far and we’ll save it for last, let’s dispense with the easy stuff.

Dummy Table, Dummy Insert, Dummy Select, Dummy Result Set

All of these are a very simple template. The language includes just the right features to emit these procedures as nearly constant strings. The LIKE construct was literally designed to make these patterns super simple. You can see all the patterns in Chapter 12 but let’s look at the code for the first one. This is “dummy table”.

// Emit an open proc which creates a temp table in the form of the original proc
// Emit a close proc which drops the temp table
static void cg_test_helpers_dummy_table(CSTR name) {
  bprintf(cg_th_procs, "\n");
  bprintf(cg_th_procs, "CREATE PROC open_%s()\n", name);
  bprintf(cg_th_procs, "BEGIN\n");
  bprintf(cg_th_procs, "  CREATE TEMP TABLE test_%s(LIKE %s);\n", name, name);
  bprintf(cg_th_procs, "END;\n");

  bprintf(cg_th_procs, "\n");
  bprintf(cg_th_procs, "CREATE PROC close_%s()\n", name);
  bprintf(cg_th_procs, "BEGIN\n");
  bprintf(cg_th_procs, "  DROP TABLE test_%s;\n", name);
  bprintf(cg_th_procs, "END;\n");

The purpose of this is to create helper functions that can create a temporary table with the same columns in it as the procedure you are trying to mock. You can then select rows out of that table (with dummy_select) or insert rows into the table (with dummy_insert). Or you can make a single row result set (often enough) with dummy_result_set.

As we can see we simply prepend open_ to the procedure name and use that to create a test helper that make the temporary table. The table’s columns are defined to be LIKE the result shape of the procedure under test. Recall this helper is only available to procedures that return a result set. The temporary table gets a test_ prefix. Assuming the procedure with the annotation is foo then this code is universal:


Is universal, no matter the result shape of foo you get a table with those columns.

For this to work we need to emit a declaration of foo before this code. However, since we have the full definition of foo handy that is no problem. We remember that we’ll need it by setting a flag in helper_flags.

The code for close_foo is even simpler if that’s possible. The great thing is all need to know the columns of foo has been removed from the test helper. The CQL compiler handles this as a matter of course and it is generally useful. See Chapter 5 for more examples.

All the others are equally simple and use similar tricks. These were the first test helpers. They’re actually not that popular because they are so easy to create yourself anyway.

Dummy Test

The dummy test code emitter is non-trivial. Let’s quickly review the things it has to do and then we can go over how each of these is accomplished. Assuming we have an procedure your_proc that has been annotated like this:

create proc your_proc(..args...)
  -- assorted references to tables and views

Dummy test will produce the following:

These are more fully discussed in Chapter 12.

Building the Trigger and Index mappings

In order to know which indices and triggers we might need we have to be able to map from the tables/views in your_proc to the indices. To set up for this a general purpose reverse mapping is created. We’ll look at the triggers version. The indices version is nearly identical.

// Walk through all triggers and create a dictionnary of triggers per tables.
static void init_all_trigger_per_table() {
  Contract(all_tables_with_triggers == NULL);
  all_tables_with_triggers = symtab_new();

  for (list_item *item = all_triggers_list; item; item = item->next) {
    EXTRACT_NOTNULL(create_trigger_stmt, item->ast);
    EXTRACT_NOTNULL(trigger_body_vers, create_trigger_stmt->right);
    EXTRACT_NOTNULL(trigger_def, trigger_body_vers->left);
    EXTRACT_NOTNULL(trigger_condition, trigger_def->right);
    EXTRACT_NOTNULL(trigger_op_target, trigger_condition->right);
    EXTRACT_NOTNULL(trigger_target_action, trigger_op_target->right);
    EXTRACT_ANY_NOTNULL(table_name_ast, trigger_target_action->left);
    EXTRACT_STRING(table_name, table_name_ast);

    if (create_trigger_stmt->sem->delete_version > 0) {
      // dummy_test should not emit deleted trigger

    symtab_append_bytes(all_tables_with_triggers, table_name, &create_trigger_stmt, sizeof(create_trigger_stmt));

The steps are pretty simple:

At the end of this looking up the table name will give you a list of trigger statement AST pointers. From there of course you can get everything you need.

The index version is basically the same, the details of the EXTRACT ops to go from index to table name are different and of course we start from the all_indices_list

Computing The Dependencies of a Procedure

Sticking with our particular example, in order to determine that tables/views that your_proc might need, the generator has to walk its entire body looking for things that are tables. This is handled by the find_all_table_nodes function.

static void find_all_table_nodes(dummy_test_info *info, ast_node *node) {
  table_callbacks callbacks = {
    .callback_any_table = found_table_or_view,
    .callback_any_view = found_table_or_view,
    .callback_context = info,
    .notify_table_or_view_drops = true,
    .notify_fk = true,
    .notify_triggers = true,

  info->callbacks  = &callbacks;
  find_table_refs(&callbacks, node);

  // stitch the views to the tables to make one list, views first
  for (list_item *item = info->found_views; item; item = item->next) {
     if (!item->next) {
       item->next = info->found_tables;
       info->found_tables = info->found_views;
  // this shouldn't be used after it's been linked in
  info->found_views = NULL;

This code uses the general dependency walker in cg_common.c to visit all tables and views. It is a recursive walk and the general steps for prosecution go something like this:

The net of all this, the “found items”, is a list of all the tables and views that the procedure uses, directly or indirectly. As discussed in Chapter12 this walk does not include tables and views used by procedures that your_proc calls.

To get the dependencies in the correct order, the tables have been walked following the foreign key chain and all views go after all tables. The views are stitched together. The business of diving into views/tables/triggers and maintainence of the found items is done by the callback function found_table_or_view. The actual source is more descriptive comments than code but the code is included here as it is brief.

// comments elided for brevity, the why of all this is described in the code
static void found_table_or_view(
  CSTR _Nonnull table_or_view_name,
  ast_node *_Nonnull table_or_view,
  void *_Nullable context)

  dummy_test_info *info = (dummy_test_info *)context;

  bool deleted = table_or_view->sem->delete_version > 0;
  if (!deleted) {
    continue_find_table_node(info->callbacks, table_or_view);

    if (is_ast_create_view_stmt(table_or_view)) {
      add_item_to_list(&info->found_views, table_or_view);
    else {
      add_item_to_list(&info->found_tables, table_or_view);

    find_all_triggers_node(info, table_or_view_name);

The general purpose walker notifies exactly once on each visited table/view and continue_find_table_node is used to dive into the bodies of views/tables that would otherwise not be searched. Likewise find_all_triggers_node dives into the body of any triggers that are on the found item.

Emitting Indices and Triggers

With the “found tables” computed (creatively stored in a field called found_tables) it’s very easy to loop over these and generate the necessary indices for each found table (keeping in mind the “found table” can be a view).

The create index statement is emitted by the usual gen_statement_with_callbacks form that echos the AST.

The drop index can be trivially created by name.

// Emit create and drop index statement for all indexes on a table.
static void cg_emit_index_stmt(
  CSTR table_name,
  charbuf *gen_create_indexes,
  charbuf *gen_drop_indexes,
  gen_sql_callbacks *callback)
  symtab_entry *indexes_entry = symtab_find(all_tables_with_indexes, table_name);
  bytebuf *buf = indexes_entry ? (bytebuf *)indexes_entry->val : NULL;
  ast_node **indexes_ast = buf ? (ast_node **)buf->ptr : NULL;
  int32_t count = buf ? buf->used / sizeof(*indexes_ast) : 0;

  for (uint32_t i = 0; i < count; i++) {
    ast_node *index_ast = indexes_ast[i];
    EXTRACT_NOTNULL(create_index_stmt, index_ast);
    EXTRACT_NOTNULL(create_index_on_list, create_index_stmt->left);
    EXTRACT_ANY_NOTNULL(index_name_ast, create_index_on_list->left);
    EXTRACT_STRING(index_name, index_name_ast);

    gen_statement_with_callbacks(index_ast, callback);
    bprintf(gen_create_indexes, ";\n");
    bprintf(gen_drop_indexes, "DROP INDEX IF EXISTS %s;\n", index_name);

Triggers are done in exactly the same way except that instead of looping over found tables we can actually generate them as they are discovered inside of find_all_triggers_node. Recal that we had to visit the triggers when computing the found tables anyway. We did not have to visit the indices hence the difference.

These walks allow us to produce: test_your_proc_create_indexes, test_your_proc_drop_indexes, test_your_proc_create_triggers, test_your_proc_drop_triggers

Emitting Tables and Views

Starting from the found tables, again it is very easy to generate the code to create and drop the tables and views. The only trick here is that the tables depend on one another so order is important. The tables are discovered with the deepest dependency first, new found items are added to the head of the found tables but it’s a post-order walk so that means that the deepest tables/views are at the front of the list. This means the list is naturally in the order that it needs to be to delete the tables (parent tables at the end). So the algorithm goes like this:

As in the other cases gen_statement_with_callbacks is used to create the DDL statements: * CREATE TABLE * CREATE VIEW * CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE

The delete side is easily created with ad hoc DROP TABLE or DROP VIEW statements.

The reading procedure is always of the form SELECT * FROM foo so that too is trivial to generate with a fixed template. The “echoing” system once again is doing a lot of the heavy lifting.

These walks give us test_your_proc_create_tables, test_your_proc_drop_tables, and test_your_proc_read_[item] and drive the population process

Gathering Ad Hoc Data To Be Inserted

Before we get into the mechanics of the population code, we have to visit one more area. It’s possible to include data in the the dummy_test annotaiton itself. This is data that you want to have populated. This data will be included in the overall data populator. If there is enough of it (at least 2 rows per candidate table) then it might be all the data you get. Now the data format here is not designed to be fully general, after all it’s not that hard to just write INSERT ... VALUES for all your tables anyway. The goal is to provide something that will help you not have to remember all the FK relationships and maybe let you economically specify some leaf data you need and get the rest for free. It’s also possible to manually create dummy data that just won’t work, again, scrubbing all this is way beyond the ability of a simple test helper. When the code runs you’ll get SQLite errors which can be readily addressed.

So keeping in mind this sort of “entry level data support” as the goal, we can take a look at how the system works – it’s all in the function collect_dummy_test_info which includes this helpful comment on structure.

// the data attribute looks kind of like this:
// @attribute(cql:autotest = (
//   .. other auto test attributes
//   (dummy_test,
//     (table_name1, (col1, col2), (col1_val1, col2_val1), (col1_val2, col2_val2) ),
//     (table_name2, (col1, col2), (col1_val1, col2_val1), (col1_val2, col2_val2) ),
//     ...
//   )
//   .. other auto test attributes
// ))
// we're concerned with the dummy_test entries here, they have a very specific format
// i.e. first the table then the column names, and then a list of matching columns and values

So we’re going to walk a list of attributes each one begins with a table name, then a list of columns, and then a list of values.

All of the data is in the symbol table dummy_test_infos which is indexed by table name. For each table name we find we ensure there is a symbol table at that slot. So dummy_test_infos is a symbol table of symbol tables. It’s actually going to be something like value_list = dummy_test_infos['table']['column']

  // collect table name from dummy_test info
  ast_node *table_list = dummy_attr->left;
  EXTRACT_STRING(table_name, table_list->left);
  symtab *col_syms = symtab_ensure_symtab(dummy_test_infos, table_name);

Next we’re going to find the column names, they are the next entry in the list so we go right to get the column_name_list

// collect column names from dummy_test info
ast_node *column_name_list = table_list->right;
for (ast_node *list = column_name_list->left; list; list = list->right) {
  EXTRACT_STRING(column_name, list->left);
  sem_t col_type = find_column_type(table_name, column_name);

  bytebuf *column_values = symtab_ensure_bytebuf(col_syms, column_name);

  // store the column meta data, create space to hold values in databuf
  bytebuf_append_var(&col_data_buf, column_values);
  bytebuf_append_var(&col_type_buf, col_type);
  bytebuf_append_var(&col_name_buf, column_name);

The primary purpose of this part of the loop is then to add the column names to col_syms so that they are linked to the dummy info for this table. The line bytebuf *column_values = symtab_ensure_bytebuf(col_syms, column_name); does this. And this also creates the byte buffer that will hold the eventual values.

We also keep a side set of buffers that has the column name, type, and the values in the col_name, col_type, and col_data buffers respectively. These are used to handle the foreign key work shortly and they allow us to not have to look up all the names over and over.

// collect column value from dummy_test info. We can have multiple rows of column value
for (ast_node *values_ast = column_name_list->right;
     values_ast = values_ast->right) {

  int32_t column_index = 0;

  // collect one row of column value
  for (ast_node *list = values_ast->left; list; list = list->right) {
    ast_node *misc_attr_value = list->left;
    bytebuf *column_values = ((bytebuf **) col_data_buf.ptr)[column_index];
    sem_t column_type = ((sem_t *) col_type_buf.ptr)[column_index];
    CSTR column_name = ((CSTR *) col_name_buf.ptr)[column_index];

    bytebuf_append_var(column_values, misc_attr_value);

    ...foreign key stuff goes here...
  .. some cleanup

The most important part is bytebuf_append_var(column_values, misc_attr_value); this is where the attribute value is added to the list of values that are on the column.

Finally, the “foreign key stuff”. What we need to do here is check the column name in the table to see if it’s part of a foreign key and if it is we recursively add the current data value to the referenced column in the reference table. That way if you add an initalizer to a leaf table you don’t also have to add it to all the parent tables. If it wasn’t for this feature the manual data wouldn’t be very useful at all, hand written INSERT statements would be just as good.

// If a column value is added to dummy_test info for a foreign key column then
// we need to make sure that same column value is also added as a value in the
// the referenced table's dummy_test info.
// e.g.
//   create table A(id integer primary key);
//   create table B(id integer primary key references A(id));
// If there is sample data provided for B.id then we must also ensure that
// the value provided for B.id is also add as a sample row in A with the same
// value for id.
if (is_foreign_key(column_type)) {
  add_value_to_referenced_table(table_name, column_name, column_type, misc_attr_value);

When this is a done all of the initializers will have been added to the appropriate column of the appropriate table. Again the overall structure is something like: value_list = dummy_test_infos['table']['column']

Emitting the Table Population Fragments

With any custom initalizers in the dummy_test_infos structure we can do the population fragment for any given table.

The general algorithm here goes like this:

This is enough to generate a set of insert statements for the table in question and since the fragments are generated in the table creation order the resulting insert statements will have the parent tables first so the foreign keys of later tables will be correct.

This can go wrong if the manual initializations use keys that conflict with the default generation or if the manual intializations have PK conflicts or other such things. No attempt is made to sort that out. The run time errors should be clear and these are, after all, only test helpers. It’s very easy to avoid these hazards and you get a pretty clear error message if you don’t so that seems good enough.

These fragments are ultimately combined to make the body of the procedure test_your_proc_populate_tables.


The test helpers in cg_test_helpers.c are very simple nearly-constant templates with the exception of dummy_test which includes:

Topics covered included:

As with the other parts, no attempt was made to cover every function in detail. That is best done by reading the source code. But there is overall structure here and an understanding of the basic principles is helpful before diving into the source code.